Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 44 It is expected that the Soul Sect will set off for training

Chapter 44 It is expected that the Soul Sect will set off for training

Guijiu thought for a while and said.

"Teacher, my future plans are very simple and clear. I hope that after I break through to the Soul Sect realm, you can allow me to leave Wuhun City and go out to practice."

"Huh? With your current soul power and cultivation speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can break through to the Soul Sect, right? Do you want to go out and practice at the age of seven?"

Bibi Dong frowned slightly and expressed concern.

"After all, you are still too young now, and you don't understand many things in the world. You might as well wait until a few years to go out."

Bibi Dong also knows that with Guijiu's current strength, it is enough to go out for training, but after all, he has been Guijiu's teacher for almost a year. He also likes this humorous disciple and really wants to protect him. Seven years old is indeed not high. .

After listening to Bibi Dong's advice, Guijiu looked at Hu Liena and chuckled.

"Teacher, my dear teacher, you also know that if I want to leave, you can't stop me, I can fly."

"cough cough"

Guijiu glanced at Bibi Dong's increasingly dangerous eyes, then coughed and quickly added.

"My dear teacher, as your dearest disciple, how could I have the heart to abandon you? But now that I continue to stay in Wuhun City, it has no effect on myself. I am here If I go outside, I can gain more knowledge, not to mention you also gave me a black hairpin, right?"

"With that hairpin on my body, I can hide my aura and prevent others from discovering my specific strength. When the time comes, I will definitely have to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger! Ahem."

"In short, teacher, you also know my strength. I am currently in the Soul Lord realm, but if I go one-on-one, even the Soul King is no match for me!"

"You should be relieved too! My favorite teacher"

After a lot of hard work from Guijiu, Bibi Dong finally had no choice but to wave her hands and let the two of them go down while she thought about it again.

"Nana, come to my house for fun first. Don't rush back to the academy. When I break through to the Soul Sect, I will take you out of Wuhun City and have a good time outside. Oh no, have a good time. Give it a try!”

Gui Jiu and Hu Liena slowly walked out of the Pope's Palace under the watch of the guarding knights.

"Well, senior brother, if we go out, where should we go to practice?"

Hu Liena thought for a moment and then asked.

Guijiu thought for a moment.

You definitely can't go to that horned spot in Notting City. Not to mention that there is no need to go there. Moreover, if Tang Hao, a weakling, finds out, he will probably be smashed down with a hammer.

Tiandou City is an option, but Tiandou just came back from there, so it seems unnecessary to go there.

You can also go to the Broken Clan.
Wait, the Po Clan has a big feud with Wuhun Palace.

Even in the original work, Tang San relied on the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal to conquer Yang Wudi who loved refining medicine, but after all, he was from the Spirit Hall's position!

Neither can the broken clan.

Guijiu was thinking about where a good place would be when he heard Hu Liena say.

"Brother, why don't we go to the Balak Kingdom?"

"Kingdom of Barak?"

Guijiu was stunned. His only impression of the Balak Kingdom was Soto City.

Soto City is another large city in the Barak Kingdom besides the capital of the kingdom, with a large garrison.

Shrek Academy is located in a village outside Soto City. It rents half the village area from the villagers to open the academy.

Hu Liena nodded slightly and said.

"Actually, my brother and I first lived in a village near Soto City. It was only later that my brother and I awakened Wuhun together, and then we were sent to Wuhun City by the local Wuhun Hall branch. , finally after studying in the academy for two years, I was accepted as a disciple by the teacher, and then I met you, senior brother."

Guijiu recalled that day before September. After returning to Wuhun City, Bibi Dong said she wanted to give him a reward.

As a result, the shy Hu Liena was brought out and said that this was how to reward him.I have to say that the changes in these nine months are really big. Hu Liena has become calmer from being shy at the beginning, and even has a charming look on her little face.

The title of charming body is really not nonsense, Hu Liena has such a physique.

"I don't know how my brother and I's home has become in the past few years. Before I left, I asked my neighbor Aunt Wang to go in and clean it regularly." Hu Liena said with some worry.

Guijiu was thinking that he could go and see the Shrek Academy then.

He even kidnapped Oscar.

In the original book, he remembered that the introduction to Oscar was that when he was six years old, he was awakened by Flanders, who was a butler of the branch of the Spirit Hall to make money, and was then directly deceived into Shrek Academy by Flanders.

(This is considered a secondary setting, Qin Ming and Oscar know each other)

As for why Flender can directly become an acting deacon?

A shameless soul saint comes to beg you. This kind of trivial matter is actually very easy to do.

"Even if there is no cleaning, I will clean with you then."

Guijiu said softly.

"Yeah!" Hu Liena's face instantly turned red when she thought about the days she would spend with Guijiu.

After returning home, Guijiu also mentioned the matter to Gui Mei and Yueguan.

The ghost pondered for a while and then said.

"I understand you, kid. You must have already made up your mind. Even if I don't agree, you will definitely find a way to get out. Besides, your current strength is not bad. If you want to practice, , I have no objection, as long as you are more steady."

"Of course, the most important thing is His Majesty the Pope's opinion, which is your teacher's opinion, although I don't think there is any problem."

After Gui Mei finished speaking, Gui Jiu looked at Yue Guan.

Yue Guan sighed softly.

"What your grandpa said is right. Since you have made up your mind and you can't persuade it back, it's better for you to practice it yourself, increase your experience and become more stable."

"But if His Majesty the Pope agrees, then every time you go to a place, remember to write a letter and have it sent to the local branch of Wuhun Temple and ask them to deliver the letter back, so that we can feel at ease."

As the saying goes, the mother worries when her son travels thousands of miles.

Guijiu has no mother, and Bibi Dong is no different from his mother in his heart. Both grandfathers also think about him.

This time, he was rare and did not cause any trouble, and Jie Jie smiled strangely.

On the other side, Qianguxun had just returned to his residence.

Then a guest came.

"Aunt Qingluan, why are you here?"

Qianguxun opened the door and found Qingluan, and immediately smiled.

Qingluan took elegant steps and walked in slowly with a pair of long legs as white as snow.


Wait for Qianguxun to close the door.

Qingluan said this.

"Xiao Xun, I happen to be bored too. Can you tell me what happened this month?"

(End of this chapter)

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