The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 330 Why do the two sisters-in-law look the same?

"Child!" Shi Yunfeng walked forward tremblingly and rubbed Shi Hao's face. It was like a dream. Fortunately, when he woke up, everything was still there. .
For him, as long as Shi Hao is alive, it is better than anything else, and nothing else matters.

"Grandpa Patriarch!" Shi Hao called softly, feeling a little sad, smiling and crying. The old man had obviously become much older during the days when he "died".

"Just live, never leave again." Shi Yunfeng spoke with a trembling voice, and looked at Shi Hao carefully. From great sadness to great joy, his heart was ups and downs, and he could not control himself.

Shi Hao supported the old man, helped him wipe away his muddy old tears, and said: "Grandpa Patriarch, don't be sad. How could I be willing to leave? I will always be here!"

"Welcome back." Bang, Shi Lei punched Shi Hao.

"Brother~~" Shi Hao also shouted happily.

There is no doubt that on this day, Shicun is full of joy and everyone is excited. The whole village is very festive and full of joyful atmosphere.

"It's good to be alive, I miss each and every one of you." Back in the village, Shi Hao also said excitedly.

He was overwhelmed by the crowd, and pairs of arms came over and touched him constantly. It was a miracle that he could come back alive after more than a year.

"God opened his eyes and resurrected Xiaohao. He finally appeared!"

"Haha... Even if my Shicun child is very lucky, God can't take it away!"


Everyone was shouting, and they were so excited that they didn’t know what to say. Stone Village was extremely lively, everyone was here, and the children were running around like they were celebrating the New Year, bringing their lightning dogs, red-feathered cranes and other ancient relics, and they were so noisy. The dog jumps.

Qingfeng stepped forward and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Let's go drink. We won't end until we get drunk for three days and three nights." Da Zhuang, Hu Zi and others said with red eyes. After wiping away their tears, a group of people surrounded Shi Hao and left.

The villagers are as lively as boiling, smoke is rising from every household, and all kinds of delicacies are being processed. The water in the big cauldron is boiling, and the delicious meat is emitting fragrance and drifting far away.

On the fire, there are also various golden and shiny game meats, smeared with honey to make them shiny, and added with other condiments, making people salivate.

There are also various berries, which are placed on silver plates and served continuously, either bright red and crystal clear, or golden and brilliant, with rich fruity aroma, fragrant and extremely tempting.

The children were running, jumping and screaming, and they were all extremely happy. They were all very happy and completely relaxed.

It has been a long time since Shi Hao passed away, and there has not been such a happy scene. The adults were also so happy that they could not stop running wildly.

Shi Lei came out with Yue Chan's main body and Yue Chan's secondary body, and introduced to Shi Hao: "This is the daughter-in-law I just married some time ago, and I will marry another one in a few days."

Shi Hao looked at the two identical women and said in astonishment: "Brother, why are there two months of Chan?"

"Call me sister-in-law." Shi Lei corrected.

Shi Hao immediately said: "Yes, I should call you sister-in-law."

"I mean, why are there two identical sisters-in-law?"

Shi Lei blinked at Shi Hao and said proudly: "The one you saw before was the secondary body, and the new one is the main body."

Shi Hao looked at this and that, and for a moment he couldn't tell which was the secondary body and which was the main body, "Brother, I can't tell, can you tell the difference?"

"Of course I can tell the difference clearly." Shi Lei said with a proud smile.

"The one on the left whose eyes are full of decadence is the main body."

"The cold-looking second person on the right."

The person who recovered the fastest was Yue Chan's second body, and Shi Lei didn't know why.

"My name will be Qingyi from now on!" Yuechan suddenly said.

The defeated Yuechan's main body suddenly became furious and shouted angrily: "What did you say?"

"You want to call me Qingyi? You are a reincarnation, why should you have your own name?"

Qingyi said calmly: "I will be called Qingyi from now on. It is impossible for us to become one again."

"You are a second person, and you want to turn against the guest. I really turned against you."

"Given our current situation, it's not counterproductive to talk about anything." Qingyi's mood was stable and unusually cold.

"You..." Qingyi's cold look made Yuechan break her guard.

Both of you have lost the most precious thing, why do you act like nothing happened?

So annoying!

"I'll hit you." Yuechan threw a punch at Qingyi, but Qingyi blocked it with her forearm.

The two then began to duel with fists and kicks.

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, then pulled Shi Hao aside.

"Brother, don't you care?" Shi Hao asked, looking at the two women fighting.

"No, I won't fight them until they can't fight anymore. As long as they don't die, I can save them."

"But if they make such a fuss, the villagers will look down upon them."

"It's okay. They will be obedient after I sleep a few more times." Shi Lei shook his head indifferently.

