National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 61 The outcome is decided!Longhuang God of War! (2 in 1)

Chapter 61 The outcome is decided!Longhuang God of War! ([-]-in-[-])

"The Lin God rises! The Dragon King rises!"

"Come on, little Bitchis, let me see who else dares to stand up and speak nonsense!"

"Haha, these idiots are all confused."

"What I'm saying is that I, the Great Dragon Huang God of War, am here, who dares to be presumptuous!!!"

At this moment, the voices belonging to Longhuang people in the regional chat channel also exploded like Lin Feng's points.

Correspondingly, the voices that originally mocked and ridiculed the red camp disappeared.

For a time, the regional chat channel became the domain of Longhuang people.

3289 Xinshou Village.

"The boss is worthy of being the boss. He is one of the quickest responders. Not to mention Long Zhan, the boss is the second person to stand up and speak out for Lin Feng!!! Lin Shen will definitely look up to the boss. When the time comes, he will follow Lin Feng. , we are not the ones who like to drink spicy food, haha."

"Hey, I really envy these novice villages like 5673 and 1192 who joined the red side. They have a total of 300 attribute points! We have also been infinitely close to these 300 attribute points."

"Yes, 300 attribute points. The total of my four dimensions is less than 300 attribute points. It would be great if I could add 300 attribute points."

"Hey, those people in Novice Village are so lucky. If I were here..."

"Stop saying these useless things. No one wants this. Moreover, no one can imagine that Lin Feng is so strong. Obviously, Lin Feng has the strength to crush everyone, but he is still so stubborn. If he had told us earlier, , how can we stand by and watch his true strength?!"

"It's not too late to make amends. What we want to think about now is how to win Lin Feng's favor as much as possible, and then let him take us off in the next camp battle."

"The boss's posture is very low, and his reaction is very quick. We are both from Longhuang. I think Lin Feng will not turn a blind eye."

"Let me tell you, everyone is worried about what happened before. This is a major matter that concerns our entire Novice Village. But anyone with a brain should know what to do. I have added Lin Feng as a friend. After this camp war is over, he should pass. At that time, I will have a good chat with him.

Also, the number of times you can speak in the regional chat channel is limited, so don’t waste it all.

After the camp war is over, we will unite in the regional chat channel to congratulate the victory of this camp war. We want them to see our sincerity. "Zhang Zhuo.

"Boss is right."

"We listen to the boss."


Zhang Zhuo's words once again aroused praise and recognition from those who had previously flattered him.

Of course, there are some people who have been watching this farce with cold eyes from beginning to end.

It may be said that they are not strong and do not have the right to make decisions, but this does not mean that they do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

However, strength is king after all. Without strength to support, people's words will be ignored, which has led to the current atmosphere of 3289, which is difficult to describe in one word.

And this is also a very realistic thing in the battlefield of the heavens.

The atmosphere of a novice village is actually directly linked to the strongest person in the novice village.

Red side camp chat channel.

With the arrival of that moment, Heaven's prompt sounded at the right time.

[Announcement: In this camp battle, the red team’s camp points are the first to reach 20 points!Congratulations to the red team for winning. 】

[Announcement: In this camp battle, the red team’s camp points are the first to reach 20 points!Congratulations to the red team for winning. 】

[Announcement: In this camp battle, the red team’s camp points are the first to reach 20 points!Congratulations to the red team for winning. 】

Three announcements in succession caused the chat channel of the red team to completely boil over!

"I won! I really won! 300 attribute points are coming soon!"

"Haha, it's done. This time it's done. 300 attribute points. My four-dimensional power has doubled!"

"What the hell?! You win now?! What's happening?!" 5673 Novice Village, Wang Feng.

"Brother Feng, you heard right, we won!"

Novice Village No. 4673.

When he heard the sudden announcement, Wang Feng, who was about to kill the eighth-level ferocious beast in front of him after five minutes of fighting, was completely stunned.

He didn't even bother to make up for the last blow, he just opened the chat channel and said in shock.

Same as Wang Feng.

There are also many people who, from the moment the camp war begins, devote themselves wholeheartedly to fighting the ferocious beasts, not daring to slack off in the slightest, lest they fail in this camp war due to their own reasons.

However, they didn't even kill a single beast, and the camp war ended.

It also reminded them that they had won. The psychological impact this had on them was conceivable.

