The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 329 Studying the Way of the Wheel and the Way of Curse

With a thought in Shi Lei's heart, he unfolded his double pupil bloodline and used his double pupil to observe Shi Hao's changes.

There was a white mist between Shi Hao's mouth and nose, like a dense fairy air, accompanied by a peaceful glow, constantly flowing in and out as he breathed.

Ermeng, Pihou, Huzi and others were almost crying with joy. After waiting for a long time, were they really going to see a miracle?
Shi Hao's body is not rotten, and his complexion is rosy. He is not as pale and bloodless as he was when he was dying more than a year ago. Now he has a strong sense of vitality.

In particular, light flows through various parts of his body from time to time, emitting fluctuations of divine power.

One moment, half of the body turns into golden yellow, another moment turns into jet black, and after a while, it turns into purple gold again... constantly changing.

"What's going on? I feel a majestic force. It's divine power surging. Is this a transformation?" Da Zhuang said.

In fact, everyone is looking forward to it, hoping that the person in the coffin will wake up immediately.

Maoqiu and Xiaohong were naturally alarmed. They arrived immediately. After careful observation, they were also frightened. It was certain that Shi Hao had life in his body and was about to revive!
This is a miracle. After sleeping for more than a year, it is possible for him to come back to life!

The incorruptible grass kept his body incorruptible and prevented further deterioration, but he still had to rely on himself to truly survive.

Maybe Wu Seque had done something else, but his experience of the reincarnation of life and death and his will to survive must have played the most critical role.

"The wound on Xiaohao's body is still there and has not been closed." Sniffle Baby said.

There are still many blood stains on Shi Hao's body, which have not disappeared, but some luster can be seen flowing, slowly moisturizing those places.

"Because the grass does not rot, its physical body remains unchanged. It is only now showing signs of life. It will take time to truly heal." Mao Qiu said.

In the next few days, the earthen tomb cracked open, and the white roots on the coffin completely fell off. Shi Hao's body overflowed with wisps of light, and the clouds were steaming and glowing.

"The medicine he took still had some effect." Xiao Hong sighed.

Before, when Shi Hao was dying, both Shi Guo and Shi Cun took out the top-notch medicine and asked him to take it to extend his life.

At that time, it did not have much effect, but it was still effective. Infinite vitality was injected into his body and stored.

Holy medicine, divine wine, the fountain of youth, a futon made of Kunmu branches, silver peaches, the golden liquid of the sun tree... which one is not a rare treasure? Infinitely valuable!
So many things put together are an unimaginably huge source of vitality!

All of these are present in his flesh and blood, and they have played a great role in nourishing his body during this year and fighting against the green and patina runes.

At the very least, he won't dry up. With such a strong life essence stored in his body, he doesn't have to worry about depleting himself. His energy is very abundant.

"Subtlely, these divine substances are sorting out his muscles, veins, and flesh, which has a huge effect!" Mao Qiu sighed.

"He experienced life and death, realized reincarnation, revived his own runes, fought against the power of the curse, and gradually gained the upper hand. This is fundamental!" Xiao Hong said.

Shi Lei remained silent, just increasing the divine light of his double pupils, trying to see Shi Hao's every change.

"Hey, you've gone too far! You actually detected Shi Hao's secret of reincarnation!" Xiao Hong said with some dissatisfaction.

It has always disliked Shi Lei.

"You know nothing about my relationship with Shi Hao!" Shi Lei said lightly.

Shi Hao is a person who values ​​emotions. He has lived with Shi Hao since he was a child, teaching each other treasures and exercises, and exchanging Kunpeng treasures and Xuanwu treasures. Is this a friendship that ordinary people can have?
"Hmph, I think you are just coaxing Shi Hao and deceiving his feelings."

"No, you are wrong. I have always been sincere to my own people." Shi Lei corrected him.

"You still have the nerve to say, when Huo Ling'er goes to the upper world, why don't you go see her off?" Xiao Hong glared at Shi Lei. turns out that this is what Xiaohong is angry about!

"The problem is that I didn't receive the notification!" Shi Lei was also helpless. He really didn't receive the notification.

"You still want to blame Huo Ling'er? It's your problem, okay? She wanted to notify you, but she couldn't contact you! You have banned Shicun thousands of miles away."

"Okay~ It's really my fault." Shi Lei admitted his mistake.

For safety's sake, after Shi Hao was buried, he arranged a formation to shield Shi Cun and its vicinity.

Unless someone from Shicun comes to help, we can't find this place.

The main body of Yue Chan comes directly through the secondary body of Yue Chan.