Shi Hao could mingle with the villagers, but he couldn't. He had never minced with his peers since he was a child, and naturally he couldn't mingle with his peers when he grew up.

Shi Hao scratched his head and asked doubtfully: "They can be obedient after a few sleeps. What's the truth?"

"You will know when you get a wife in the future." Shi Lei picked up two glasses of wine, gave one to Shi Hao, touched it, "Here, drink."

Shi Lei drank it all in one gulp. Shi Hao was very curious, but he didn't feel like asking further, so he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

On the other side, Yuechan and Qingyi were fighting fiercely. Shi Lei took a casual glance and found that Qingyi had the upper hand.

"Impossible. I am the main body and you are the secondary body. Although our techniques and magic are the same, my physique is stronger than yours. Why is your physique stronger than mine now?"

"I can only say that your mind is clouded now and you didn't seize the opportunity." Qingyi pushed Yuechan away and took the time to look at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei shrugged, of course he knew why Qingyi was stronger than Yuechan, because Qingyi took the initiative to refine, while Yuechan refined passively.

"Do you really not care?" Shi Hao asked again.

"Don't worry, the fight won't last long." Shi Lei originally thought that the two would be evenly matched and fight for an hour, but now that Qingyi has the upper hand so quickly, the fight won't last long.

"You should talk about your feelings in the tomb!" Shi Lei changed the subject.

After hearing this, Shi Hao began to talk about the feeling of being in the earth tomb. Shi Lei was thoughtful after hearing this. Shi Hao did not interrupt and turned to tell the villagers about various experiences he had experienced while wandering outside.

Of course, what everyone talked about the most was Shi Hao's hibernating year, mentioning various situations in the outside world.

Shi Hao learned about the whereabouts of his parents, the life-saving grace of Colored Bird, and the various changes in Shi Country. He felt emotional, and both joy and sadness coexisted. "Maoqiu, Xiaohong, thank you!" Shi Hao said, toasting to them.

The two animals stared at each other for a moment. The name this guy gave them was a bit offensive, but on this special day, they didn't care too much.


"By the way, kid, are your injuries really okay?" Shi Linhu asked.

"The curse has been removed. There is nothing you can do to me. Even the broken bones and cracks on my body are still there, but they will grow back soon." Shi Hao replied.

He was hesitant. Should he recover from his injuries in the lower realm, or wait until the upper realm to reattach the broken bones? Because the laws of this realm are incomplete and the way of heaven is lacking, after reaching the upper realm, the bones need to be broken and tempered with the laws of that realm.

"The laws of this world are incomplete. I need to go to the upper world to recuperate."

"It's better to take care of yourself first." Maoqiu suggested.

"That's fine!" Shi Hao nodded.

"Child, are you leaving after all?" The group of people opened their eyes wide, showing reluctance, and they were all worried.

Separation in life and death is the most painful thing. Shi Hao finally survived, but are they about to be separated again?
"Grandpa, uncle, patriarch, I will come back, and we will definitely be able to see each other again, and we will be together in the future!" Shi Hao comforted.

"After we go up, it's hard to think about coming back down. Can we wait until that day?" Shi Yunfeng, the patriarch, said sadly. We only saw each other alive. How could we let him go?

"We will definitely meet again. As long as you give me time, just a few decades, I will find a way to come down. Grandpa Patriarch, before I leave, I will refine the golden elixir for you. The elixir recipe in our Stone Village is a treasure. I can let you take the pill and break through, and you can live for at least a hundred or two hundred years." Shi Hao said seriously.

Even so, everyone was still sad and didn't want him to leave.

"Refining that kind of golden elixir requires hundreds of kinds of elixirs. Many of them are rare and miraculous drugs. They are almost extinct and it is difficult to collect them all." A clan elder shook his head and sighed.

Now everyone in the clan knows the value of the elixir, but the requirements are so staggering that it is difficult to refine the elixir according to that recipe.

You know, the last time Shi Hao spent all the stone country had, he only managed to refine six small nirvana pills.

Although the villagers don't need such high-level elixirs, the medicinal herbs they need must be staggering and require a large amount.

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely be able to collect them all. There will definitely be no shortage of spiritual herbs in the medicinal fields of those immortal great sects." Shi Hao's eyes were bright and cold.

"Are you going to find trouble with them?" The tribesman was shocked.

"Some people have done wrong things and need to pay the price! The reason why the Seven Gods were able to descend to the lower world smoothly was due to the blood sacrifices of some sages of the Immortal Great Sect. Do you really think I don't know what they did? This sin is too much and there should be an explanation!" Shi Hao said.

A blood sacrifice that devastated lives, causing tens of millions or even over 100 million lives to die. Rivers of blood and mountains of corpses horrified the world.

All of these are the hands and feet of the great religion, and they are done intentionally so that the strong people in the upper world can come down smoothly.