[Announcement: The red side camp won this camp battle. The red side camp has 9527 novice villages, 5673 novice villages, 1192 novice villages..., all villagers will receive 300 free attribute points, and the resources of each novice village will increase by 50%. 】

The announcement that followed made those who still didn't know what exactly happened wake up, and then fell into ecstasy.

That's right.

They won!

They really won!

With an overall increase of 300 attribute points and a 50% resource bonus, the God of Luck has finally favored them, and their overall strength will also usher in a qualitative leap.

[Announcement: Congratulations to Lin Feng, the leader of the camp, for leading the red camp to win this camp battle and gaining 5 reputation points. 】

[Announcement: Congratulations to Lin Feng, the leader of the camp. In this camp battle, he ranked first in personal points and won a chance to draw a gold prize pool. 】

[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Su Boyang. In this camp battle, he ranked second in personal points and won a silver prize pool lottery opportunity. 】

[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Suihan. In this camp battle, he ranked third in personal points and won a silver prize pool lottery opportunity. 】

[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Suihan. In this camp battle, he ranked fourth in personal points and won a chance to draw a bronze prize pool. 】

[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Liu Yong. In this camp battle, he ranked fifth in personal points and won a chance to draw a bronze prize pool. 】


[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Li Jie. In this camp battle, his personal points ranked No. 11 and he won a black iron prize pool lottery opportunity. 】


[Announcement: Congratulations to 9527 Novice Village Wu Xuan. In this camp battle, his personal points ranked 1st and he won a black iron prize pool lottery opportunity. 】

"Damn it! A chance to draw a gold prize pool?! Guaranteed level 100 equipment and treasures, and a level [-] character explosion. I'm so envious." "There are rewards for the first [-] points in camp battles?! I'll go, the rewards in camp battles are good. It’s so rich!”

"In the top 100 rankings, 9527 novice villages occupy 96 seats, while only four of our remaining ten novice villages are on the list. This gap is terrifying!"

"The ones upstairs, don't even think about whose village 9527 belongs to!"

"Yes, with a fierce man like Boss Lin Feng, he can take off even a pig."

"9527 has won four team battles! Winning four team battles is equivalent to a full 600 attribute points, not to mention 96 seats. It is normal for the top 100 to be occupied."

"Sure enough, reincarnation is also an art. Now it seems that coming to 9527 Novice Village is even more important than awakening a good talent."

"Ah, ah, ah, this resource bonus is 50%, so ferocious! Originally, there were two ferocious beasts in front of me, but as a result, another one was added out of thin air. It was almost a tragedy. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and retreated in time. Then add this little attribute point and use it to kill a kid, and it feels so much better."

"Hahaha, I just found a second-level spiritual grass. The white light flashed and another one came. It's so cool!!!"

"Upstairs, you are lucky. There is a 50% chance that I will be touched by you."

"This is the benefit brought by the resource bonus!!! Now, our strength has soared, there are more kinds of spiritual grasses and spiritual plants, and there are more ferocious beasts. Although I am only level 5 now, I believe that when the seven-day protection period ends, By the time, I hope to reach level 10!"

"Yes, I also see the hope of reaching level 10 for the first time!"

"Having hope is a good thing. All of this is thanks to Boss Lin Feng, thank you Boss Lin Feng!"

"Thank you, Boss Lin Feng!"

"Thank you, Boss Lin Feng!"


[Announcement: Lin Feng, the leader of the camp, has a personal contribution of over 90% in this camp battle and will receive a reward of *3. 】

"Three times?! Let me do the math. If it is tripled, the attribute points will be 900, and there will be 15 reputation points and three golden lottery opportunities!!! Oh my god, Boss Lin Feng has become rich in a wave."

"It turns out that if your personal contribution exceeds 90%, your rewards will be multiplied by three! No wonder Boss Lin Feng is so strong!!!"

"Yes, with Lin Feng's strength, the rewards for the first four team battles will be doubled! It's like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger!"

"For the first time, I discovered the friendly side of Tiandao. Boss Lin Feng made such a great contribution to the victory of the camp. It is not an exaggeration to receive the most rewards."

"Yes, seeing Boss Lin Feng get so many benefits, I feel even happier."

"Other friends from the Novice Village, calm down. Regarding the sudden increase in team battle rewards for the boss, just get used to it. This is the boss's consistent style."