"By the way, Xiaohong, can you find this place? Why didn't you inform me?" Shi Lei looked at Xiaohong with a puzzled expression.

" your fault anyway."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. When I go to the upper realm, I will go find Huo Ling'er." Shi Lei saw that Xiao Hong was hiding something, but now was not the time to ask further questions, because Shi Hao had made new changes separately. .


There was a loud earthquake, Ruixia rushed up, and the earthen tomb was opened, revealing the coffin.

Shi Lei intensified his divine light and looked at it carefully.

The villagers could see more clearly. Divine light was flowing in Shi Hao's body, his flesh and blood were vigorous and vital, his breathing was steady, and the white mist between his mouth and nose was like fairy energy!

There is no doubt that it is the innate origin.

Shi Hao was lying there calmly, and there was a fluctuation in his body. His chest began to rise and fall, and then a thumping sound came, which was surprising.

Even Maoqiu and Xiaohong were moved. At this time, his heart began to beat, strong and powerful, like a drum being beaten.

In an instant, a layer of mysterious light flowed out of Shi Hao's body, making his flesh and blood crystal clear and brilliant, as if they were made of immortal gold, gushing out auras of light.

"Boom", "Boom"...

The sound of the beating heart became more powerful and dull, like thunder roaring from the sky, which was a bit scary.

"It's so scary. Uncle Hao's heartbeat is so strong that we can't stand still." Some children backed away, their faces a little pale, because they were shocked.

This is really amazing. Such a heartbeat indicates that his powerful blood energy is reviving, just like a prehistoric beast awakening.

Shi Hao's chest was glowing, especially his heart, like a fiery red furnace, shining with brilliant crimson clouds, and his energy was rolling and surging.

"There are still gaps between the broken bones and they have not grown properly, but this is not a problem. Once they are revived, they will all grow back."

"The most troublesome thing is that the Supreme Bone is indeed lost."

Maoqiu talked with Xiaohong and admired Shi Hao's physical body. It was absolutely powerful, but it was a pity that the bone was missing.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's clear that the concept of reincarnation appeared just now. I think even if I lose that bone, it's not a big deal."

"Hey, what do you think that is?!"

Maoqiu was surprised. He pointed at some of Shi Hao's bones and looked at them with his double pupils. Naturally, he could see through them.

In the battle that year, Shi Hao was torn into pieces and all the bones in his body were broken. Now there are still cracks and they have never healed.

Maoqiu discovered that in those bone seams, there was luster flowing, nourishing the broken bones.

"It's Supreme Blood!" Xiao Hong said in shock.

As soon as such words came out, the villagers were shocked. They all concentrated, observed carefully, and cared very much.
Shi Hao lost his Supreme Bone and thus created a strong young man with two immortal bones, which has now shaken the upper world and made the villagers feel very uncomfortable.

Now that I heard that Shi Hao still had Supreme Blood in his body, many people suddenly felt hopeful and excited.

This blood is very special. It has an extremely crystal luster. It is as bright red as red clouds. It flows in the bones and nourishes the broken bones, making them whiter and more crystal clear.

Not only that, the blood also entered his flesh and blood, flowing into the scars and constantly reshaping them.

"This is..." Even the fur ball's eyes widened. This is the supreme blood. It is actually flowing all over the body!

What happened, how could this change happen?

The villagers were all shocked. What consequences would this bring? Their hearts were pounding.

Shi Lei raised his eyebrows, he was worthy of being the Emperor of Desolate Heaven. Others' Supreme Blood was only around the Supreme Bones, but he had Supreme Blood all over his body.

"This kid really dares to mess around. Did he do it intentionally or did he do it unintentionally?" Xiao Hong felt a little dry and felt incredible.

It is really bold to nourish all the bones and flesh with the Supreme Blood as bright as morning glow and guide it to every part of the body. It may destroy oneself, or it may be a great blessing.

"Something's not good!" Furball frowned, because it saw that the green and patina-like runes were still there and had not been completely erased.

The "elder" in the Immortal Palace was so powerful that it was difficult to find an opponent in the world. How could the curse runes he carved be so easy to eliminate, especially after Shi Hao self-destructed the Supreme Bone, it was even more difficult.

"It should be possible to remove the curse, but the price is too high." Xiao Hong sighed, finally figuring out what happened this year.

Shi Hao's supreme blood is constantly burning. Although there is not much left, it has been fighting against this curse, trying to wash it clean and remove it completely.

"This blood has dried up and been rejuvenated. It has fought against the curse and cut it off continuously. Now there is not much green patina left!"

It can be seen that the bright red Supreme Blood seems to be burning, rushing into every inch of flesh and bones, constantly washing away, baptizing Shi Hao's body.

