Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 3 Hunting Qing Wu?

Chapter 3 Hunting Qing Wu?

"Jie Jie"

"Grandpa, aren't I afraid that you won't hit me and embarrass me?"

Gui Jiu was resurrected with full blood. Looking at Gui Mei's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, he smiled coquettishly.

He coughed and said again.

"Actually, this is also the reason for my martial spirit. My martial spirit, Gengar, is immune to physical attacks. Grandpa, you just wanted to hit me with your hands. If I wanted to, you couldn't hurt me at all. When my martial spirit is possessed, Down."

"Oh I got it."

The ghost nodded thoughtfully, and then saw the ghost's right arm begin to disappear, turning from flesh and blood into a ball of ghostly aura, and then turned into a big slap.

"Xiaojiu, my good grandson, look, what is this?"

The ghost smiled and Guijiu panicked.

"Grandpa, what are you doing? I am your dear grandson!"

"This is a big slap for your show of love. You little brat, you spend the whole day beating me up and getting slapped!"

Guijiu, who had been cleaned up, sat on a stool and looked resentfully at his refreshed grandfather Guiwen.

Gui Mei glanced at Gui Jiu, who looked resentful, and suddenly smiled.

He took out a dark purple, delicate-looking bracelet, threw it over, and said.

"This is what I got from traveling to the mainland when I was young. There are 35 cubic meters of storage space in it. You can use it to store your personal belongings. Consider it as compensation for you."

"As for the name, I named it the Ghost Control Bracelet."

"How about it, why don't you thank your good grandpa?"

Guijiu got the ghost-controlling bracelet and didn't answer immediately.

Instead, enter the soul power binding into the Ghost Control Bracelet and check the internal storage space of the Ghost Control Bracelet.

The interior space is really large and eerie.

After glancing at the ghost, he stood up and stretched his body.

"Now that I have the bracelet, bye bye to my useless grandpa!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Watching Guijiu float away, Gui Mei helplessly shook his head.

"This brat, I don't know who inherited this character."

Gui Jiu floated down outside the hospital. He didn't want to be shot down by the knights patrolling the city as a spy. After all, he was not a soul master yet.

It just floated down from the sky and stepped on the ground, not long after walking.

Just when we were about to reach the Pope's Palace.

A cold voice came from behind.

"Are you the ghost's grandson Guijiu?"

Guijiu took a step back warily and turned to look.

It was discovered that she was a tall, curvy and extremely beautiful woman.

His whole body exuded a cold aura that kept strangers away from him, looking down at Gui Jiu from above.

Dare to call the ghost by name, plus this appearance.

A name suddenly appeared in Guijiu's mind: Qingluan Douluo.

In the original work, only four of the seven major worshipers appeared, but after he traveled through time, he learned the names of the remaining three worshippers from the ghost's mouth.

Among them, the third to fifth enshrinements are: Level 97 Peak Douluo Qingluan, Level 97 Peak Douluo Xiongshi, and Level 96 Peak Douluo Guangling.

"I dare to ask, senior, are you the one who worships Qingluan Mian three times? My grandfather mentioned you to me."

Guijiu bowed slightly.

"Don't talk about your grandpa. Don't think that because your grandpa breaks through, I will be afraid of you."

After speaking, he walked away.

Gui Jiu was stunned and froze on the spot. Is there something wrong with this woman's brain?

In the afternoon, Guijiu went all the way to the Pope's Palace.When the guards in front of the main hall saw that it was Gui Jiu, they let him go directly because Pope Bibi Dong had already given instructions. Gui Jiu was now her direct disciple and could enter and leave the Pope's hall freely without any restrictions.

In the past, if Gui Jiu wanted to come to the Pope's Palace, he would need ghosts to lead the way, otherwise he would definitely not be able to get in by himself.

At this time, Bibi Dong was flipping through a letter, feeling that Guijiu had just come to her and waited for her to handle it.

Guijiu had no interest in peeking, but Bibi Dong whispered something like "Salas has quite a big appetite."

Now Bibi Dong has only been the Pope for three years, and needs to cultivate his own manpower in Wuhun Palace. A platinum archbishop like Salas has a strong win-win value.

If the worshipers in the worship hall come out to control things, Bibi Dong is destined to become a puppet.

But for some unknown reason, the Worship Hall ignored the Wuhun Hall.

Bibi Dong took advantage of the situation and began to recruit a large number of people.

But these people who were won over saw the enshrinement hall being indifferent, and over time they took refuge in Bibi Dong's command.

After Bibi Dong finished reading the letter, she looked at Guijiu.

"Xiaojiu, we met once when we were three years old. Do you still remember it?"

Guijiu thought about it and realized that he had indeed met Bibi Dong when he was three years old.

At that time, Bibi Dong was established as the new pope of Wuhun Palace. Since his foundation was unstable, he wanted to cultivate his own power.

In the Wuhun Hall, apart from the worshipers in the Consecration Hall, only the two Douluo Ju Gui could be won over. At that time, Gui Mei took Gui Jiu to see Bibi Dong, and then took refuge under Bibi Dong's command.

Although Bibi Dong has not absorbed the ninth soul ring so far, Bibi Dong's talent is obvious to all. They are twin martial souls. In time, she will definitely become a top figure among titled Douluo.

"Well, teacher, I have an impression. Not long after the teacher became the pope at that time, my grandfather took me to meet the teacher."

Guijiu glanced at Bibi Dong and then lowered his head.

Because when viewed from this angle, Bibi Dong's figure can be said to be graceful and slim in waist.

Bibi Dong just thought Guijiu was a little shy, smiled and said.

"According to the original plan, your grandfather, Elder Ju and I will go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings in two days, so before I come back, you have to practice on your own."

"Teacher, I'm going to hunt for soul rings too, why don't you just take me with you?"

Guijiu just suddenly thought that at this time, Bibi Dong happened to be hunting down Xiaowu's mother to absorb her soul ring.

Bibi Dong pondered for a while, then smiled.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if I take you with me, but when you get there, you have to follow your teacher's arrangements. What, do you agree?"

Guijiu agreed without thinking, "Teacher, I agree!"

Worship Hall.

Qingluan Douluo returned to the worship hall and looked at the five worshipers who were still immersed in cultivation, and couldn't help but complain.

"When I came back, guess who I bumped into?"

The four worshiping lions opened their eyes and said curiously.

"Lao San, who did you meet?"

"Gui Mei's grandson, Gui Jiu." Qingluan said.

Qingluan saw that several of the worshipers opened their eyes and cast curious glances at her.

"This boy's martial spirit awakened in the morning. The martial spirit is the mutated top martial spirit Geng Gui. It is as weird as the ghostly martial spirit. It is full of innate soul power and was accepted as a direct disciple by Bibi Dong. I only found out about it when I met Bibi Dong and she revealed it to me. Looking at her like that, why should she be so proud?"

Qingluan rolled his eyes and said.

"Oh? That old ghost is quite lucky, yet his son is dead and his grandson is so proud." Guang Ling clicked her tongue and said in surprise.

Demon-Conquering Douluo curled his lips and said.

"It's really shameful for these two traitors to hide in the enshrinement hall and hang out with Bibi Dong's traitor who killed his master."

"Don't talk too much," Qianjun said.

"."Conquer the devil.

At this time, Golden Crocodile spoke.

"This is all their own choice. Besides, it is a blessing for our Wuhun Palace to have another proud son of heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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