Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 104 Li Shimin decided to do this

Chapter 104 Li Shimin decided to do this
Li Shimin thought for a moment after listening to Lin Heng's words.

I have to say, this proposal is quite good.

If there is really such a chance to deal with these Japanese people, it would be very tolerant for Datang's finances.

The current national power of the Tang Dynasty will definitely not support your envoys from the Tang Dynasty coming to the lobby so intensively.

In fact, Li Shimin had thought of one thing before, that is, the Japanese people were poor. Every time when foreigners came, Li Shimin would reward them with many treasures, treasures, money, etc., were they because The poor people in my country had no money, so they came to Li Shimin.

Nominally they came to visit and learn, but in fact they came to make money, to earn Li Shimin's money, and to earn the taxes Li Shimin collected from the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin felt a little unbalanced when he thought of this, something was wrong.

I don’t have any money myself, why should I give you money?
In fact, he is the emperor who has some problems, that is to say, he has a rather strange view on the affairs of the Japanese people, or not only the Japanese people but also the affairs of other countries. That is, I will reward you when you come. After I reward you, you will think of my goodness when you go back. This is how it is.

But if a country does not care about its own good, how will it know what will happen in the future? It can only rely on this method to support it.

But there's a problem, and it arises.

When you keep giving benefits to a person and suddenly stop giving them, will he turn against you?If there really is such a person, will this Japanese person turn against him? Even if he turns against himself, there is actually no problem, but it means that what Li Shimin has done over the years is problematic and he is wrong. Yes, what Lin Tangqing said that day was true, and what Lin Heng said later was also true.

When he gives a person a favor, he doesn't hope that the person can repay him much in return. He just hopes that he will remember his kindness and have close interactions between the two countries in the future. That will be fine, but the current situation is not right. Yes, that's not how it works.

That's very troublesome.

Li Shimin temporarily agreed with this point of view.

But the problem comes again. "Lin Heng, your opinion is good, and I think it is also very good. After all, with this method, His Majesty will not be so embarrassed."

"If people from the Japanese country really behave like this, they should indeed be criticized and put on trial."

Lin Heng also nodded. He didn't expect that the Tang Dynasty was not full of brainless people raising white-eyed wolves.Since you can think so, it means that Datang is still salvageable now.

After all, it was the early years of the Tang Dynasty.

There must be help. Lin Heng said this himself and there was something wrong with his brain.

"But the problem is how to amplify their views. In fact, some of their current situations have reached His Majesty's ears. Your Majesty also learned about these things, and then asked people from the Ministry of Rites to plan their actions. He doesn't know what is happening now. Have they improved? If they have improved, it is actually very difficult for you to amplify their behavior. If they have not improved, maybe there is still a chance, but in this area."

"They won't necessarily reveal any flaws."

Lin Heng smiled.

"It's very simple. Take off their clothes and throw them into the street. They say they like to run naked or something."

Li Shimin couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

What words?

Strip them naked and throw them into the street.Is this amplifying their evil deeds, the evil deeds of the natives of the Tang Dynasty, or the evil deeds of Li Shimin? What are you doing?

How could anyone do this?

Seeing Li Shimin's stunned expression, Lin Heng was also joking.

"Just kidding, this method is relatively superficial, but if you really want to do this, you actually need to think about how to do it, who will do it, how to do it, and whether the effect will be good or not. Thinking about it, if Mr. Li wants to know, then I will write a booklet for you when I go back."

"You can just take a look at it then."

Li Shimin nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. At least he now had a solution, and the opinions Lin Heng gave were relatively reliable.

That's what happened with the national debt last time.

Without Lin Heng, Li Shimin might still be struggling to get money, or he could only lower his head and borrow money from aristocratic families. This is obviously not in line with the position of an emperor. How could he get the money as an emperor? How can you bow to a noble family?
But there was really no way at the time, so the opinions given by Lin Heng were really important. Without Lin Heng, Li Shimin might be in that situation now.

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you."

Lin Heng smiled and said there was no problem.

After all, I have done a lot of things like frame-up. After all, I was framed and framed before I came to the United States, and then inexplicably traveled to the Tang Dynasty and lived such a happy life. It must be I have some confidence in these things.

Li Lizhi couldn't help but look at Lin Heng curiously. He seemed to be able to do anything with ease and solve it easily and easily. He was such a powerful person.

For a moment, Li Lizhi's eyes couldn't help but shine a little.

Li Shimin was shocked when he saw this.

Something is wrong, right?
By the way, have you been very close lately?
By the way, Changle, have you forgotten that you still have a fiancé?

What are you doing fooling around with him all day?Although he admires Lin Heng more, she is his daughter and she still has a fiancé. So if you do this all day long, isn't that a bit unjustifiable?

What would Changsun Chong think if he saw him?If he told Changsun Wuji and Changsun Wuji found him again, what would he do?
Li Shimin also had a headache for a while.

After all, he had seen this kind of look a lot. His own queen had looked at him like this before.

That is the love in appreciation.

Li Shimin shuddered suddenly when he thought of this. If this continues, it will definitely not work.

Then should I try to keep the two of them further apart?
Ah, that's easy to do. Just let Lin Heng do the most tiring job in the household department. They will have no chance to meet in the future. Without the chance to meet, there may be a lot less communication in the future.

That would avoid many situations that would never happen, and Li Shimin would feel much more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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