Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 68: What happened to Gu Rong in her childhood, Rong, I dare not forget it!

Chapter 68: What happened to Gu Rong in her childhood, Rong, I dare not forget it!

At this time, Gu Rong was falling into the nightmare world of the day she was least willing to accept.

When Gui Jiu invaded Gu Rong's world, he was surprised to find that he was in a dark alley.

'This is Gu Rong's nightmare world?Nothing seems strange! '

Guijiu murmured in his heart.

However, as soon as he walked out of the alley, Guijiu ran into a boy in black clothes with tattered and skinny clothes. He rushed into the alley like crazy and buried himself in the darkness.

'Xiaojiu, he is Gu Rong! '

Darkrai emerged from behind Guijiu, and Guijiu was a little surprised.

'Is this Gu Rong?He looks about six years old, right?Why is this still the case?I remember that his martial soul was a bone dragon, a genius with innate soul power!How could it be like this? '

Darkrai shook his head slightly and said.

'I don't know why Gu Rong looks like this, but he should have just rushed out of the Wuhun Hall branch not far away. He has not awakened the Wuhun. It seems that this is the day he least wants to face. The right day has come! '

Guijiu nodded thoughtfully.

'I didn't expect that Gu Rong was so miserable when he was a child. He didn't awaken his martial spirit at the age of six, and he seemed to be an orphan. His only hope was shattered. It seemed reasonable to say that this was the day he least wanted to face. '

'Nadakrai, we are in Gu Rong's dream now. Will Gu Rong notice us? '

Darkrai glanced at Gu Rong and said.

'This is actually quite possible, but Gu Rong should not have this idea now, and with my help, he has no chance of discovering you!We can also take this opportunity to make him pay some price, or even make him...'

'Well, even now Gu Rong's perspective has completely brought into his younger self, and if you show up at this time and 'unintentionally' make something out, it will be very easy for Gu Rong to operate in the future!When we face the Qibao Glazed Sect later, maybe Gu Rong will become the middleman between us! '

Guijiu was a little confused and asked.

"Can you make it clearer? Why can't I understand?"

Darkrai coughed and continued.

'It's like this. I have never invaded other people's dreams before, so I don't know how to do this. But as of now, this Gu Rong has completely fallen into childhood. If we don't come, he will probably He lived in the dreamland until the day he successfully awakened his martial spirit, so now

, he is not aware of your existence. You only need to give him some help in the middle, and then disappear after he awakens his martial spirit. When he wakes up, he will feel that this is a real thing. Things that happened,

Of course, this must be logical and very reasonable. In this case, he will think that this is what really happened, and finally you can use this to get close to Gu Rong! '

After hearing what Darkrai said, Guijiu couldn't help but smile.

'It seems that this invasion has given me a big surprise! '

'In this case, then I will dress up as someone from the Soul Palace, just to let Gu Rong know that his [Benefactor] is from the Soul Palace, and if we meet him in the future, I can also use this to make a profit. '

Guijiu did as he said and walked deeper into the alley.

Looking at the skinny boy with hollow eyes in front of him, Gui Jiu couldn't help but think.

'Such a good seedling, he is very suitable to join our soul palace at first glance! 'Gui Jiu did not stay with Gu Rong for a year in this dream. Instead, with the help of Darkrai, he appeared in front of Gu Rong once a month and extended his favor.

It wasn't until a year later that Gu Rong suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.

The next moment, his body began to tremble violently, and a huge bone dragon appeared behind Gu Rong, roaring.

The passers-by who originally despised Gu Rong now crowded over and fought for it.

"This little brother, please join my family. As long as you join, I will marry my daughter to you! After a hundred years, my family will be yours!"

"Go away! This little brother is mine! As long as he joins my sect, I will ensure that he becomes at least a Contra-level warrior!"

"Tch, stop bragging! Even a genius born with full soul power will have many surprises! With you, a guy who has more enemies than relatives, I'm afraid he won't grow up until that day! Little brother, join our Dragon King Sect. ! Guarantee that you will eventually become a titled Douluo!"

Gui Jiu, who was not far away, smiled when he looked at this group of guys who had the highest soul power but Cai Hun Zun.

At this time, Gu Rong was also very anxious.

"You all get out of here! I want to find my benefactor!"

When Gu Rong pushed through the crowd and left, he was surprised to find that the man in black robe was nowhere to be seen.

Just when he was anxious, he heard a voice.

"Gu Rong, remember what I told you this year! As long as someone claims to be the protector of the Soul Palace and comes to you in the future, he will be my disciple! From now on, you must agree to his three requests! You cannot refuse!"

Gu Rong burst into tears, "Rong, I dare not forget!"

The dream ended, and Guijiu withdrew from Gu Rong's dream. He was in a daze and looked at the darkness around him, feeling a little confused.

'Darkrai, was that just a dream?Why do I feel like it’s real! ? '

Darkrai emerged and whispered.

"This is a normal phenomenon. After all, this is your first time. After that, you will become familiar with it and you will be able to reasonably distinguish between the two, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Guijiu nodded slightly and asked again.

"If this is the case, then Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi, do I also want to invade their dreams? Although I stayed in Gu Rong's dream for a year, after all, it was only a quick shuttle, and the real storage time did not exist. There’s not much, if you still have time, you can go to Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin’s dreams to do something like this.”

Darkrai nodded slightly, then shook his head.

"Xiao Jiu, you are thinking better. I just took a look. Compared with what Gu Rong has done, what Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi don't want to face is that there is no place for you to intervene. If you can compete with the invasion, It would be best if Gu Rong’s dream was the same, but as of now, there is still no chance.”

"Although I have plenty of time, I don't know how long I will waste in the graveyard. To be on the safe side, we'd better go to the graveyard now!"

Guijiu thought about it and nodded.

"Well, let's not waste any more time, let's go now!"

(End of this chapter)

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