Shi Lei's expression changed. While the Supreme Blood was refining the green patina, he actually discovered some of the secrets of the green patina.

Maoqiu frowned and said: "But this consumes too much. It would be okay if he was in peak condition, but after all, he lost that bone. If it weren't for the accumulated essence of the Fountain of Youth, Kunpeng Wine, Golden Liquid, etc. in his body, he would probably have died early. It dried up."

"This...if the curse is completely removed, will the Supreme Blood be left?" Xiao Hong wondered.

"Success is also a curse, failure is also a curse, good fortune and danger coexist." Maoqiu sighed.

It is precisely because the green patina runes are all over Shi Hao's body that the supreme blood flows like this, rushing into every inch of his body, baptizing it, and cutting off this curse.

The broken bones, scars, etc. are the focus of flushing.

"Yes, that's it. If the runes of the Immortal Palace were not densely covered in his body, it would be very difficult to guide the Supreme blood to flow throughout his body."

The human body is the most mysterious. If you flush it with the Supreme Blood in this way, problems may arise.

Now, those runes are like beacons, shining brightly, attracting the Supreme Blood to go there, to extinguish them and replace them.

In this process, Shi Hao's physical body gradually adapted and slowly withstood it. This is the foundation and a blessing.

"Don't wait until the green and patina runes are washed away and the blood dries up. Then you will be in big trouble and the gain will not be worth the loss."

"It doesn't matter. Back then, Shi Hao's bones were dug out, and even his supreme blood was drained. But in the end, the true blood was regenerated and nourished a second bone, and the runes became more prosperous. I'm really looking forward to it, if When the supreme blood is exhausted, what kind of mysterious runes will appear when the true blood reappears? It may shock the past and present!"

"It would be unimaginable if we could evolve again!" Maoqiu and Xiaohong were looking forward to it, and they were a little excited just by talking like this. They know that the most important thing is the Supreme Blood. As long as it is still there, it can nourish their bodies and regenerate everything.

And this time, this blood will nourish the bones and flesh all over Shi Hao's body.

After hearing this, the villagers all became excited and their emotions fluctuated very violently. They looked forward to Shi Hao's resurrection and becoming more powerful.

For several days in a row, there was a mist of rosy light lingering under the earthen tomb. The light became more and more brilliant, and the auspicious energy continued to steam up, just like a fairy tomb.

Shi Hao was constantly changing, and his body's life energy was getting stronger and stronger. He only had to sit up, otherwise all his life characteristics would have been almost restored.

All kinds of luster flows on its body, which is extremely bright.

Sometimes the limbs turn into gold, and sometimes the heart turns into a divine furnace, red and dazzling, with all kinds of rays of light coming out of the body, and the flesh and blood are translucent, like a glass magic lamp.

"Don't worry, this shows that his physical body is strong, reshaping and setting bones. This is developing for the better. Some of the magic medicine essence accumulated in his body slowly dissolves and baptizes his whole body." Mao Qiu explained.

People just guarded it and refused to leave.

Everyone knows that when the green and patina-like runes are truly erased, Shi Hao will revive and truly come to life!

A few days later, a blazing light rose up, like a sun erupting from the depths of the earth. With a bang, the tomb collapsed and disappeared completely.

At the same time, the coffin was torn apart, and Shi Hao suddenly opened his eyes!
That gaze was blazing, like the sun exploding, shooting out an astonishing ray of light, rushing up to the sky, and the beam of light was like substance, condensed and formed!
At the same time, the entire coffin was shattered in the rays of light and turned into flying ash. The silver roots shrank and many incorruptible grasses withered. .
A powerful aura emitted, and the blood of Shi Hao's body surged, overflowing from every inch of the crystal skin, gurgling like a long river rushing towards the sky.

Many children screamed and sat down on the ground. Even Er Meng, Pi Hou and others turned pale, while several strong men such as Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao were also frightened and involuntarily stepped back.

Under the earthen tomb, the fluctuation was too violent, like a prehistoric ferocious beast resurrected, exuding the power of splitting the sky, shaking all directions, and the whole low mountain rumbled and shook.


It can be seen that huge cracks appear one after another, spreading on the mountain, with the earthen grave as the center, rushing in all directions, and the entire low mountain is about to disintegrate.

The auspicious light there was surging, like a sun in the sky hidden underground. At this moment, it rose up. The holy light surged, rising and falling like a river and sea, and rushed forward.

"Child!" the old patriarch shouted, trembling with excitement. He stretched out his hand into the void, wanting to touch the young man's face.

