Chapter 46 Avoid water beads!Rules updated! ([-]-in-[-])


It is indeed a treasure worthy of the king. Not only can it add 50 points of defense, but it also retains the ability to transform into armor.

The upper body of the armor seemed bulky, but in fact Lin Feng's movements were not hindered in the slightest, and he could even faintly feel a slight amount of power flowing into his body.

In this way, he can be regarded as having a strong attack and a strong defense!

I didn't expect that killing a fire king monster would have so many benefits.

Lin Feng is simply more concerned about the next four series.

Once the sun starts to set, night falls in an instant.

After refining Zhuo Chen, the sky was already dark, and stars were twinkling in the sky.

Lin Feng quickly increased his speed. Under the dark night, fiery red light flickered, but the nearby ferocious beasts did not dare to come.

A large number of ferocious beasts died here, and the murderous and evil auras still remained in this land. Lin Feng was also able to temper the steel sword in peace.

This time, the Flame Spirit Crystal was used, and the Flame Spirit Steel Blade took shape in just one pass.

But the grade and attributes are the same as those tempered by three times of flame spirit stone.

Lin Feng guessed that this should be the limitation of the material of the steel knife itself.

As a result, the level 3 spirit stone can only increase its attack power to 20.

All the refined Flame Spirit Steel Swords were put on the shelves again, still with the same settings as last time.

Of the three commodities, he only continued to increase the level of the recovered ferocious beast corpses, exchanging a flaming steel sword for an eighth-level ferocious beast corpse.

After solving the problem, Lin Feng did not choose to sleep and rest, but started on the road again.

The only god-level village, he must race against time for this task, and he must not give it up to others just because of time!

Walking all the way east, even though the night was thick, it was no problem for him with C-level visual super.

As soon as night falls, many evil beasts that like darkness begin to come out and move around.

Unfortunately, whether it was because the grassland was too vast or Lin Feng was too fast, he didn't see the wandering beast for a whole half hour.

Suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly smelled a faint smell. It was not the smell of ferocious beasts, but a very refreshing and sweet smell.

"Hey! Could it be that there are spiritual herbs around here?"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He didn't know how long it had been since he last discovered the spiritual grass. He didn't expect that he would meet him in Liluo Grassland!
I just don’t know what grade this spiritual grass is, Lin Feng thought as he followed the smell.

Gradually, the smell in the air becomes more and more obvious, it's almost there!

Ten minutes later, Lin Feng finally arrived at the source of the smell.

The crimson land was full of rocks, and the power of the fire element condensed in the air was so strong that it even formed a light red vortex of power.

In the center of the vortex, a fluorescent begonia-like plant stood there.

The stem leaves are alternate, and the brown-green leaves are speckled with white spots.The pink flowers are even more beautiful.

When Lin Feng came, he happened to encounter the sight of flower petals falling to the ground. Under the whirlpool of spiritual power, a red spiritual fruit condensed on the top of the spiritual plant.

Within half a minute, all the petals fell to the ground, replaced by spiritual fruits as big as a baby's fist.The air smells sweeter.

The Eye of True Sight scanned away.

【Name】: Zhu Guo
[grade]: third grade
[Efficacy]: A strange fire plant that can resist some metal damage and improve four-dimensional attributes!
Third level spiritual fruit!

As expected, the atmosphere was worthy of the activity of an 11th-level ferocious beast. Even the spirit fruit was of level 3. You must know that the first time he encountered a level [-] spiritual plant was when he got it through a silver lottery!
Lin Feng was in a good mood at the moment. He quickly took advantage of the time when the spiritual fruit had just matured and had the most energy to summon the Qiankun Fortune Cauldron to properly cultivate the red fruit.

Lin Feng felt much happier because he had such an opportunity while on the road.

Half an hour later, he finally left the Danxia Rock Wall and began to enter the territory of the water beast.

This time, it was finally no longer an empty beast.

He casually killed a few vicious beasts that bumped into him.

Continuing on the road, a huge pool of water appeared in front of us.

The place indicated on the Five Elements Map is right here!

When things came to a close, Lin Feng hesitated.

His water resistance is indeed good, but it is indeed difficult to say that he can fight underwater for a long time.

As a result, his water spirit bead mission had encountered a bottleneck before it officially started.

Do not!wrong!

Since the task is clearly laid out here, there must be a solution!

It's just that he didn't notice it for a while.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and decided to go into the water first to take a look at the specific situation.

