Chapter 21 Yan

Guijiu finds Xieyue and Hu Liena.

"Do you know the rules of this year's competition?"

Xie Yue and Hu Liena looked at each other, and Xie Yue spoke first.

"Of course you know the rules. This grade competition is for seven people from one class to compete in a team spirit battle with a team of seven people from other classes in the same grade. The winning team will get two days of weekends. Training opportunities, among which those with the best performance will receive additional rewards."

"So, have you and Nana participated before?"

Hu Liena shook her head and said.

"No. Although my brother and I had already entered the academy last semester, we were only soul masters at that time and no one took us with us. This semester, this is the first time."

Guijiu was shocked, "Nana, no way, you are a disciple of the Pope, and they are still like this?"

Hu Liena glanced at Xie Yue and said with a smile.

"I also wanted to take my brother with me, but I was rejected."

When Guijiu heard this, he suddenly realized.

"So it is."

Xie Yue scratched her head in embarrassment, "Actually, what I didn't want was that Nana insisted on taking me with her, and then they refused because there were not enough people."

Guijiu waved his hand and said.

"It's okay. Now it's the turn of the three of us to choose people. Which ones should we choose this time?"

Xie Yue hesitated for a moment and then said.

"It's better to choose Lin Feng and the ones with high soul power from before. After all, if you are fighting in a seven-on-seven team, you have to choose strong teammates."

"Hmm, although these two people have a grudge against us, if we want to win the final victory in the grade fighting spirit, we should choose the strong ones like Lin Feng."

Hu Liena also said after seeing this.

On the day of the senior soul battle, Qianguxun also directly asked Guijiu and the others to choose teammates.

No, although it is a selection, it is only among the most powerful people in the class, including Lin Feng, who is the Wolverine spirit.

Although Guijiu was very confident in himself, he did not insist on having his own way. After the selection was successful, he began to compete in this year's soul fighting competition.

The first few rounds can only be said to be okay. With the cooperation of Lin Feng and others, the team fighting spirit is simply a one-sided chopping of melons and vegetables, with no difficulty at all.

"The number one soul skill is trick!"

Guijiu stepped on the soul master who was waving his claws and attacking him. He used this force to spin around in the air and used this move against the defensive soul master who was in the best condition on the opposite side.

Just now, he deliberately let this defensive soul master touch him, triggering the cursed body characteristic.

A silver-white Gengar symbol was planted on his forehead.

And Guijiu also wanted to see the effect of increasing his own power in this state.

Two black lights suddenly appeared at the same time, one integrated into Guijiu's body, and the other entered the body of the defensive soul master on the opposite side. After devouring his soul power reserve, he returned to Guijiu's body.

Then little fireflies emerged from his body, and he was grabbed by the long scarlet giant tongue of Gengar behind Guijiu and stuffed into his mouth.

"Jiejiejie, it feels great!"

Guijiu used his tongue to paralyze a soul master who was attacking Hu Liena, and then retaliated with a tooth, knocking all the soul masters on the field to the ground.

After a while, no one got up.

The referee then announced the verdict.

"I declare! In this seven-on-seven team battle, the junior class will win!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Guijiu showed a charming smile and walked down the soul fighting platform with the six companions on his side. "Xiaojiu, you guys did a great job. You actually won again this time."

Qian Guxun walked towards a few people with a smile on his face and said.

Qianguxun couldn't help but feel happy as he watched his class team defeat their opponents and win again and again.

At the same time, I also gained face in front of my colleagues, which made me feel proud.

"Jiejiejie——, these are all necessary, Teacher Qiangu, why don't you look at the effect of my first soul skill, when combined with it, it is simply invincible!"

Guijiu chuckled.

During the battle, because of the special nature of his martial spirit, it was simply a problem for others to attack him.

The effect of that kind of soul skill is not a physical attack. Facing Guijiu, he has no power to fight back. After all, Guijiu still has teammates.

Gui Jiu can evade most attacks just by floating up.

In addition, the two soul skills of Tongue Licking and Tooth for Tooth made him feel like a fish in water in a 14-person team fighting spirit, with almost no injuries.

"Senior brother is invincible!" Hu Liena waved her fist.

Qian Guxun nodded and chuckled, then said.

"Tomorrow is the last battle of souls. As long as you win the opponent, you can get the opportunity to have a dynamic training environment for martial arts for two days on the weekend. This is very precious. You can only get this opportunity twice in a semester. I hope you can Don’t let this opportunity go to waste.”

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Guijiu's laughter was very magical, and it quickly spread to the seven people, making them laugh uncontrollably.

The next day, Guijiu got ready early.

The moment he stepped onto the Soul Fighting Stage, Guijiu finally saw Yan, whom he "had longed for".

It's just that Yan's position among the seven is not very good.

But this is normal. After all, Yan only has level 14 soul power. He is not strong in the team, so his positioning cannot be good.

"I declare that the Junior Division Soul Fighting Competition has officially begun!"

"Martial soul possessed!"

As the sounds of martial souls possessing people rang out, 14 more soul rings suddenly appeared on the scene, all of them yellow.

White-year soul rings basically do not exist in Wuhun Academy, and Wuhun City is basically filled with soul masters.

Students of Wuhun Academy, even if their family conditions do not allow them to hunt century-old spirit beasts, they can apply to the academy after they have obtained admission qualifications.

It may not be suitable for teachers to be dispatched by the academy to lead them to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt the Soul Beasts, but after all, they are for a hundred years.

"Everyone, go!"

They are all first-level soul masters, so they basically don’t need tactics or anything, they just rush in headfirst.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Gui Jiu floated up and faced a "difficult" opponent on the opposite side.

"Nana, you, your brother and Lin Feng, just entangle the main forces on the opposite side first. After I deal with this guy, I will come to help you!"

Yan looked at Gui Jiu floating towards him and became a little angry.

"You think I'm a soft persimmon because of my low soul power? Today I'm going to let you see how powerful I am as the Fire Lord! See if I can handle this soft persimmon!"

"The first soul skill, Lord Fire Territory!"

Yan roared angrily, and a red halo appeared, suddenly surrounding him.

The halo disappeared, and Yan's body was covered with a layer of flame armor!

(End of this chapter)

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