Chapter 2
Then it’s time to test the soul power.

After taking back his martial spirit, Guijiu felt that his body had returned to its original state.

Bibi Dong took out a blue transparent crystal the size of a human head and said softly.

"Put your right hand on it to test your innate soul power."


Guijiu nodded, and after putting his hand on it, he suddenly felt that the soul power in his body began to flow away.

The blue crystal also began to brighten, from a slight firefly at the beginning to as bright as a bright moon at the back.

It took less than 1 minutes.

"Innately full of soul power!"

Yue Guan was surprised.

"Well, I am born with full soul power. In this case, I must keep my promise. Guijiu, are you willing to become my personal disciple?"

Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction.

The innate soul power and this weird top-level martial soul are enough to become her personal disciple.

Gui Jiu didn't notice Gui Mei's nod, but he still said quickly.

"I am willing!"

At this point, Guijiu became Pope Bibi Dong's personal disciple.

As for Hu Liena, even if this love brain is later accepted as a disciple by Bibi Dong, she can only call him big brother.

Guijiu was very excited and couldn't control himself until he got home.

Gui Mei glanced at Gui Jiu and couldn't help but joked.

"Look at you like this, as happy as a monkey. How can you be so noble as a direct disciple of the Pope? Hahaha"

Gui Mei couldn't help but smile. In his opinion, Gui Jiu had awakened a strange and top-level martial spirit and was innately full of soul power.

He is Bibi Dong's personal disciple again, so the position of the Holy Son is basically guaranteed!
"Why, are you envious?"

Guijiu scratched his head and smiled slightly.


Gui Mei was stunned for a moment, then when he reacted, he grabbed Gui Jiu who was about to escape and smashed it down without hesitation.



Guijiu looked painful, touched his red and swollen forehead, and complained.

"Grandpa, are you really fighting?"

"You're the one I'm beating. You've just awakened your martial spirit and you're teasing your grandpa. Will you do it again in the future?"

The corners of Gui Mei's mouth curled up, looking down at Gui Jiu, feeling happy.

Guijiu mobilized his soul power to the red and swollen forehead, and then it subsided.

"Grandpa, you are too harsh!" He complained again.

The ghost just smiled and said.

"You kid, do you know what your martial spirit means?"

"Your kid's martial spirit can strengthen itself by devouring the life force of others. This ability may very well lead you to an evil path and become a degenerate. In the end, you will be caught in the Killing City and never come out again."

"City of Killing? Grandpa, don't scare me!"

Gui Jiu deliberately made a scared expression, causing Gui Mei's mouth to twitch and another head to pop off.

But this time Guijiu was well prepared and hid aside.

"Do you think I'm joking with you? The original intention of establishing the Wuhun Palace was to capture these degenerates who have gone astray and rely on evil methods to quickly improve their strength, throw them into the killing city, and live a life. It’s better to die.”

"You kid, you must remember never to rely on evil methods and take the shortcut to quickly improve your strength. At that time, you will have no other way to survive except to flee the world, or you will be caught and thrown into the killing field. All."

Gui Mei said to Gui Jiu angrily.

In the current Douluo Continent, there is no such thing as an evil soul master. The current evil soul masters are called fallen ones.

Nor is it like Dou Er who judged a person as an evil soul master based on his martial soul.

Those with martial souls like Gui Mei and Bibi Dong are out-and-out evil soul masters in Dou Er.

But in Douyi, as long as you don't do anything to waste human lives in such an evil way and quickly increase your strength, you will be fine.

And the Killing City itself is the "prison" of Douluo Continent.After the fallen ones (evil soul masters) were thrown in, there was no way to escape.

They will die in the fighting and become nourishment for the killing city.

The City of Killing itself is also a good place for training. Tang Hao and Bibi Dong both entered the City of Killing and obtained the Killing God Domain.

Such a treasured place was directly destroyed by a snow-colored swan kiss thrown down by a man who had had enough to eat.

As for whose last name it is, there is no need to say it, everyone understands it.

Guijiu replied.

"Grandpa, I'm not that stupid. With my innate talent of full soul power, as long as I stay steady and don't die young, I will definitely be able to become a titled Douluo in the future. How about becoming a Fallen? I'm so smart!"

The ghost nodded and said.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that His Majesty the Pope has nothing to say to you and directly recognizes you as his personal disciple."

"Although you can't be a fallen person, you can use the vitality that escapes when your martial soul absorbs the fear of others to strengthen yourself. See if there is anything that can speed up your cultivation. For example, if you absorb soul beasts, As for the vitality of the soul beast, there is nothing wrong with it.”

Gui Mei never regards the life of a soul beast as his fate, so he looked at Gui Jiu and said.

"Release your martial spirit and have a look. What is its name?"


"Jie Jie Jie!"

Guijiu thought in his heart that he was possessed by a martial spirit, and a strange laugh burst out from his mouth.

The next moment, Gui Jiu, who was possessed by Wuhun, actually floated up.

"You can still fly?"

Ghost touched his chin and said in surprise.

"How about it, Grandpa, isn't it cool? You can only fly if you seal your account, and I can fly as soon as I awaken my martial spirit. Jie Jie Jie."

Guijiu smiled.

I don't know why, but every time the martial soul possesses me, I can't help but let out this weird, creepy laughter.

Just like a food-type soul master like Oscar, who needs to recite soul spells to use soul skills.

Gui Jiu guessed that this might also be because of Geng Gui's martial spirit.

The ghost covered his face and said.

"You brat, this Jie Jie Jie, how on earth did you make such a sound? When you go out, don't say it's my ghost grandson!"

Gui Jiu floated in the air and laughed. He couldn't say that this was Gengar's characteristic. He could float, right?

"Oh, my dear grandpa, it's not impossible for you not to let me say that I am your grandson outside, but you can't make me an orphan, right?"

"You only have me as your grandson. Do you want me to become a left-behind child and you to become a lonely old man?"

"Grandpa, Grandpa, can you really bear it?"

Gui Jiu and Geng Gui behind him all showed expressions of needing to be beaten, floating in front of Gui Mei and said coquettishly.


The ghost clenched his fists and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Little bastard, don't make me hit you!"

"No way, no way! Grandpa, you actually want to beat your own grandson? Can you do it?"

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie——"

"Little bastard, it's not over, isn't it!"

"Look at the fight!"

Gui Mei clenched his fist and punched Gui Jiu in the face.


Guijiu screamed and lay straight in the air, his eyes turned white, as if he was really dead.

The Gengar behind him also looked dead. His huge tongue was allowed to point vertically towards the ground, and he kept making low "Jie Jie Jie" sounds from his mouth.

The ghost clenched his fists tightly, and a "#" seemed to be squeezed out on his forehead.

"Little bastard, I didn't even hit you, what are you pretending to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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