Although he couldn't freely fight in the water, it was perfectly fine just to investigate.


A figure suddenly plunged into the pool.

Fortunately, he knows how to swim and is not a landlubber. He will not choke on the water just because he is a novice.

Lin Feng patiently transformed into armor and sank to the bottom of the pool with his weapon.

The water in the lake was clear, and many fish were wandering around freely, but they were startled by the human who suddenly jumped into the lake.

As Lin Feng sank, curious fish swam over to take a look at this weird human being.

The world in the lake is also colorful. The fish swimming around are all ordinary animals, not ferocious beasts. Moreover, each one is very plump and delicious at first sight.

In an instant, Lin Feng remembered one hundred and eight ways to cook fish.

Ahem, I digressed. Lin Feng calmed down and continued to dive downwards.

After diving down for a full 15 minutes, Lin Feng, who was gifted with vision, could barely see the group of heavily armored turtles entrenched at the bottom of the lake.

But when Lin Feng took a look, it would take at least half an hour for him to dive to the bottom of the lake!
Even if he is very powerful now, he cannot hold his breath for such a long time.

However, it would not be in vain to find out the location of the water spirit bead.

After taking a deep look at the turtles at the bottom of the lake, Lin Feng made a quick decision and immediately swam to the surface.


Lin Feng broke out of the water and used his spiritual power to dry out the moisture on his body.

Although he came up, Lin Feng still had no clue about fighting in the water.

The place where the turtles were was at the bottom of the lake, which was as deep as a thousand feet. He made no unnecessary movements.

Just a simple back and forth is suspenseful, let alone fighting at the bottom of a lake.Now that he couldn't rush into the water, Lin Feng wandered around the pool.

For him, the Level 11 ferocious beast can be solved without using the power of flying ash.

Wandering around in circles, dozens of ferocious beasts died tragically at his hands, but he still didn't think of the key to breaking the situation, making Lin Feng increasingly irritable.

After killing the evil beast without eyes again, Lin Feng finally found the key to breaking the game!
[Successfully killed the level 11 elite beast: Frostwater Crane!Experience +1650. 】

[Successfully killed Shuangshui Crane!Items obtained: Water-proof beads*1. 】

[Water-proof bead: A magical bead that condenses the essence of water between heaven and earth, allowing the user to move freely in the water. 】

Avoid water drops!What a good thing!

It seems that this is the secret code for clearing this level!
It turns out that you have to kill an elite water-type beast to get it.

Now nothing can stop him!
When he came to the lake again, Lin Feng didn't even think about it, and he plunged in with the water-avoiding beads.

With the presence of the water-proof beads, the water on his side was automatically isolated from Lin Feng's side. Lin Feng was surprised to find that he could indeed move freely in the water.

And it seemed that the oxygen in the water could still be used by him, without any discomfort.

This way, he could stay in the water as long as he wanted.

This also completely solved his problem of fighting in the water, and he no longer had any worries!
With the water-proof beads in hand, Lin Feng swam straight towards the deepest part of the water. When he came down, it was already dark, so he had to speed up!
I don't know if it was because of the water-proof beads, but Lin Feng felt that he was diving much faster.

Fifteen minutes later, he could clearly see the turtles at the bottom of the lake.

While diving all the way, I didn't see any other ferocious beasts in this lake. It looked like the group of flaming horses. This whole area was the location of the mission ferocious beasts.

But this is fine, there is no need to try one by one which kind of fierce beast has the fire spirit orb.

The deeper you dive, the less sunlight will shine down, and the environment at the bottom of the lake will become colder. Fortunately, Lin Feng has visual talent, which can greatly reduce the inconvenience caused by darkness.

After another 10 minutes, because he was on the upper level, he was finally able to clearly see the turtles entrenched at the bottom of the lake.

There are a lot of rocks at the bottom of the lake, and there is also a kind of long, shiny white water plant. It is obviously a very dark lake bottom, but under the fluorescence of these water plants, it shows a hazy beauty.

The aquatic plants grow in a wide range, and they do not appear in piles, but grow one by one around the rocks.

Looking from top to bottom, there is a giant turtle lying on many rocks. The icy blue color is very conspicuous at the bottom of the lake. The giant turtle is not very big, but it is nearly a foot tall and quiet. You can feel the extraordinary momentum even if you lie on the stone.