"At the very least, those venerables should be punished, otherwise I feel uneasy and should go to their holy land!" Shi Hao added.

The sky has long been dark, and the stars are shining. .
"Those people are evil. How many people have they killed for the sake of the lower world? They really deserve to be punished!" the old patriarch said, smelling of alcohol and staring.

Everyone was indignant. The blood sacrifices of the creatures in the lower world were completely treated as livestock, and they were not treated as the same kind at all. They were cruel and bloody, and it was outrageous.

Mentioning these, the young men such as Da Zhuang and Er Meng became even more enthusiastic, and they wished they could kill those people personally and level them to the ground.

The moonlight was bright and the lake was as clear as sapphire. By late night, many people were drunk and lying on the grass. Only a few people were still drinking around the bonfire, but everyone's face was already red and their speech was slurred.

"Child, you must be careful when you reach the upper realm. I heard that it is unimaginably big there. Any state is bigger than the lower realm. It is vast and has no boundaries." Shi Linhu said, feeling very uneasy.

"Yes, it's too mysterious up there. There are forbidden areas, gods, everything is full of unknowns, there are endless races, and there are many masters. You must be cautious." Pihou was drunk and reminded him, very reluctantly.

Over the past year or so, they have learned a lot about the upper world through Qin Yining and others, and they are very wary and uneasy about the vast unknown world.

"I will pay attention." Shi Hao said with a smile. There is no Xiaoshi in the world now. Everyone thinks he is dead. There should be no danger when he goes up. When he reaches the upper realm, he can move calmly and strengthen himself. Once he actually fights, he can "surprise" some people.

"I've been very restless lately. In a few years, when I get tired of being here, I'll go to the upper world to have a look." Xiaohong said.

"After more than a year of recuperation, the injuries on my body are finally better. I really want to go out for a walk." Maoqiu said with a drunken breath.

It fought with Xiaohong and the strong man from the Western Sect, and was severely injured. Half of its body was lost, so it fought hard to kill the opponent, recuperated for more than a year, and finally regenerated its limbs.

"I heard that the upper and lower realms are now inaccessible. The road to heaven has been cut off and it is no longer possible to travel between them." Shi Feijiao mentioned this matter.

Moreover, this was news two months ago. Recently, they have closed the altar and isolated it from the outside world. It is expected that it will become more and more difficult to communicate with the upper world.

"Well, that's it. It is said that those immortal religions, such as the Immortal Sect, the Western Sect, etc., are unable to send messages to the upper world." Qingfeng nodded.

Shi Hao frowned. If the road to heaven was really cut off, he would probably be in a lot of trouble if he tried to go up again, but he believed that there was still a way to go.

Shi Lei suddenly said: "When I get a few more wives, I will look for a passage to the upper world with you."

Xiao Hong was stunned and asked: "What, what did you say? How many more are you going to marry? Are you worthy of Huo Ling'er?"

"Why are you sorry? Isn't it normal for a king to have several wives?"

"But Huo Ling'er is the princess of the Fire Nation." Xiao Hong screamed.

It originally tolerated Shi Lei marrying one, but it didn't expect that Shi Lei would marry two and now wants to marry several more. It felt sorry for Huo Ling'er.

"In my eyes, they are all created equal... Of course I will have a preference. Huo Ling'er is my favorite, and no one can bully her!"

"You are the one bullying her now!" Xiaohong yelled.

The emperor of the Fire Nation has seen a lot, and even if he marries a few, he can still get the rain and dew, but if he marries too many, some of his concubines will inevitably be forgotten.

"Well, although Huo Ling'er hasn't passed the test yet, I will punish myself with three cups of wine. Don't worry, the child Huo Ling'er will give birth to will definitely be his legitimate son. I can swear to God!" Shi Lei said sincerely.

"Tch, how can the heaven in the lower world punish you?" Xiao Hong was full of disdain.

"Then wait until I go to the upper world before I swear?" Shi Lei asked.

"Hmph, is there any use in swearing to the upper world?"

"I haven't been there either, and I don't know either!" Shi Lei spread his hands, and then added: "Of course I hope the oath will be useful."

"When will you marry a new wife?" Xiaohong asked suddenly.

"In a few days! Marry the witch first."

"Look, we are still talking about the vows, but the fact that you answered so quickly shows that you still have a wife in mind."

"If you want to get a wife, please swear to me that there will be no conflict!"

Little Red rolled her eyes and said, "I suggest you don't touch the witch. She is a saint from the Jietian Sect and may have some unique treasures and spells."

"All the saints from the Butian Sect have been robbed, and there is still one missing from the Jietian Sect?" Shi Lei was not afraid.

After studying Shi Hao's reincarnation technique, he felt that he was stronger. (End of chapter)

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