Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 23: Three 3-body martial soul fusion skills: The nightmare is coming!

Chapter 23: Trinity Martial Spirit Fusion Skill: The Nightmare Is Coming!
Only then did Gui Jiu realize that this was so!

There seemed to be something strange in his body. Guijiu felt it carefully and found out that it was the throbbing deep in his martial soul.


"Jie Jie Jie-"

"I told you earlier, my dear two grandfathers."

Guijiu chuckled and started rubbing his hands, making Gui Mei and Yue Guan look at each other and smile.

"Okay, take it and take it for absorption. Although you have absorbed a piece of White Bone Grass before, it will definitely not be absorbed this time. The original effect was not as great as taking White Bone Grass.

But it doesn't matter. After absorbing this bone mandala, your qualifications and soul power will be improved again. "

"I hope you won't disappoint us, these two bad old men."

In this way, Guijiu summoned the martial spirit Geng Gui and swallowed the Bone Grass into his belly to refine it in one gulp.

As time went by, the sky became darker and darker.

This was the bottom of the valley. Although there was no other danger, Guijiu felt that his surroundings suddenly seemed to be surrounded by dangers.

The dense white bones and grass protrusions around them all turned into white bones, floating continuously, and then gathered into a huge dragon skeleton, turning into a bone dragon and attacking Guijiu.

Guijiu looked around and saw that it was all rocky walls and there was no way out.


The bone dragon roared and dived towards Guijiu.


Guijiu suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air.

"Am I having a nightmare?"

Gui Jiu couldn't believe it. After absorbing a medicinal herb and refining its medicinal power, he actually had nightmares?

Could it be because...

Guijiu looked at himself, Darkrai in the depths of the spiritual sea.

Could it be because of you?
But after the surprise, came the surprise.

Gui Jiu discovered that his current soul power had been directly upgraded from level 16 to level 19.

Although in the original book, there is definitely a difference in the improvement of Shrek and others to either level five or level six.

But after all, that person's herb was an immortal herb, and his own was at best a top-quality herb, so there was no comparison at all. At the same time, it was an unexpected surprise, which saved him half a year of hard work.

Gui Mei looked at Gui Jiu with a strange look.

"Did you have a nightmare just now? I just saw your expression was wrong when you were absorbing it. I thought you were in danger."

Guijiu said with some tears.

"I don't know why, but I just absorbed half of it, and ended up falling into a nightmare. It wasn't until I finally woke up that I discovered that it was during the nightmare that the medicinal power of the Bone Mandala, And it was completely absorbed by me.”

Yue Guan said a little strangely.

"That's not right. According to my assumption, after Xiaojiu absorbs this bone mandala, her soul power will be able to increase to level 20 no matter what."

"I originally thought that after Xiaojiu has finished absorbing you, I will take you to hunt soul beasts and become a great soul master! I can't even think about a 6-year-old great soul master!" It will be next year soon. If As Yueguan said, after absorbing this bone mandala, the soul power has been raised to level 6. The [-]-year-old great soul master is indeed shocking.

The ghost coughed and said, "Although it is one level behind, it can still be considered as having absorbed the medicinal power of that bone mandala. It must be that the day when Xiaojiu becomes a great soul master is not far away."

"It just so happens that shortly after I return this time, the college will have a month's vacation. During this vacation, let Xiaojiu practice to level [-]. After absorbing the soul ring, she can go to the intermediate class in the next semester."

Gui Jiu thought about what Hu Liena and Xie Yue would do after she left.

This is indeed a difficult problem to solve, but there is no way. When he is strong enough, he has to go up.

In the second week, Guijiu, Xieyue and Hu Liena suddenly appeared strange during the class spirit fight.

I saw Gui Jiu, Xie Yue and Hu Liena suddenly burst into infinite light while forming a triangular stance.

But the light only lasted for a moment. The next moment, billowing black mist suddenly appeared in the venue, centered on the three people, covering the entire venue.

The figures of Guijiu, Xie Yue and Hu Liena also disappeared in the black mist.

Even Qiangu Xun, who was considered well-informed, was shocked at this moment.

"Is this a martial soul fusion skill? Or a trinity martial soul fusion skill!"

Qianguxun swallowed hard, the martial soul fusion technique!
Still a trinity!
Many years ago, there was a trio on the Douluo Continent called the Golden Iron Triangle. These three were famous for their powerful soul fusion skills, and at their peak, they could even fight against Soul Douluo.

(The trio at that time, except for Yu Xiaogang who was unchanged at level 29, were far less powerful than when the plot later appeared, so the power of the martial soul fusion skills was naturally much smaller.)
"No, the children are in danger!"

After Qianguxun was shocked, he realized the danger. The black mist shrouded the area wider and wider, and the students within the black mist also fell into a coma.

No one knows how powerful this sudden, uncontrollable martial soul fusion skill is.

Qianguxun didn't know how powerful this was and what its specific effects were.

But one thing is certain, this is definitely not a good thing for the students who have fallen into a coma!
In fact, the three people's martial soul fusion skills at this time were dominated by the consciousness of Guijiu.

And the name of this trinity martial soul fusion skill is called Nightmare Arrival.

After using this martial soul fusion skill, a black mist will be released, and those shrouded in the black mist will fall into a nightmare.

Gui Jiu is the creator of this nightmare.

In the nightmare, Guijiu can spy on the secrets of the person trapped in the nightmare, and even control his dream, making him completely fall into this nightmare without knowing it, and become a puppet on strings.

Of course, this consumes a lot of soul power.

But currently, the soul power between the three of them is controlled by Guijiu, and they can still maintain it for a few minutes no matter what.

Gui Jiu looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng, the martial soul Wolverine, was easily killed after he was hit by his first soul skill trick in his first class soul fight.

But in fact, his own strength and talent are not bad, it just depends on who he compares with.

In Wuhun Academy, he can only be considered as an average person.

And outside, they are the seed players from other advanced soul master academies.

In Lin Feng's dream, he was being chased everywhere by a big wolf whose soul was covered with red hair.

And Gui Jiu also learned through manipulating his dream that this big wolf with red hair all over his body and an unknown age (funny dog ​​head) was the source of the first soul ring that this guy absorbed.

It was at this time that the dream began to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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