For more than a year, I woke up from my dreams many times and saw the child holding a small earthen pot, taking a mouthful of animal milk, and staggering towards him. I also saw him grow up, with flying black hair, and look proud of the world.

The old patriarch's eyes were blurred, with tears in his eyes. He never thought that he would see Shi Hao appear and return alive.

"Be careful, he hasn't fully awakened yet, don't get too close." Maoqiu said.

It and Xiaohong held up a curtain of light, blocking the fierce divine brilliance in front and the monstrous fluctuations. Otherwise, the villagers would not be able to bear it and would be blown away.

Even the two of them were surprised. Shi Hao's blood was like the sea, getting richer and richer, and his body was stronger and more terrifying than before. This disaster was a hard training for him.

Break the bones of the whole body, cut open the flesh and blood, and reshape it. After being impacted and eroded by the green and patina runes, and then washed by the supreme blood, it becomes more tenacious and full of vitality.

Finally, the brilliance subsided, and the divine light in his eyes disappeared, turning from sharp and sharp to dull, with extremely deep eyes.

Maoqiu and Xiaohong let out a sigh of relief. There should be no surprises, right?
"Xiao Hao!"

The villagers shouted, and many people rushed forward. They had been waiting for this moment for too long, and they had been waiting and eagerly hoping that he would come back to life.

"Hey, that's not right." Shi Linhu was startled, staggered, and almost fell to the ground in a daze.

Others were also shocked, just for a moment, as if they had experienced a hundred lifetimes, as if they were stepping into the past life and the future, confused and unable to extricate themselves.

"Back off!"

Maoqiu and Xiaohong were surprised. There was no energy fluctuation in the ancient tomb. It was really amazing that it still had such power. They hurriedly took action, emitting a peaceful light, wrapping all the villagers, and led them back out, watching from a distance.

Under the earthen grave, Shi Hao lay quietly, his eyes were deep and his breathing was steady, but he did not stand up.

"Child, what's wrong with you? Don't scare us!" The old patriarch was anxious. He had reached a critical moment and it was best not to have any accidents.

"Who am I?" Shi Hao's deep eyes were full of life, and he gradually recovered, as if waking up from a big dream, his fingers trembled again and again.

When everyone heard this, their hearts trembled and they were extremely nervous. He... what was going on? Was there a big problem? !

Shi Lei also saw Shi Hao's change, but he did not step forward rashly.

"Although there are no divine energy fluctuations, this is the power of reincarnation. Don't get close to him. It is very dangerous. He is in a strange state." Xiao Hong said.

The blazing light on Shi Hao's body has long been restrained, peaceful and quiet, but the furballs and the others clearly sensed an amazing aura that could make people step into reincarnation.

"I understand. The Supreme Bone is gone. His body has recorded all these runes, imprinted in his blood and engraved on his bones." Maoqiu said.

It and Xiaohong guessed an astonishing fact. Over the past year, Shi Hao's subconscious had not yielded, was very tenacious, and had an astonishingly strong will to survive. This is also the reason why the Supreme blood can emerge again after it is almost exhausted, fully mobilizing all its potential, just to survive and erase the curse.

For more than a year, although Shi Hao was in a coma, his subconscious mind has been fighting, combining with the physical body, and constantly "reincarnating"!
"The Supreme Bone has been lost, but this rune, this supreme treasure technique has been used by him and imprinted into his body."

"Perhaps it can be said that he is using his physical body to remember. This kind of magic is condensed with his body. Even if the real bone is gone, there is no need to worry too much."

According to their guess, once Shi Hao understands and penetrates all this, he can use this magic at any time without time limit, which will be even more amazing!
Using physical memory, this will become an instinct, as natural as eating, drinking, and breathing. As a routine, this will be more direct and terrifying.

Of course, if he wants to further sublimate and reach the extreme, he still needs to further comprehend and understand. One day this method will become an instinct.

"His body is considered a treasure. It is really difficult and incredible to use the physical memory to turn it into an instinct." Maoqiu sighed softly.

They know that if it weren't for the existence of the green patina, they would have to constantly fight with "reincarnation", baptize the body with the Supreme Blood thousands of times, and spend more than a year wandering in life and death, and they would never be able to complete this step!
"The only thing that makes people worry is that the Supreme Blood may have dried up. This body has carried out such rune memory. It is best to nourish it with real blood." Xiao Hong sighed.

If there is strong supreme blood nourishing flesh and bones, this instinct will be formed quickly!
"It doesn't matter, I believe this kind of blood will still appear, just like it did before, it will always sprout and grow stronger." The fur ball said firmly, it had a deep understanding of Shi Hao's past.

"Hey, there seems to be some supreme blood." Xiao Hong was surprised.