"Yes, let me do the math for you. After four team battles, the boss only got 1500 attribute points. If you add the 900 this time, it will be 2400. So, the reward this time, For the boss, it’s not a sudden fortune, at best, it’s just the icing on the cake.”


5673 Novice Village chat channel.

"Brother Feng, your decision this time is so wise. After this wave of rewards, everyone's strength has soared a lot. We no longer need to be as afraid as before, lest others challenge us."

"Yes, Brother Feng is awesome. This time we, 5673, have also risen. Although we can't compare with 9527, looking at the entire District 1, we have also reached the middle and upper reaches."

"Looking back and thinking about it, the novice villages who have not joined the 9527 camp before, I am afraid that at this time, their intestines will turn green."

"Upstairs, you haven't gone to the regional chat channel yet. I don't know whether they regret it or not, but I know they are currently in the regional chat channel, desperately trying to lick Boss Lin Feng."

"This is the normal rhythm. It would be weird if you don't lick. There is no doubt that Boss Lin Feng is the No. 1 in our district. Moreover, no one can shake Boss Lin Feng's No. 1 status. If we can win the favor of Boss Lin Feng, In Area 1, isn’t that walking sideways?”

"Haha, so, Brother Feng, yyds, led us to board Boss Lin Feng's battleship first. I don't think anyone will dare to underestimate us in the future."

"That's natural. Boss Lin Feng eats meat, and we can drink some soup along with him. That's enough."

"Brothers, stop for a moment and listen to me."

“I just went to the regional chat channel to take a look, and I don’t agree with some of the views. Moreover, I found that this trend is also happening in our village, which is very bad.

I must reiterate that this is no longer Blue Star, but a battlefield in the heavens.

You can't do things like pulling a tiger's skin to make a big banner, and you can't do things like moral kidnapping or trying to set others up.

Yes, we made a wise choice in this camp battle. We were the first novice village to enter the 9527 camp. Our strength also increased dramatically because of this choice, but this does not mean that we can accept it with peace of mind. all of these.

I prefer practical actions than words.

If you want to be recognized by others, it's not about what you say, but what you do.

As far as I know, Boss Lin Feng is very enthusiastic about spiritual grass and spiritual plants, and this is the key to our ability to repay Boss Lin Feng and further win his favor.

Everyone knows that spiritual grass and spiritual plants are good things that can increase personal attributes, so I don’t force it on everyone. It’s good if you can take it out, and it’s okay if you can’t. It just depends on your personal wishes. "Wang Feng.

"Brother Feng, I have a first-order spiritual grass plant, and the direct trading channel has designated you to trade it."

"You're lucky. I just got two second-level plants. Brother Feng, I'll keep one for myself, and the trading channel will designate you for the remaining one."


"Announcement: Player Zhang Runzhuo has initiated a transaction with you. The transaction item is: Phoebe branch. The transaction conditions are: any item."

Hearing Tiandao's prompt, Wang Feng smiled, then stretched out his hand, broke off a branch from the tree on the side, and completed the transaction.

Hearing the reminder that the transaction was successful again, Wang Feng said to himself: "Efforts will eventually be rewarded. Maybe I can't give you anything now, but I will keep it in my heart, and I will definitely compensate you one day."


1192 Xinshou Village.

"300 attribute points! 50% resource bonus! I almost made a big mistake. Fortunately, fortunately, Brother Niu, you didn't listen to me. Brother Niu, I love you to death."

While speaking, Yan Qingling, who was excited, ecstatic and a little lucky, pounced directly on Brother Niu next to her.

Brother Niu, who was already in a very excited mood, was stunned when the warm and fragrant soft jade fell into his arms.

He naturally likes Yan Qingling, but he is a little unsure of Yan Qingling's feelings, and the battlefield in the heavens is so cruel, especially since the first team battle was defeated, death may come at any time, he There is no time to even think about these things here.

I never thought that happiness would come so suddenly.

At this moment, Brother Niu only felt that the whole world was so beautiful.


If the major novice villages in the red camp are paradise, then the novice villages in the blue camp are hell.

[Announcement: In this camp battle, the red camp was the first to reach 20 points, and the blue camp failed! 】

[Announcement: The blue camp has 1900 novice villages, 1388 novice villages..., 300 attribute points will be deducted from all villagers, and 50% of resources will be deducted. 】

(End of this chapter)

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