National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 60 Challenge again!Resentment breaks out! (2 in 1)

Chapter 60 Challenge again!Resentment breaks out! ([-]-in-[-])

During this brief pause, the earth-shaking sacred bull and its group of guarding ferocious beasts finally caught up.

However, the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull did not rush directly towards Lin Feng. Instead, it rushed directly from a place not far away from Lin Feng and came to the front of the group of level 11 ferocious beasts in front of the barrier.

Seeing this scene, a bright smile appeared on Lin Feng's face.

Yes, it's a bit like a king-level ferocious beast.

The earth-shaking sacred bull stood at the front, followed by the dozens of guarding beasts, and further back, hundreds of elite and ordinary beasts.

Just as he wanted, he could catch them all in one fell swoop, which would save him a lot of time.

There was no hesitation.

Lin Feng shot out and rushed towards the group of murderers ahead.

On the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull's side, with an angry roar, he led the ferocious beasts and launched an offensive.

Nearly 200 level 11 ferocious beasts, led by the earth-shaking sacred bull with a combat power of level 25, launched a charge.

The ground shook and the mountains shook. The momentum and formation gave people a feeling of being able to crush everything.

In comparison, Lin Feng, alone, looked so weak in front of this kind of battle.

However, things in this world are never seen at face value.

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, Lin Feng's figure suddenly disappeared.

When Lin Feng reappeared, he was accompanied by the sound of the sharp sword piercing the air and the painful roar.

The earth-shaking sacred cow naturally knew what was happening.

For this elusive creature, who never collided with him head-on, but just blindly killed the humans under him, the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull just wanted to eat the opponent alive.

Angry roars sounded.

But Lin Feng just smiled disdainfully, and his attacks became more and more ferocious.

With his strength, it was not difficult to kill the earth-shaking sacred bull. However, he had already formulated his battle strategy the moment he attacked the group of ferocious gold beasts.

Instead of confronting the earth-shaking sacred cow head-on, start with the weaker beasts.

In this way, not only can points be gained quickly, but there is also no need to worry that after killing the earth-shaking sacred cow, the group of gold-type ferocious beasts will disperse in a rush.

A loud roar sounded.

This is the voice from the earth-shaking sacred cow.

When these voices fell, Lin Feng clearly discovered that the ordinary beasts and elite beasts that had become panicked again because of his killings became crazy.

These ferocious beasts pounced on Lin Feng fearlessly.




As the sword light flashed, the lives of the ferocious beasts were terminated one after another. The ferocious beasts became crazy, as if they had not seen the death of their companions, either knocking away the corpses of their companions arrogantly, or stepping over the corpses. , rushing towards Lin Feng desperately, rushing forward one after another.

"Damn it! Boss Lin Feng's points increased?! This is a complete blowout!!!"

"Boss Lin Feng once again refreshed my understanding of his strength!!! Okay, I admit, I look down on him!!!"

"Boss Lin Feng doesn't give the opponent a way to survive at all! It's so cool, so cool!!!"

"Boss is awesome! Let me ask for the boss, who else is there?!!"

"Is this going to win?! It's so fast, it's like a dream!!!"


At this moment, the chat channel of the red team camp was once again detonated because of Lin Feng's points growth rate, so much so that they could no longer describe their feelings!

Correspondingly, there was a wailing in the blue camp, and there were also wailings in all the novice villages.

Especially in Novice Village No. 4673, it was completely chaotic.

In the team battle two days ago, Novice Village No. 4673 lost to 9527. After that team battle, the villagers of 4673 vented their dissatisfaction on the chat channel and criticized Jin Canyeol verbally and in writing.

Faced with this situation, Jin Chanyeol chose the most bloody and violent method, and turned Novice Village No. 4673 into his own "One Word Hall".

Although this method of using violence to fight violence is the fastest effective, the dissatisfaction has not disappeared because of this, it has just been suppressed in people's hearts.

If the camp wins this time, then the dissatisfaction of the villagers of 4673 with Jin Canyeol will disappear. After all, the strength of Novice Village No. 4673 is obviously lower than that of other novice villages in the blue camp. In this case, who can enter the blue camp? The Fang camp is also a manifestation of Jin Canyeol's ability.

