Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 22: Devil May Cry Swamp, Gui Jiu with fragrant mouth

Chapter 22: Devil May Cry Swamp, Gui Jiu with fragrant mouth
Yan waved his fist and hit him. Seeing that Guijiu had no intention of dodging, he was angry and thought to himself.

Don't think that because you can fly, you can ignore me.


Yan vigorously waved his fist and struck it, but the expected touch did not come, but passed directly through his body.

He was suddenly startled, but found that Guijiu was clenching his fist and smashing it towards him.


Yan Bainen was immediately punched on the right side of his face, and almost fell down due to his unsteady center of gravity.

Instead, Gui Jiu stood behind him and helped him upright, which made Yan a little stunned.

"What do you want to do?"

Guijiu smiled slightly, "I don't want to do anything, I'm just wondering why you..."

"Why what?"

Yan was stunned.

Guijiu glanced at the other 12 people who were fighting vigorously, and shook his head.

"Nothing, let's continue!"

After Guijiu finished speaking, he punched him with a punch.

What he wanted to say just now was, why does this little boy like to be a licking dog?
When I thought about it at the time, Yan probably didn't even know Hu Liena now, let alone lick a dog.

Soon, the battle came to an end.

After Gui Jiu defeated Yan and used the first soul skill trick, he successfully led everyone to the final victory and obtained the qualification to practice in the dynamic martial arts training environment for two days on the weekend.

And Gui Jiu, as the best among them, also received an additional reward.

Well, it’s an extra day of dynamic training environment for martial arts.

One month later, Gui Jiu, who had just come out of the Wuhun dynamic training ring, felt comfortable all over.

Somehow, when I was practicing inside, my practice speed was much faster than before.

"Well, if we continue to practice like this, I feel that within a few weeks, my soul power should be able to break through to level 16. Nana and Xie Yue also said that they feel like they are about to break through. It's really..."

Guijiu opened his eyes and smiled.

"And Grandpa and Grandpa Yue, the Devil May Cry Swamp that I told me a few days ago seems to have been arranged."

Previously, due to the sneak attack of the 10-year-old poisonous dragon, Yueguan and Gui Mei went to the Pope's Palace to ask Bibi Dong's opinion.

Then the three of them went together, and everything went smoothly.

But suddenly two more 8-year-old poisonous dragons appeared. Although their strength was nothing compared to the three titles.

However, due to the favorable location, the three poisonous dragons were still able to escape into the poisonous pool even though they were seriously injured.

But fortunately, he did not return empty-handed. Yueguan got his wish and got Datura of Jiao, a poisonous fairy herb that was crucial to him.

Guijiu left the academy and returned home.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were both there, and they continued to talk when Gui Jiu came.

Yue Guan's tone was a bit regretful, as if he was reminiscing.

"If we had hunted down the 10-year-old poisonous dragon, transported its bones back and placed them in the Devil's Cry Swamp, it would have been of great help to the swamp!"

"According to the illustrated book, the bones of a 10-year-old poisonous dragon are the best thing for cultivating swamps. It's a pity... ugh."

"Otherwise it will save me several years of hard work."


Guijiu came over and asked curiously.

"Grandpa Yue, are you ready for Devil May Cry Swamp?"

Yue Guan smiled and nodded slightly in response.

"Well, it's not bad. It's achieved initial results. There's one more poisonous weed that can be cultivated, datura!"

"Dandala?" Guijiu was startled. This name was very similar to the name of the fairy herb Jiao Datura. "Yes, Datura is the top poisonous weed attached to Datura, the fairy medicinal herb. Grind it into powder and mix it in water. Just a small cup is the lethal dose for an adult soul master.

All that is left is some poisonous weeds and a dragon bead, which can be used to refine the legendary Hundred Poison Beads. Unfortunately, most of the poisonous weeds needed have disappeared on the Douluo Continent, although there may still be some in a forbidden area. Growth, but under normal circumstances, even a 10-year-old soul beast cannot condense that dragon bead. "

"What a pity!"

Looking at Yue Guan who shook his head and sighed, Gui Mei said.

"Okay, okay, it's not like you don't know that in today's Douluo Continent, there are fewer and fewer cherished herbs. You are extremely lucky to be able to cultivate Devil May Cry Swamp into what it is today."

Yue Guan nodded, "That's true."

Guijiu coughed.

"Grandpa Yue, didn't you say you wanted to take me to visit your Devil May Cry Swamp?"

Yue Guan nodded and smiled.

"It's with your grandfather. You are the only grandson between us. When we die, this Devil May Cry Swamp will naturally belong to you. When you have strength in the future, don't forget to find me some more top-quality medicinal herbs. , even the fairy herbs, it’s good to live up to what I’ve done to you, haha!”

Yueguan and Guimei left Wuhun City together with Guijiu.

Together, they flew at extremely fast speeds for nearly an hour before arriving at a high cliff.

Under the high cliff, there is a thick black fog that is bottomless.



Gui Jiu finally landed on the ground, putting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily.

The speed just now made him almost spit out.

"You two, Lao Deng, don't regard me as a human being, do you? You're flying so fast, why are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Yue Guan and Gui Mei looked at each other, unable to hide the smiles in their eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gui Mei couldn't help but laugh, and looked down at Gui Jiu's head again.


Although Guijiu cursed on the outside, he felt something was wrong in his heart.

These days, there are no conflicts between him and Gui Mei and Yue Guan, right?

The ghost coughed at this time and said.

"I'm giving you an advantage this time. If it weren't for the fact that both of our accounts are banned and we can't use it, I wouldn't have thought of giving it to you."

Guijiu was even more confused, what on earth is this?
Are they going to give themselves something?

"Go down you!"

Gui Mei kicked Gui Jiu down, and Gui Jiu cursed angrily.

"Damn old man! I *you**..."

Guijiu fell rapidly, and quickly summoned the martial spirit Geng Gui. Then he stabilized his body and floated up.

When Gui Jiu was about to fall to the ground, he discovered that in the valley, apart from a large poisonous pond in the middle, there were white-flowered Skeleton Grass outside.

However, it seems that most of them have not grown up and are still in the "infancy" stage.


Guijiu found an open space on the edge of the rock wall and landed down without destroying even a single bone grass.

Looking around, Guijiu actually found a plant that "stands out from the crowd" in a piece of white bone grass.

At this time, Gui Mei and Yue Guan also flew down.

Moon said.

"This is the King of Bone Grass that I cultivated by chance. I named it the Bone Mandala. Because it absorbed the medicinal power emitted by transplanting the Jiao Mandala here, it transformed into The top poisonous herb among the top is still far away from the fairy herb, but among the bone grass, it is already the king..."

(End of this chapter)

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