Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 67 Artifact Armor?Invasion nightmare!

Chapter 67 Artifact Armor?Invasion nightmare!
But this has nothing to do with Gui Jiu. When Gui Mei and Yue Guan followed Qian Xunji to chase him and were seriously injured, he still hasn't forgotten it!
It's a question of position.

At first glance, this sentence seemed to be very unreasonable by Guijiu. After all, it was Tang Hao who was hunted down first, but Guijiu didn't care about that.

Even if there was no such thing, Guijiu would definitely take away the soul bones and the Blue Silver Emperor in order to improve his strength!
At the same time, you can also be angry with Tang Hao or something.

Although it was said before that Tang San was covered by someone, he couldn't be directly led to fuck him.

But stealing, ah no, taking a piece of soul bone and swallowing the Blue Silver Emperor, it doesn't matter, as long as Tang Hao doesn't catch him.

But judging from the way in the original work, where he was lying at home relying on Tang San to support himself and drinking heavily, he probably wouldn't have the chance to go to the cave to see Ah Yin once a year. If you think about it this way, it seemed to be nothing.

Tang San is only four years old this year. Tang Hao still has two years to come out of his decadent state. During this period, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

But during this period, it is best to act alone, otherwise it will be a hindrance!

When he thought of this, Guijiu shook his head and said again.

"Brother Xuande, maybe you have to stay in Tiandou City for a little longer. I have to complete some things! I can't bring more people with me."

Tuoba Xuande didn't get what he asked for, so he nodded in agreement.

Guijiu shook his head helplessly. After eating some snacks to fill his stomach, Guijiu returned to the room Dugu Bo had prepared for him.

After taking out the poisonous dragon skull and looking at it carefully, I didn't see anything special except for the strong poison attribute power.

Then there is the Phantom Pill.

Guijiu had carefully read the recipe for Phantom Pill before. Many of the medicinal materials seemed to be extinct, but it was not impossible to cultivate them again.

Now, you can ask Dugu Bo first. Dugu Bo has a deep understanding of flowers and plants. It would be best if he could solve it at once. But if it didn't work, he returned to Wuhun City to find Grandpa Yue.

Yue Guan serves as Douluo Continent's medicinal herb dictionary, but Guijiu still feels that these medicinal materials are not difficult for him.

Finally, there is this damaged armor.

Darkrai said that this may have something to do with the gods.

Could it be an armor-like artifact left behind by the gods?
Taking out the armor, Guijiu examined it carefully. Not only was it incomplete in some places, but it was also covered with dense marks from swords and axes, as if it had been in battle for a long time.

Darkrai appeared and said.

"The owner of this armor should be a god, or like a high priest or great worshiper in this world, who has accumulated divine power for many years, otherwise it would never have such charm.

It seems useless at the moment, but if you have divine power after getting it, you can make it shine again. If it is a divine weapon, with the support of divine power, it will soon become a divine weapon again.

But if not, if you cultivate it, when you become a god, it will become the most suitable defensive artifact for you!
All in all, this armor is a good thing. Although you don't wear it directly now, you have to take it out from time to time and use your soul power to warm it up. In the end, it will be better if you achieve this effect. "

After Darkrai finished speaking, Guijiu suddenly realized.

"So that's it. It seems that we are really lucky this time. There are so many treasures in the treasure houses of these big sects! Another day, I will rob the rich and give to the poor one by one, and then let me take a good look at the strength of these big sects! Also! Heaven Dou Treasure House! Go and steal the Vast Sea Universe Cover another day!"

The Vast Sea Universe Cover, in the original work, Tang San was able to open the Nine Tests of Poseidon and became a vital part of Poseidon.

Although he himself does not intend to become a Poseidon, but he leaves it to the people around him to take the test. If it is the Poseidon Ninth Test, then he will be safe!
Gui Jiu nodded slightly and put the armor into the ghost-controlling bracelet.Then he walked out of the room and found Dugu Bo.

"Elder Poison, this is a pill recipe I found from the treasure house of Qibao Glazed Sect. I wonder what Elder Poison knows about the refining method of the phantom pill above? If you really gather the medicinal materials, how can you refine it? Come out, I won’t let you pay for it in vain!”

When Dugu Bo took the prescription and took a look, he was suddenly shocked.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, I have never even heard of some of the raw materials in this recipe, but I have an idea of ​​most of the herbs. Give me some time and I can get them together."

Although Guijiu had already been prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help but sigh after getting the exact answer.

"Since you can't find them all at the moment, let's find those medicinal materials that can be found first, and try to collect as many as possible. If you need them later, you won't have to look for them temporarily."

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "I understand!"

Darkrai brought a lot of surprises to Guijiu today.

That night, Guijiu quietly left the Dugu family's house.

Dugu Bo felt sleepy, but as soon as he closed his eyes, his vision went dark, and his body seemed to become smaller, even dwarfed?
'wrong!Where is I now?This was when I was a kid? '

As if he were an outsider, Dugu Bo looked at his critically ill father on the bed, held the hand of a child standing beside the bed tightly, and then began to explain the funeral arrangements.

The ancient well has been quiet for many years, and the dust-laden heart began to stir.

"Is this the day my father died?"

Only then did Dugu Bo understand why Guijiu had told him that before he arrived in Tiandou City.

"Damn it! It must have something to do with that black cloud! I didn't expect that I would be able to see my father again. I don't want to see him die!"

Thinking like this, Dugu Bo burst into tears.

As for Gui Jiu, after arriving at the front mountain of Qibao Glazed Sect, bad taste started to arise.

'Darkrai, please feel carefully, how many people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect have fallen asleep and started to have nightmares now?Do you think that in this case, I can invade other people's nightmare world? '

Darkrai nodded slightly and said.

"Yes, if you are willing, you only need to spend a certain amount of soul power to enter the soul master's nightmare. However, the cost of care and mental power depends on whose nightmare you enter."

"Among them, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, and Ning Fengzhi are all trapped in a nightmare at this time. They are good targets for invasion. Xiaojiu, whoever you think is better is fine."

Guijiu nodded slightly, thought for a while, and then said.

"Can I enter Gu Rong's nightmare world?"

Darkrai nodded slightly, "Of course that's no problem!"

At the top of the Qibao Glazed Sect is the residence of Gu Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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