Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 45 Darkrai: Take me to the Douluo Palace

Chapter 45 Darkrai: Take me to the Douluo Palace

Qianguxun pulled up a bench and sat down, and began to tell.

Regarding the fairy grass section, considering Gui Jiu, it was briefly told that Gui Jiu obtained fairy grass and medicinal herbs that could improve his qualifications and soul power.

She herself also got a top-quality medicinal herb, which not only directly increased her soul power by one level, but also improved her qualifications, allowing her to go further in the future.

After listening to what Qianguxun said, Qingluan was also a little moved.

"Xiao Xun, do you know if there are more of this Gui Jiu? You just ate a top-grade herb and your soul power increased by one level. So if it is an immortal herb, how precious is it? "

Qingluan himself has been stuck at level 97 for more than ten years. It can be said that he is very eager to go further. However, in recent years, he felt that there was no hope of improvement, so he began to show off. He often left the Enshrinement Hall to play in Wuhun City. , what he likes most is to play with Qian Guxun, the woman he grew up watching.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is an old naughty boy.

Qianguxun smiled helplessly.

"Aunt Qingluan, you yourself know how precious this thing is. Even if Xiaojiu himself, his two grandfathers, and his teacher come here first, I estimate that the jelly grass he gets will still be worth it. It’s not enough points!”

After hearing what Qian Guxun said, Qingluan sighed helplessly.

"You are right, but since Yue Guan and Gui Mei must have taken a piece of fairy grass, what level of soul power are they now?"

"You know, the ghost has broken through to level 96 before. If he absorbs another fairy grass, won't he be at level 97?"

Qingluan was a little jealous.

It’s great to have a great grandson, right?

As soon as Sun Tzu awakened his martial soul, he broke through the first level of soul power.

I went outside with my grandson and got another fairy grass. After absorbing it, my soul power increased by another level?
Please give me a dozen of such good grandsons!
She's over 100 years old and she's still a virgin?

That's fine.

Qingluan couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that they really have a good grandson, and that dead demon, Guijiu is also his godson, he must also have a share, he must have broken through to level 96, right?

Why!If I had known I would have given birth to a child when I was young, otherwise my great-grandson would have grown up by now! "

Qianguxun remained silent, who doesn't know you, Aunt Qingluan?
His second uncle once pursued Qingluan!

It was only after being beaten by Fatty that he stopped.

Bibi Dong looked at the scenery outside the window and the chirping of birds, with a sense of helplessness in her calm expression.

Finally, she took out a token from the storage soul guide stored in her waist.

It was the papal decree.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Forget it, I hope you can grow up outside!"

The holder of the papal decree is the honorary elder of Wuhun Palace. Even the powerful Platinum Bishop Salas saw it and could only bow and obey the order respectfully.

The papal decree in Yu Xiaogang's hand in the original work is the one Tang Hao gave him to the Haotian Sect, and the papal decree is the one Tang Chen left in the sect.

This thing is very rare.

One month later, Guijiu reached level [-].

That same day, I was pulled by the ghost and went to the Sunset Forest.

Relying on his now powerful mental power, Guijiu boldly absorbed a 42-year-old ghost wolf king soul ring, and successfully absorbed it.His soul power was raised to level [-], and he acquired a powerful soul skill, which he named Secret Attack Vital. This time it was different from the past, it was a very powerful attack soul skill.

[Secret Attack Key]: With extremely fast reaction speed, seize the momentary gap, gather the rich dark soul power into giant claws, and slash the opponent.

Hu Liena couldn't help but widen her eyes when she looked at the arrangement of four soul rings on Guijiu's body, one yellow, two purple and one black.

"Senior brother, this is really the first time I've seen your soul ring configuration!"

Guijiu chuckled, "Low-key, Jie Jie Jie"

"Ahem, now I have broken through to the Soul Sect, and the teacher also gave us a surprise, how about you guess?"

"Ah? What's the surprise? The teacher didn't even tell me!" Hu Liena said.

"That's it, the papal decree. The teacher seemed to be in a bad mood at that time. He probably didn't want to lose his temper with you. You can go to the teacher's house to spend some time with the teacher in the evening. When we come back next time, we should It’s just a few months, maybe even a year from now.”

Gui Jiu gave a conservative figure and held the papal decree given by Bibi Dong in his hand.

Hu Liena first nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the papal decree in Guijiu's hand, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"The teacher will actually give you a piece of the Pope's Order. I heard from the teacher before that there are only five pieces in the entire Douluo Continent. One of them was handed over to Tang Chen by the Great Enshrinement Decades ago. The remaining four pieces are the Pope's Palace and the Enshrinement. Two pieces for each temple.”

Gui Jiujie smiled and said.

"Yes, with this papal decree, we can effectively prove our identity when we go out. Even a platinum bishop like Salas must be respectful in front of us and dare not show any disrespect to us. Where, with this token, our safety factor when going out has also been greatly improved!"

After all, it was training, and Guijiu could never let Yueguan and Gui Mei stay by his side to protect them.

Guijiu and Hu Liena started to pack their things, preparing to leave tomorrow.

After Hu Liena simply packed her things, she went to Bibi Dong's palace that night.

The master and apprentice cuddled together.

Guijiu spent that night exploring the secrets of Wuhun at home.

After becoming a Soul Sect, his communication with Darkrai became clearer.

Among them, he also learned that his martial spirit Gengar could devour the life force of others to strengthen himself, which was indeed true.

When he absorbed the soul ring for the first time, after he killed the 500-year-old strange vine tree, he also absorbed the vitality emanating from it, saving half a month of hard work.

But since the second soul ring, this feature of absorbing vitality and quickly improving cultivation has disappeared, which also made Guijiu a little puzzled for a period of time.

Now, he finally knew why.

Gengar was suppressed by Darkrai before, and all the life force went into Darkrai's pocket without anyone seeing it.

It was precisely because of this that Darkrai was able to regain some of his consciousness so quickly and talk to him.

'You mean, my current strength is not enough to revive you, so how strong should I be?Or do you need to meet certain conditions? '

Guijiu asked.

Darkrai pondered for a while and then answered.

'I don't know exactly how much vitality is needed. I need a huge amount of vitality now. There is a good place in your Wuhun Palace, which contains a huge amount of vitality. If possible, you can let me go in and absorb it. The vitality required will be greatly reduced. '

"Where?" Guijiu asked quickly.

'Douluo Palace'

(End of this chapter)

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