However, if the camp war is about to fail, then the situation will develop in the completely opposite direction.

On the third day, 100 attribute points were deducted. Although it cost some people's lives, it was only a minority after all. There is hope for living after all, right?
But this time, after deducting 300 attribute points, those who will die directly will not be a minority, but a majority.

On the third day, 100 attribute points will be deducted. For ordinary villagers, the impact is too great. Two days of hard work will be in vain. Returning to the starting point is good. For some people, it is even worse than at the beginning.

Two days have passed. If they have just regained their breath, then these 300 attribute points are undoubtedly a disaster.

In the face of life and death, everything is ugly.

And when the people of 4673 discovered that Jin Canyeol, who had led them into the abyss, did not stand up and make any response no matter how much they cursed and abused him, they became even more angry.

Regional chat channels.

"People from the two camps, please come out and let us know how your battle is going?"

"How is the battle going? Do you even need to think about it? The Longhuang people in the red camp must be at an absolute disadvantage."

"Before the camp war started, people from the blue camp once said that the winner of the camp war would get 300 attribute points. These 300 attribute points came too easily. Hey, why didn't I have such good luck? Where is the blue camp’s newbie village?”

"Where are the people in Novice Village 9527? Come on, be arrogant again. Haha, you Longhuang people can only talk to each other. If we really fight, you will be weak chickens."

"Haha, how can they have the nerve to come out?"

"I'm afraid that at this time, they are trembling, waiting for death to come."

"The people of 9527 will not die because of this. After all, they have won several team battles, but most of the garbage who joined 9527 are from the bottom novice village with 300 attribute points. Haha, this time, They will pay the price for their foolish choices.

Let me do the math. If 5000 people died in one novice village, then there would be 5 people in ten novice villages.

Haha, the scythe of death is about to be wielded, and the imagination makes people excited. "

"..." When the camp war started, the regional chat channel did not become deserted because people from the two camps were involved in the camp war. On the contrary, it became more and more lively.

Novice Village No. 3289.

"Boss Zhang Zhuo was still wise and did not join 9527 rashly. Otherwise, our village would have lost at least half of its members!"

"Fortunately, we met the boss. Although we lost the first team battle, there is hope as long as we are alive, right?"

"Yes, it will be over once and for all if you die! At this time, I really feel sorry for those people in Novice Village 5673. I met a simple-minded leader."

"Everything that is as good as Lin Feng will destroy it. Lin Feng is too high-profile. Such people are destined not to go far. As for those who join the 9527 camp, I can only say that they are too impulsive.

This is no longer Blue Star. The so-called country does not exist here. The novice villages are the real collective. As for the other novice villages, I would like to think of our compatriots. If we don’t do things that add insult to injury, it will be considered worthy. They are.

It's just that Lin Feng, hey, it's really... the fire at the city gate has affected Chiyu and dragged down so many novice villages. He also boasted that joining his camp would give everyone a chance. I was speechless.

Okay, let’s not talk about him anymore. Now, what we have to do is to be low-key and low-key, and at the same time, kill monsters as much as possible to improve the overall strength.

In the team battle two days later, I have already identified some challenging opponents, which will definitely allow us to gain a wave of attribute points. By then, our overall strength will also soar. "Zhang Zhuo.

"Wow, Boss Zhang Zhuo has thought so carefully. Don't worry, Boss, I will definitely work hard."

"The boss is awesome."

"Boss, I want to have a monkey with you."

Looking at the flattering messages in the chat channel, Zhang Zhuo from the eighth-level monster area smiled happily.

"5673, 1192..., don't blame me for targeting you. At this time, you have been targeted by many novice villages. Instead of taking advantage of outsiders, it is better to take advantage of me, one of your own.

As for hand speed, after typing so many times on the keyboard, I don’t believe anyone can beat me.

See you in the next round of team battle. "


Novice Village No. 369.

"5673, 1192..., in the next round of team battle, I will attack you." Sharma said to himself.


Novice Village No. 1894.

"The ten novice villages in the red camp will be the target of our next round of team battles. If we want to deal with Lin Feng, the first thing we have to do is to eliminate these minions of Lin Feng. Ito-kun, what do you think?" Yamamoto 72 put his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice.

