National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 45 The King’s Spirit Bead!Epic prize pool! (2 in 1)

Chapter 45 The King’s Spirit Bead!Epic prize pool! ([-]-in-[-])


The screams of the Sky Flame One-horned Horse became more and more anxious.

Lin Feng, who was running around, felt keenly that the aura of the ferocious beast behind him had weakened.

Lin Feng was overjoyed!

When King Ma's wings fell off, his aura changed.

He knew it was bad. Ma Wang obviously knew that he couldn't escape.

In anger, he will burn his own flesh and blood and die with him!

However, no matter how much energy flesh and blood has, there will always be a time when it is exhausted.

Sure enough, within 5 minutes, the aura of the Sky Flame Unicorn was like a flood, sluggish again and again.

It’s time to fight back!
Shrink to the ground!

This time, the end of the direction is the horse king!


Blood splattered in the field!
Huanyu inserted straight into the throat of Tianyan Unicorn.


A slight hoarse sound sounded, and the Sky Flame Unicorn Colt crashed to the ground!

This is the end of a generation of kings.

[Successfully killed the level 11 king beast: Sky Flame Unicorn Pony!Gain experience +2200!Obtain the Fire King Spirit Pearl*1. 】

Finally killed!The first mission item was successfully obtained!
Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and placed his palms on the body of Tian Yan's one-cornered horse.


[Unlimited plunder successful!Obtain a C-level talent: Fire Control! 】

The roar of the horses came one after another, and among the sounds of horses escaping in all directions, the sound of the system was particularly clear.

[Same talent detected and merging! 】

[The fusion is successful, congratulations on obtaining the b-level talent: True Meaning of Fire! 】

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart was filled with surprise!

B-level talent!He finally has a B-level talent!
Lin Feng was immersed in surprise. Suddenly, a white light suddenly lit up on his body.

[Your level has been promoted to level 10! 】

[Your strength attribute increases by 45 points]

[Your agility attribute increases by 45 points]

[Your physical attributes increase by 45 points]

[Your energy attribute increases by 45 points]

[You get 45 free attributes! 】

The upgraded energy is the warmest, and long-term battles are a huge test of energy and physical strength.

Lin Feng closed his eyes slightly and allowed himself to enjoy the tranquility of this moment.

Under the infiltration of white light, all the wounds on the body were slowly repaired, and the energy and physical strength consumed were quickly replenished.

In just one minute, Lin Feng felt as if he was sleeping comfortably at home.

There is a feeling all over my body: Energized!

When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, the horses had completely escaped.

Only then did he realize that his experience value had hit the level 10 barrier without even realizing it.

But is that the end?

No, it doesn't!
The next moment, the announcement resounded throughout 9527 Novice Village!
[Announcement: Newbie Lin Feng was the first to break through the level 10 mark and successfully made it to the list!Reward an epic prize pool lottery chance*1. 】

[Announcement: Newbie Lin Feng was the first to break through the level 10 mark and successfully made it to the list!Reward an epic prize pool lottery chance*1. 】

[Announcement: Newbie Lin Feng was the first to break through the level 10 mark and successfully made it to the list!Reward an epic prize pool lottery chance*1. 】

The announcement rang three times. The entire village, those who were spawning monsters, those on the road, and those resting, all had their eyes widened and listened to the announcement in disbelief.

Everyone's thoughts were thrown into confusion. What was in the announcement?

Oh, the boss has reached level [-]; oh, he has successfully reached the leaderboard; oh, the epic prize pool!

Um?Oh shit!Epic rewards, holy shit! ! !

There will be an information explosion in the chat channel immediately!

"Someone pinch me and let me see if I'm dreaming!"

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going..."

"Let's not talk about anything else, level 10... I always thought that the original ranking reward was to give us a shelter, so that we can live well even if we lose the novice protection period..."

"Same as above, everyone knows how difficult it is to level up. We also know that the boss can definitely level up to level 10, but this is only the fourth day!!!"

"Let's do the math, black iron level one, bronze level two, silver level three, diamond level four... epic... level five!"

"I will never say that boss Lin Feng is a wolf destroyer. He is not worthy of wolf destroyer! The boss is a god!!!"

"Suck it, tears of envy flowed from the corners of my mouth."

Level 8 monster area——


The corpse of a ferocious beast fell to the ground with a clang, and the announcement sound sounded.

The brother and sister were stunned for a while, and finally came to their senses. Suihan's voice trembled:

"Brother! Did I hear it correctly? He is already level 10!?"

"No, you heard that right."

Su Boyang looked at the second-level weapon he finally got in his hand and took a deep breath.
"It seems that not only are we making progress, but that person has never stopped."

