Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 1 Martial Spirit Geng Gui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 1 Martial Spirit Geng Gui, Jie Jie Jie
Douluo Continent, Wuhun City.

Wuhun City is located at the intersection of Tiandou Empire and Xingluo Empire. It is an independent force independent of the two empires.

Gui Jiu, the grandson of Gui Mei, the title Douluo of Wuhun Palace, lost his father and mother when he was young, and has lived with his grandfather Gui Mei since he was a child.

And today is the day when Guijiu awakens his martial spirit.

The current Pope is Bibi Dong.

The new pope was ruthless and had subdued ghosts and Yue Guan to work for him as soon as he took office.

Not long ago, Bibi Dong heard that Gui Jiu was about to awaken his martial spirit, so he specifically told Gui Mei that he would bring Gui Jiu to her place to awaken.

In the luxurious manor, the young man slowly opened his eyes.

"It's been six years. Do you know how I have spent these six years? Today is finally my turn to awaken my martial spirit!"

Guijiu has traveled through Douluo for six years, and during these six years.

He has experienced two popes, before Bibi Dong ascended the throne three years ago.

Considering Guijiu's relationship, Gui Mei and Yue Guan seek refuge with Bibi Dong.

In return, it was what Bibi Dong had promised.

As long as Gui Jiu's innate soul power is not lower than level seven, he will be accepted as his direct disciple.

Now, it's finally time to cash in.

After washing up, I had breakfast.

Gui Jiu was led by Gui Mei into the carriage and headed all the way towards Wuhun Hall.

The ghost's cold eyes showed some warmth, and he said to Gui Jiu.

"Xiaojiu, how do you feel?"

"It's okay, Grandpa."

"Just meeting the Pope, it feels a bit..."

Guijiu said vaguely.

"Haha, don't be afraid, Xiaojiu. Your grandfather and I are His Majesty the Pope's right-hand man. What she promised back then was that as long as your innate soul power is not less than level seven, she can accept you as a direct disciple. This is not false."

Gui Mei touched his head under Gui Jiu's somewhat resentful gaze and said with a smile.

Gui Jiu is six years old this year, while Tang San is only three years old.

Qian Renxue is 12 years old.

"But I heard that His Majesty the Pope recently discovered two good talents. They are a pair of brothers and sisters. I, the orphan of Wuhun Palace, heard that His Majesty the Pope is somewhat optimistic about the sister among them. I hope that your talent is not bad this time, Xiaojiu, so that even if His Majesty the Pope wants If you accept that girl as your disciple, you will still be a senior brother."

Gui Mei lowered his head, and his voice clearly reached Gui Jiu's ears.

Gui Jiu held his head up with his right hand, looking helpless.

Grandpa, what if my talent is really poor?
As soon as he got off the carriage, Guijiu saw someone walking in front of him.

His skin is as delicate as a baby, and he is wearing a bright red dress that only titled Douluo are qualified to wear. His charming appearance can easily be misunderstood. If it weren't for the Adam's apple on his neck, it would be difficult to identify him.

And this is his grandfather's good friend, Level 95 Super Douluo Yueguan, titled Ju.

Together with his grandfather Gui Douluo Gui Mei, they are called the second generals of Wuhun Palace by readers.

"Old ghost, and Xiaojiu. You are here. His Majesty the Pope has been waiting inside for a while."

Yue Guan slowly walked up to the two of them and looked at Gui Jiu with a coquettish smile.


"Xiaojiu, how do you feel?"

Guijiu nodded slightly and said

"I feel a little excited. I don't know what martial soul I will awaken and what level of innate soul power I have."

Yue Guan waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, you will probably inherit your grandfather's ghostly martial spirit. No matter how bad your innate soul power is, it won't be much worse. When the time comes, you will be accepted as a direct disciple by His Majesty the Pope, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"Humph, old chrysanthemum."

"It's probably impossible to inherit my martial spirit."

"My own martial spirit is not a ghost, but a mutated martial spirit. Xiaojiu's father also has a mutated martial spirit. As for Xiaojiu himself, the awakened martial spirit should also be a mutated martial spirit."

Ghost said. "Then if you say so, Xiaojiu."

Yue Guan couldn't help but have a look of worry on his face. After all, the mutated martial soul was too unstable and would directly affect the level of innate soul power.

Gui Mei also has such worries in his heart, but it is useless to worry about them now.

The two led Gui Jiu to the Pope's Palace, where Bibi Dong was looking down at the three of them from the Pope's throne.

Seeing the three people approaching, Bibi Dong stood up and walked down slowly step by step with the papal scepter in hand.

"Meet His Majesty the Pope!"

Yue Guan and Gui Mei knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads.

Guijiu followed suit and called out "Your Majesty the Pope".

"Well, two elders and Xiaojiu, please get up."

Bibi Dong smiled slightly.

Gui Mei and Yue Guan stood up and slowly walked to the side to stand.

Bibi Dong stood in front of Guijiu, took out six black stones from nowhere, threw them beside Guijiu, and arranged them into a magic circle.

While muttering slightly, the scepter in his hand channeled soul power into the six black stones.

The next moment, the light flourished.

Guijiu closed his eyes, as if he was in a starry sky.

A strange laughter sounded in my ears.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

When Guijiu opened his eyes, he felt light and airy all over.

A name suddenly appeared in my mind: Gengar!

Is this my own martial spirit?

Guijiu suddenly realized that something might be wrong. What was going on with Geng Gui?
Did the Pokémon travel through time with me?

The next second, a weird laugh burst out of his mouth involuntarily.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie——"

Behind Guijiu appeared a round, fat and funny black man: Geng Gui.


Bibi Dong covered her mouth and smiled, then turned around and said.

"Elder Ghost, Xiaojiu's martial spirit looks quite interesting."

Gui Mei mobilized the soul power in her body to feel the martial spirit Geng Gui possessing Gui Jiu, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the quality of this martial spirit had reached the top standard!
It is still a mutated martial spirit, and the innate soul power cannot be lowered.

After being startled, he quickly replied.

“It’s pretty good. I felt it was top quality!”

Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

"I can also feel it. It's top-notch quality, but this martial spirit is quite interesting. I just felt that this martial spirit should be able to strengthen itself by devouring life force."

Devour vitality?
Isn't that what a fallen person is?

Gui Mei was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Bibi Dong say.

"To be precise, it is the vitality of people when they are afraid. Once a person is afraid, the vitality emanating from his body will be absorbed, and then used by Xiaojiu, the martial spirit, to strengthen himself."

Gui Mei breathed a sigh of relief. If he really was the kind of martial soul who was born to be a fallen person, he would have to think about how to deal with Gui Jiu in the future.

After all, rapid improvement in strength can easily lead people to fall into the path of a degenerate that is not tolerated by the soul master world, let alone a child like Guijiu. In this case, one must find a way to suppress this life-devouring nature.

If it only swallows the vitality that escapes when people are afraid, it will at most make them weak for a period of time, and then they can recover.

And Gui Jiu is also feeling his own Geng Gui martial spirit.

Possessed by Geng Gui's martial spirit, Gui Jiu felt like a ghost.

And what makes Guijiu feel a little confused is that this Geng Gui martial spirit seems to be more than what he understands.

(End of this chapter)

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