On Shi Hao's chest, there was a small ball of blood glowing, like a red divine sun, bright red and blazing, shining through the sternum and flesh.

"This is the part that requires the Supreme Bone..." Maoqiu was moved.

"What?!" Everyone in Shicun was also surprised. They all opened their eyes wide and looked there, breathing rapidly.


Suddenly, a stream of sword energy erupted from Shi Hao's body, slashing towards his chest, emitting a very brilliant light, causing the mass of blood to disperse, and left there.

"Is this instinct or unintentional? I cut it there to prevent the true blood from forming there?!"

After the blood dispersed, it turned into a bright red glow, flowing into all parts of the body, and then burned rapidly and continued to spray out for the final baptism.


Finally, Shi Hao suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of blood arrows. This small ball of supreme blood burned out and turned into waste blood, which rushed out with a complex rune wrapped in it.

"Hey, what is this?" Shi Feijiao was surprised, looking at the pool of bright red blood stuck to the immortal grass, with a little green light shining in it.

Shi Lei used his magic to catch it, and sighed: "What a powerful curse, it never broke up. It was still condensed together at the last moment, but it no longer threatened Shi Hao. He was defeated."

This is the kind of curse rune from the Immortal Palace, the "zi rune" that Huang Yu brought from the lower world. It penetrated into Shi Hao's body that day and kept spreading, and in the end it almost killed him.

Now that the green and patina runes have been almost wiped away, the last remaining runes are condensed together, brought out by the supreme waste blood, and truly manifested in the sunlight.

"This is the kind of thing that harms people. It's so hateful!" The villagers were all indignant. They had spent all their efforts for this terrible curse.

The Stone Clan even devoted all their national power and used various means to get rid of them.

"Who...where am I?" After Shi Hao spit out the blood, his eyes became more and more angry, from blazing to deep, then to peaceful, and gradually became normal.

"Child!" the old patriarch shouted.

"I've been reincarnated for so long, it's time to wake up. If you don't wake up yet, quickly transcend!" Shi Lei and Xiao Hong shouted at the same time, using their great magical powers to shout out in a Taoist voice.

Finally, the mysterious aura on Shi Hao dissipated, the power of reincarnation was restrained, his eyes became clear, and then he closed his eyes and thought carefully.

With a "hoo" sound, he sat up and looked at everyone with joy and tears in his eyes.

"It's great to be alive!"

He woke up, realized everything, knew where he was, felt everyone's tension and care, Shi Hao completely woke up.

"Child!" Those uncles, clan elders, etc. all shouted. This moment made people feel excited. After more than a year, Shi Hao was back.

"Uncle Xiao Hao!" A group of children rushed forward, shouting one by one, all extremely excited, like a group of monkeys.

Da Zhuang, Er Meng, Pi Hou and others also howled like wolves and ran forward, laughing so hard that they couldn't help but shed tears. This was a scene that made people cry with joy.

"Don't get excited yet, let's see if there are any reincarnation runes shining, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Maoqiu stopped everyone.

After all, that kind of magic was memorized by Shi Hao's body and would become an instinct in the future. At this moment, he had just recovered. If he hadn't mastered it well, he might show it now.

"It's okay." Shi Hao shook his head.

He jumped up from under the earthen grave, his whole body glowing, and then he restrained himself. He stood on the ground with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

During this period of time, he was almost dead, buried in a grave, saying goodbye to everyone, and falling into eternal darkness and reincarnation, thinking that he would never meet again.

Now, he is alive again, seeing the light and familiar people, these are his closest family members.

The blood and energy in Shi Hao's body flowed like a long river. As soon as he circulated for a moment, he made a thunderous sound and emitted a gorgeous glow, which was dazzling.

Then, he quickly collected his breath, everything was fine, and he became even stronger.

A group of children were like skinned monkeys, all hanging on his body, climbing up and down, extremely happy.

"What a pity. After losing the Supreme Bone, the last bit of true blood has been burned away." Shi Feijiao said with great regret.

Shi Lei and Xiao Hong nodded and sighed slightly. If the true blood had not dried up and nourished the body, it would have made the "physical memory" more profound and turned into instinct.

"Is the magic still there?" Shi Linhu was also very nervous.

"My physical body has remembered it, and the reincarnation runes have been imprinted in my heart earlier, and everything is still there!" Shi Hao said, wiping the tears from his face.

"Very good, I hope that one day the Supreme True Blood will reappear. At that time, the treasure may be reborn into nirvana, transcending reincarnation, and become even more powerful. By then, it will most likely shake up the past and the present!" Xiao Hong exclaimed, looking forward to that day. arrival. (End of chapter)

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