Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 30 Palace banquet, meeting 'Xue Qinghe'

Chapter 30 Palace banquet, meeting 'Xue Qinghe'

Tiandou Palace, Xue Qinghe, to be precise, Qian Renxue disguised as the second prince Xue Qinghe.

"Martial Spirit Academy Team?"

Qian Renxue was stunned, looking at her young and handsome self in the mirror and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I don't know if my mother still remembers me, and my disciple, Gui Jiu, the grandson of Ghost Douluo and Ghost, who is seven years old and level 26. Maybe with him by my side, my mother can relax a little bit."

Qian Renxue is five years old, and she is 12 years old this year.

The 12-year-old of other girls is a good age when they are in their prime. Their physical and mental transformation is completed and they become real women.

But when she was 12 years old, she could only hide in the palace all day long as another person who was killed by him, calling someone who was not her father "Father". In her mind, only Qian Xunji was the person. He is his only father, one of the few people he cares about.

"Elder Porpoise?"

"Elder Snake Spear?"

Qian Renxue was a little confused, why weren't you there?
After a few seconds, the agouti and snake spear appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes.

"Miss, I'm really sorry. An acquaintance just came here, and we just chatted with him for a while." The agouti said softly.

"An acquaintance? Is it Ghost Douluo or Ju Douluo who led the team?" Qian Renxue was startled, and two names appeared in her mind.

"The eldest lady is smart and cannot be hidden from the eldest lady. She is the Ghost Douluo Ghost Elder. He was invited to come to the palace to attend the banquet, so he thought of coming to see it in advance. As a result, he met us. Before the two of us became titled, We had developed a friendship with the ghost elder, so we chatted a few more words."

Snake Lance said softly.

He also knew that they were from the Pope's Hall and the Enshrinement Hall respectively, so they only talked about the relationship between the three of them and had some friendship.

Qian Renxue didn't care and nodded lightly.


As for Guijiu, he was led by Qiangu Xun to the front of the palace.

"Stop comers!"

The knight guarding the palace shouted coldly when he saw the two men walking forward, holding spears.

"Who are you?"

Qianguxun took out a token from the storage bracelet on his wrist and tossed it with his jade hand.

"This is the token that your royal family gave to me when they invited us to the banquet."

"Please come in!"

The knight commander took the token and checked it, and found that it was true. Dangjie turned sideways with the other knights and said respectfully.

"Well, Xiaojiu, let's go."

Qianguxun slowly walked into the palace with Guijiu, and most of the places he saw were magnificent.

A special knight walked in front of the two of them and led them to the hall where the palace entertained guests.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Guijiu let out a low, strange laugh from his throat, while looking at the surrounding scenery.

Judging from the layout of the surrounding environment, Wuhun Palace is really not as good as Tiandou Palace in this aspect.

But this doesn't seem strange. After all, this is an imperial palace, and one family rules the world, which is naturally different from the Wuhun Palace.

"You two are finally here."

Around a corner, a ghost suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"Grandpa, why did you come early?"

Guijiu asked curiously.

"Hai, just come here to see an old friend."

As the three of them moved forward together, Guijiu also spoke.

"This palace is quite glorious, but it looks like it has an aura of decay. Tiandou and Xingluo have been established for thousands of years, and the upper echelons have long been decayed. Only my Wuhun Palace has been there since then. The establishment has remained consistent to this day.”

It was quite emotional, and Qianguxun's eyelids jumped after hearing this.

It is estimated that only a titled Douluo like Gui Mei would dare to criticize others in their lair.

As for the knight who led the way just now, he returned to his job after the ghost appeared. "Well, here we are, right here."

The ghost led the two of them to an extremely wide gate.

It is 12 meters wide and dozens of meters high. Even the door is painted with liquid 'pigment' produced by melting gold soul coins, making it look magnificent and noble.

"Let's go."

The ghost looked back at the two of them and walked in with a very domineering attitude.

Qianguxun and Guijiu also raised their heads and walked in together.

As soon as he walked in, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a crown sitting on the main seat and immediately stood up and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry to hear you come from afar! Please take a seat!"

Xue Ye pointed to a seat next to him and smiled.


The ghost just nodded and glanced at Xue Qinghe sitting on the other side of Xue Ye, and the third prince Xue Luochuan beside Xue Qinghe.

He smiled at Xue Qinghe, then walked to Xue Ye and sat down.

Then he waved to Guijiu and Qianguxun and smiled.

"Xiaojiu, Teacher Qiangu, come and sit with us."

In his words, he did not treat Xue Ye as an emperor at all, as if he was the master here.

There was already a hint of anger on Xue Ye's face, but he didn't show it. He just suppressed it in an instant.

After all, the difference in combat power among the top leaders is so huge that they can't even be compared.

Looking at Gui Jiu, who was handsomely dressed and handsome, he immediately smiled.

"Elder Gui, is this your grandson, Gui Jiu? Even if I am in Tiandou City, I know that he is the eldest disciple of the Pope of your palace and a 'prodigy' in Wuhun City!"

As a large empire, Tiandou naturally wanted to find out the information in Wuhun City.

As for Gui Jiu's news, Wuhun Palace had no intention of hiding it.

In addition to not being able to get the latest news, you can still know how weird Guijiu is from the previous news.

"Haha, my grandson is good at everything, but he also has a weakness that few people know about."

The ghost laughed.

"That's why he's so nice."

"What about Xiaojiu's soul power?"

Xue Ye continued to ask.

But the ghost was obviously not that easy to fool, so he pointed at Xue Qinghe and Xue Luochuan and asked.

"Your Majesty, why don't you introduce your two princes to me? I would like to guess which of the two will become the successor of the Tiandou Empire in the future."

Guijiu's eyes also met Xue Qinghe's, and there was curiosity and envy in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

Isn't the reason why she went out to lurk in Tiandou just because she wanted her mother to take her seriously and have a normal relationship with ordinary people's parents and children?

As Bibi Dong's personal disciple, Gui Jiu would definitely be able to see and play with Bibi Dong from time to time.

And 'Xue Qinghe' saw curiosity and even pity in Guijiu's eyes?

Xue Ye said slowly.

"This is my second prince Xue Qinghe."

"This is my third prince Xue Luochuan."

"I also have a fourth prince, but he is too naughty, so I won't bring him along to taint the eyes of distinguished guests. Haha."

In fact, for Xue Ye, a titled Douluo really wouldn't make him be so humble.

But apart from the ghosts themselves, the Wuhun Palace was something he couldn't afford to offend.

(End of this chapter)

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