"Yamamoto-sama is wise, and it is an honor for me to follow a wise man like you." Hiroshi Ito said respectfully.

Yamamoto72 smiled and nodded.


At this moment, the top ten novice villages in the red camp except 9527 have become the favorites in the eyes of many novice villages.

Among them, there are novice villages that have lost to 9527 before, some are hostile to the Longhuang people, there are also some neutral novice villages that only want to win team battles, and there are also some Longhuang people who choose to remain silent and wait and see in this camp battle. Your own novice village.

In their view, the 9527 camp is bound to lose.

Although this wave of deducting 300 attribute points will severely damage 9527's vitality, they know one more truth, that is, it is easy to pick the weak.

Compared with 9527, the other ten novice villages in the red camp are undoubtedly the best choices.

Just when many novice villages were setting the top ten novice villages in the red camp as the targets for the next round of team battles, the villagers of No. 4673 novice village shocked the entire area 1 with a wave of extremely sharp operations.

"All the strong men in District 1, I sincerely implore you. In the next round of team battle, you must choose 4673 Novice Village as your opponent!" 4673 Novice Village, Li Haiyi.

"I can responsibly tell you that in the next round of team battle, no matter who chooses us as your opponent, you will win, so please feel free to challenge." 4673 Novice Village, Jin Zhengxia.

"Come on, please bring disaster to 4673 Novice Village." 4673 Novice Village, Park Zhengmin.


When they saw this series of information about the people in Novice Village No. 4673, many people were confused!
"What?! Asking for a challenge?!"

"Fake, are these people crazy? Do you think that by winning this camp battle and getting 300 attribute points, you can challenge the entire District 1?"

"Damn, weird things happen every year, especially this year. Are these little pickles crazy?"

"I've seen people smoking backwards, but this is the first time I've seen you beg for a challenge and bring disaster to you!"

"I can only say that the little pickles are always so unexpected."


Immediately afterwards, there was another message from 4673 people, which made many people give up the idea of ​​challenging the top ten novice villages in the red camp.

"Xiba, damn Jin Chanyeol, once again brought us into the abyss. In the first team battle, he took the initiative to challenge 9527 Novice Village, causing us to lose 100 attribute points as a whole. Then, he bloodyly suppressed the opposition.

This time, he hurt us again, 300 attribute points! ! !Most of the villagers in our Novice Village will die because of this.

Such sinners must be punished as they deserve. "4673 Novice Village, Park Beizheng.

"What?! The blue team is going to lose?! How is this possible?!!"

"Oh my God, with so many powerful novice villages together, can't they defeat 9527 novice villages?!!"

"Buy, I can't imagine, how could you lose?!"

"Village 9527, even if it has won four challenges, is still not that strong. Could it be that there are other powerful novice villages in the red camp?!!"

"It's true!!! The man named Lin Feng is too strong, so strong that it makes people desperate!!! His points alone far exceed our entire camp!!! In only 4 minutes, he cleared it 16 points!!! He is not a human, he is a devil!!!" 4673 Novice Village, Xu Zhixian.

"Yes, he is the devil, the devil from hell. His existence is to bring disaster to everyone."

"4 minutes, 16 points?! You must be kidding me?! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

"Don't the points for camp battles start from the level 1 ferocious beast?! An average of 4 points will be gained in [-] minute?!"

"This is the fact. The camp war will be over soon. Before we die, we will tell you this news. I just ask you to let that damn Jin Canyeol go to hell!!!"

"Hahahaha, it feels so good, it feels so damn good!!! My brother Lin Feng is awesome!!! Come on, jump again, jump again, cats and dogs! Just asking you, does your face hurt? Haha, I almost forgot , you guys are so shameless, how can your face hurt?" 83 Novice Village, Long Zhan.

"Lin Shen is mighty and domineering!!! Lin Feng is a role model for all of us by showing off the power of my great dragon Huang. Come on, continue to be arrogant. I want to see who dares to target our dragons with Lin Shen here." Huangren!!!" Zhang Zhuo, No. 3289, Novice Village.

At this moment, Zhang Zhuo seemed to have forgotten that just now, he was still righteously accusing Lin Feng in the chat channel in his village.

(End of this chapter)

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