[Ferocious Beast]: Heavy Armored Turtle

[Level]: Level 11

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 17

[Talent]: Water Control (Level D)
【Explosion rate】: 3%
After seeing clearly the situation of the turtles, Lin Feng was about to speed up his dive and catch them off guard.

Suddenly, ding——

[Announcement: On the fifth day of Novice Village, the regional hyperspace trading channel will be automatically activated. 】

[Arena Team Challenge Rules Updated. 】

Lin Feng was immediately stunned. It was already the fifth day?

Time flies so fast.

Later, Lin Feng entered the forum and checked it out.

The hyperspace trading channel, as the name suggests, means that the entire region can trade.

The rules of this team challenge have been updated.

In the original challenge mode, two more challenge methods have been added.

That is, both parties to the challenge can set the total value of points, and the first to obtain the specified points wins. This kind of challenge requires the consent of both parties before it can start.

Another type is the camp challenge.

At the same time, no points will be awarded for killing level three and below ferocious beasts, 10 points for killing level four ferocious beasts, 20 points for killing level five ferocious beasts, 40 points for killing level six ferocious beasts... and so on.

The new rules can set a threshold for victory. Lin Feng almost instantly thought of the original Novice Village No. 5377. From the original chat content, it is not difficult to see that the reason why Novice Village No. 5377 lost was because of the other party. Find the ferocious beasts first, then wait for them to fall into the trap.

Now that the rules have been increased, this means that there is a greater possibility of taking advantage of loopholes, and winning points can be set. Once one party finds the beast and then starts the challenge, it is not only a matter of greatly improving the probability of winning. .

If you are more vicious, if you injure enough ferocious beasts before starting a battle, the challenge may even end in ten minutes!Fortunately, the system stipulates that the winning points for the challenge must be agreed upon by both parties. Otherwise, there would be no scruples, and I don’t know how many villages would suffer.

And this camp challenge is also very interesting.

When two novice villages agree to start the challenge mode, they will form two major camps, and other novice villages can choose to join one of them. Each camp can have up to 20 novice villages.

At the same time, choosing to join the camp is equivalent to taking the initiative to challenge. Regardless of victory or defeat, there will no longer be opportunities to take the initiative during this round of team challenges.

In other words, except for the novice village being challenged, the active challenge opportunities of other novice villages once every two days will be directly consumed.

Looking at the 9527 chat channel at this moment, it is simply exploding.

"Set challenge points to achieve automatic victory!? Then if the opponent finds a ferocious beast and starts a battle with us, won't we definitely lose?"

"Fuck~! Suddenly I felt the naked chill of this world."

"It's so insidious. Fortunately, I can refuse. Otherwise, there would be nothing I could do if I encountered such a vicious person."

"But we can't always disagree. No matter how big the loopholes are in this challenge, we can't give up and not dare to take advantage of the opportunities we get!"

"It makes sense! And we have boss Lin Feng, so we are not afraid at all. The boss has always been smart and powerful, so he will not let our village end up in that situation!"

"That's right! The boss is here, and I'm very confident."


At the same time, there was already a commotion in the regional channel due to the refresh of the rules.

"Hahaha! The challenge order has been refreshed. Novice Village No. 5377. Are you ready to accept the challenge again? If you lose again, many people in your village will die, right?"

"Damn, you guys are so despicable!"

"Oh! Not only can I easily win against you, but I can also get rid of an annoying village. There is nothing better than this, right? By the way, you can refuse the new invitation. There is no match. Such restrictions~!”

"Oh, well done! These Longhuang people have always been annoying, please remove them from this world as soon as possible!"

"Yo Xi, Yo Xi, that's well said! I suggest that we can unite and deal with the Longhuang people in this round. Anyway, not many Longhuang people are ranked high in the personal standings, and their village must be very weak. We can drive them out quickly!"

"Damn it, you are so insidious! You actually plotted against us Longhuang people like this!"

Seeing that so many people on the regional channel hated the Longhuang people, Jin Canlie, who had been taught a lesson by Lin Feng, suddenly had an idea.

Lin Feng had hurt him so badly in the past, but now he was not only living well, but he even dared to be so arrogant.Although he can't deal with him, there are many people who can let him know what the sky and the earth are!

Jin Canlie's eyes flashed and he approached the regional channel.

"Everyone, Novice Village No. 9527 is also a village belonging to the Longhuang people. Not only that, there is also a very arrogant man named Lin Feng in their village!"

"Yesterday on the World Channel, he openly provoked the strong men in the entire District 1. Such a person must be taught a profound lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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