Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 31 Go to Ice and Fire 2 Yiyan!

Chapter 31 Go to the Eye of Ice and Fire!
Since the imperial family, the Tiandou Empire has not been good at war, which is not bad, but compared with the Star Luo Empire, it is far inferior.

Back then, the Xingluo Empire was so powerful that it could even subjugate Tiandou. It was only because of the Wuhun Palace's obstruction that the Tiandou Empire could continue. As for why the Wuhun Palace did what it did, it was very simple, because if the Star Luo Empire Unifying the mainland would seriously not be in the interests of Wuhun Palace.

It was also for this reason that the Tiandou royal family worked hard to make friends with titles, such as Qibao Glazed Sect and Xue Xing's guest Dugubo.

That's all.

Guijiu enjoyed this banquet very happily.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

'It has to be the palace. All the food here is the meat of ten thousand year old soul beasts, and there are even delicacies made by soul saint-level food-type soul masters using soul skills. They are really delicious. '

Gui Jiu rubbed his round belly, followed Gui Mei and Qian Gu Xun out of the palace, got back on the carriage, and headed back in the direction from which he came.

As for Yueguan, after searching the Dugu family to no avail, they came to Prince Xue's Mansion.

"That guy Dugu Bo's little granddaughter."

Yue Guan noticed Dugu Yan. At this time, Dugu Yan was only 11 years old, looking boredly at the little fish in the bathtub in a corner of the palace.

"Ask this old guy. Forget it, he won't tell me even if I ask him. Let's go back first."

Yueguan had no choice but to return.

After returning to the hotel, Hu Liena and Xie Yue immediately got entangled with each other. Guijiu talked to them, and they were envious.

In Guijiu's room, Yueguan said helplessly.

"I went to Dugu Bo's house to look for her, but I couldn't find it. His granddaughter is in Prince Xue's mansion. If it weren't for him, Dugu Bo would have died by my hands."

The ghost waved his hands.

"I already knew that it would end like this, so don't think about what you can do to him when you come to Tiandou this time."

After Gui Mei finished speaking, Gui Jiu slowly spoke.

"Ahem, Grandpa, Grandpa Yue, if I say that I know a way to help Dugu Bo and his family remove the green-scaled snake venom from themselves, what do you think you should do?"

"You want to use this to do things for us, or you want to use this as a blackmail."

"Why are you two looking at me like this? I mean if, if!"

Gui Jiu looked at Yue Guan and Gui Mei and looked at him with strange eyes.

"Xiaojiu, do you really have a way to detoxify the green-scale snake venom on Dugu Bo and the others?" Ghost said in a deep voice.


Guijiu glanced at Yueguan's eyes and then said truthfully.

"When I was wandering around Wuhun City before,..."

Guijiu made up a reason casually and said.

"Haha, Xiaojiu, even if you don't want to say it, you can't treat your two grandfathers as fools!"

The ghost helplessly held his forehead and said.

And Yue Guan said.

"Xiaojiu, are you telling the truth? I don't care where you got the solution, but if what you are telling the truth, then the relationship between me and Dugu Bo will also change."

Yueguan continued.

"The hatred between Dugu Bo and I is not small, but if there is really a way to detoxify, then we can use it to make Dugu Bo work for my Spirit Hall."

The ghost said in a deep voice.

"There's no need to say it openly. Besides, Dugu Bo doesn't like being restrained the most. Even if he threatens him with this, we're afraid that he won't be able to work hard in the future. We don't need his loyalty, we only need him."

"With the support of a titled Douluo, let him be our undercover agent in the Tiandou Empire, and then"

"But having said that, even if we now know the antidote, we still don't know where he is now!"

Yue Guan couldn't help but say.

"Actually, I also know this." Guijiu coughed and said

In his opinion, there is a high probability that Dugu Bo left Tiandou City for the Ice and Fire Eyes.Theoretically speaking, the Ice and Fire Eyes can suppress the toxins in Dugu Bo's body, so it will naturally be useful for Dugu Bo's son Dugu Xin.

In Guijiu's view, this should be a critical moment for the life and death of Dugu Bo's son Dugu Xin. If he could really tell him the antidote at this moment, he would basically agree to anything.

After all, he himself has the Jade Lin Snake Venom, which tortures him every day. Although he has become a title and his life is safe, his cultivation level will only stop at level 91 in his lifetime, and he cannot make any progress.

The son Dugu Xin urgently needs this life-saving help, and the granddaughter Dugu Yan also needs this to ensure that she will not suffer the same pain as them.

Gui Jiu calculated in his mind that if he were Dugu Bo, he would definitely accept it no matter what the conditions were!
Yue Guan asked quickly.

"Xiaojiu, where are you?"

"You brat, how did you know that?" Gui Mei looked at Gui Jiu suspiciously.

"Grandpa, don't worry about how I knew it. Anyway, I can't tell false news, Jie Jie Jie——"

Guijiu continued.

"If I guessed correctly, Dugu Bo and his son Dugu Xin should be in the Ice and Fire Eyes of Sunset Forest at this time."

"Ice and Fire Yin Yang?"

Yue Guan was startled, "It feels a bit familiar."

Guijiu continued.

"The eyes of ice and fire have the effect of suppressing the venom of the Jade Lin snake in their bodies..."

Yue Guan and Gui Mei looked at each other, "Without further ado, let's set off now!"

"No, you don't have to leave now. It's not too late to wait until tomorrow. It's noon now..."

When Guijiu heard this, he immediately said.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you go later, Dugu Bo's son will die, and the detoxification method you have will not be as effective."

Yue Guan said.

So, that's it.

Gui Jiu was pulled by Yue Guan and Gui Mei, and once again went on a spontaneous trip.

It was noon when we left Tiandou City, and it was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Sunset Forest.

This is because Guijiu cannot bear to go too fast, otherwise it can be faster!

"Sunset Forest, we're here, Xiaojiu, where is the Ice and Fire Eye in Sunset Forest?"

Gui Mei looked at Gui Jiu who was holding his little hand and said.

Guijiu coughed and said quickly.

"The Eye of Ice and Fire is in the center of the Sunset Forest. As long as you see the poison barrier, you will know its location."

"Well, poison barrier, then keep moving forward!"

said the ghost.

Another gust of wind howled, and the three of them came to the poison barrier.

As peak Douluo, Yue Guan and Gui Mei are naturally not afraid.

But Guijiu is weak in strength after all.

After Guijiu felt it for a while, he said.

"I'm fine. I can actually absorb those poisonous barriers and turn them into my own soul power!"

Guijiu was a little excited.

This was the first time he discovered this ability of Geng Gui Wuhun.

PS: It’s Monday. Dear readers, please give me votes and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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