"To reach level 9, you need 5 experience points. If you want to reach level 10, gosh, you don't have to think about it. This is a huge number!"

"Hahaha, what, could it be that the eldest lady who is not afraid of anything can be discouraged?"

"Humph, no way! It's just tens of thousands of experience, what's so difficult about it?"

The brother and sister played around for a while, then Suihan sighed and pursed his lips slightly:
"That's fine. The sooner we improve our strength, the more confident we will be in facing the beast tide! Brother, we can't fall behind. Let's go and kill monsters!"


The shadows on the ground grew longer and longer, and faint sounds floated in the air.

"Brother, do you think he will be able to complete the mission faster if he has level [-] equipment? Will we be able to have a stable place to live by then?"

A gentle and firm voice replied softly:

"Yes, it will."


Liluo grassland.

After the ferocious beast fled, Lin Feng had already released Tun Tian. He found a clean rock by himself and watched Tun Tian clean up the battlefield quietly, or in other words, he was in a daze.

Reminders of successful transactions came one after another in his ears, but they failed to interrupt Lin Feng's thoughts.

Get the b-level talent, get the Fire King Spirit Orb, and get the level 10 reward for being the first in the rankings.For a moment, Lin Feng felt a sense of sadness that many things had come to an end.

However, Lin Feng is Lin Feng after all, and this inexplicable emotion cannot trap him for long. No matter before or now, he has always been a person with firm goals!

If you have a path in your heart, you will not fall into confusion.

Even though he couldn't see the end of the road ahead, it didn't matter.The road is made step by step!

[Get two free attribute points! 】

Lin Feng took out the corpses of the ferocious beasts in the first product, and the transaction was completed. The corpses of ferocious beasts below level 6 piled up into a hill on the ground. There are more than 7 corpses of level 30 ferocious beasts.

The more energy there was, the more Tuntian favored him. After taking out the corpses in the space, he started eating the level 11 ferocious beasts without even thinking about it.

Lin Feng was plundering on one side, and Tuntian was eating on the other.It can be said that Tuntian had a great time in today's game.

After these days of recuperation, Tuntian's body has taken on a faint color, and his eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth have become a little clearer, and he finally looks like a living creature.

Not only that, the speed of swallowing the sky was much faster. Half of the two to three hundred ferocious beasts had been swallowed in just half an hour.

Swallowing Heaven can't be too far away from him. The faster the swallowing speed can save more time.

Lin Feng climbed up the nearby short mountain. On the top of the mountain, Lin Feng took a deep breath. He had not won many lottery opportunities before, but the highest one was only the silver prize pool. The highest-level one he had drawn was Niwan. The warming lotus in the palace.

And now-

[Epic prize pool: 99% chance of getting a sixth-level item, 1% chance of getting a seventh-level item. 】

The excitement I haven’t seen in a long time, amidst the excitement, the epic lottery begins!

A burst of bright yellow light lit up, and Lin Feng closed his eyes subconsciously.

The light dissipated, and a sword appeared in front of Lin Feng. A sword that looked extremely inconspicuous, a sword that looked like a green bamboo!
The name of the sword is Fengzhu.

The sword is two feet and one inch long, and the blade is thin but has a strong tenacity.When you hold the sword, it is not cold but has a warm feeling.

With two casual swipes, there was a faint flash of green sword light.What a calm, upright sword with its own character.

Lin Feng sighed, such a sword is indeed worthy of the name Fengzhu!
A sixth-level sword has a full 500 attack points and an additional 50% armor piercing!
Lin Feng couldn't be more satisfied.

I got excited and started dancing immediately.

After another half hour, Tuntian finally finished eating, and the sun was already showing signs of setting.

Lin Feng stretched and patiently distributed the feedback free attributes of Yaohuo Chunyang.
While walking towards the flame spirit stone vein, he was distractedly checking his personal panel.

【Name】: Lin Feng
[Level]: Level 10 (1950/20)
[Duty]: Level 0 Guardian (100/[-])

[Reputation]: 43
[Power]: 1011 (+500)

[Agility]: 1014 (+100)

[Physique]: 1009 (+100) (resist wood damage +100%)

[Energy]: 1019 (+30)

[Talents]: Infinite plunder (SSS level), true meaning of fire (B level), agility super (C level), visual super (C level), power madness (D level), smell enhancement (D level), Earth Control (Level D).

[Skills]: Shining Fire Pure Sun (Level B), Shrunken Earth (Level C), Eye of True Seeing (Level C), Ice Thorn (Level D), Strangulation of Wood (Level D), Purifying Light (Level C) Guardian exclusive).

[Combat Power]: Level 20 (comprehensive evaluation based on various basic indices.)
Yaohuo pure Yang?

It seems that after the talent is upgraded, the skills will still increase in level.

All four dimensions have exceeded 20, and the combat power has reached level [-]. He has the next few series of spirit beads at his fingertips. Before the end of tomorrow, he will definitely get the god-level village building order!
Looking up again, we came to the original Yanling Stone Mine.

There is a complete mountain range where the Flame Horse Group is located. When he first investigated the three small groups on the periphery, he found three mines here, but at that time he only took some Flame Spirit Stones and did not go deeper. Walk.

Now that we have driven away all the ferocious beasts outside, we have some time to explore.

Lin Feng randomly found a cave and jumped in. After passing the place where he had mined, the further back he went, the more forks in the cave became, the more abundant the flame spirit stones were, and the more intense the power of flames in the air.

Flame Lingshi has bright colors and transparent crystals.He seemed to be walking on a mysterious road full of precious treasures.Picking as he walked, he soon accumulated hundreds of flame spirit stones in the Lingluo Ring.After walking for an unknown amount of time, the flame spirit stone in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turned into level 3.

[Name]: Flame Spirit Crystal
[Grade]: Third-grade spiritual stone
[Effect]: Special items (only for upgrading villages)
Lin Feng suddenly raised his eyes, upgrade the village only?
This was the first time he really encountered something about a village.

However, the introduction of this thing is too vague, and it seems that the specific effect can only be known after the entire village is completed.

Lin Feng was about to pick these Flame Spirit Crystals here, but his hand was half stretched out.Suddenly, as if he thought of something, his movements stopped.

No. 9527 Novice Village Chat Channel——

Lin Feng: "Level 11 ferocious beast area in Liluo Grassland, coordinates 233.105. Deep in the mountain caves, there is the Flame Spirit Crystal, a special material for village upgrades!"

All of a sudden, the messages in the chat channel started to flood like crazy.

"Wow, wow, I didn't expect to see boss Lin Feng talking in my lifetime!"

"Hiss! My husband has spoken. Although we have never met or spoken, I have a mouth, and I just say yes."

"Control control upstairs, you are bleeding on me!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, forgetting things. I'm different. I will definitely get the Flame Spirit Crystal back. Boss, treat me well!"

"Hahaha, add me!"

"Although I still don't know what this is, the boss said it must be a good thing! I will definitely work hard to upgrade and contribute to the village!"


Nowadays, everyone has adapted to this world and has the ability to protect themselves. Even the atmosphere of chatting has become much more relaxed.

It's a pity that the boss Lin Feng in their mouth is still as cold as ever.

After he finished speaking, he ignored the reactions of everyone in Novice Village and walked deeper.

A slight movement of air suddenly caught Lin Feng's attention. You must know that this is an extremely deep mine, how could there be wind?

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and he quickened his pace and walked forward. The flow of air became more and more obvious, and finally, light appeared.

A cave entrance large enough for even a horse king appeared.After walking a few steps quickly and crossing the entrance of the cave, in front of him was the canyon where Lin Feng saw the horse king.

Sure enough, when I saw the horse king and the people in the tribe across the mountain, I felt strange that there was such a passage.

Lin Feng opened the Five Elements Map, crossed the mountains here and headed east. He would soon reach the territory of the water beast. After such a fight here, he also walked around the Flame Spirit Stone Veins, and the sky was already dusk.

Looking at the empty valley, Lin Feng sat on the ground, took out the xx steel knife he had traded, and opened the Lingluo Ring.

Bang Dang~!Bang Dang~!

The flame spirit stones in the space clattered to the ground, and in the dim sunlight, a blood-stained white horn was particularly conspicuous.

Lin Feng then remembered the horn that he had chopped off, and held it in his hand thoughtfully.

The armor of the Sky Flame Unicorn Horse came from this, and the horn should be part of its power source. I just don't know if the cut off horn still has power.

Looking at the flame stones and steel knives lying on the ground, Lin Feng suddenly had an idea.

Holding the unicorn, white light shines in his hand.


[Unlimited plunder successful!Obtain the power of Sky Flame Unicorn*1. 】

It sure works!Take off your cassock and dust yourself.

Lin Feng used the appearance of tempering a steel knife to integrate the power of the horn into the dust.Light threads gradually appear on the black bottom shirt, which is exactly the same as the original unicorn.

The light dissipated, and the last bit of Dujiao's strength merged into Zhuo Chen.

Lin Feng looked at this third-level robe again. The original defense value of 100 points had now turned into 150 points.

Lin Feng quickly realized something was wrong as he put the robe back on his body, and tried to use his spiritual power to activate Zuo Chen.

A stream of light flashed, and Lin Feng suddenly had a suit of armor on his body!

(End of this chapter)

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