Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 105 The Worries of the Old Father

Chapter 105 The Worries of the Old Father
In Honglu Temple, Lin Tangqing was actually quite happy these two days.

After all, his son Lin Heng was an unknown, cowardly, and useless person who couldn't do anything before.

He himself didn't have much expectations for Lin Heng. He just felt that he loved his son and he could do whatever he wanted. It had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he would have another one in the future. This account would be useless by then. Wouldn't it be enough to practice one more time?

But now Lin Heng's talents have amazed him.

Not only did he burn it out, Baibao Pavilion, a profitable business, sold some rare items that had never been seen before in the world, but he also created a paper shop that sold paper for ten cents a piece. ,
What is the concept of ten cents?It can be said that it is the lowest level. Common people can afford to read books and use paper. If this kind of paper becomes popular, the price of paper in the entire lobby will decrease. This must be a very big problem. What a great way!
And why he can make this kind of paper that costs ten cents a piece, it must be because he has mastered the technology of making and printing paper that costs ten cents a piece. Then this is simply not ordinary people.

And not only that, he not only made great achievements in these financial aspects, but also showed many differences in his personal talents that are different from ordinary people, peers, and some already famous talents.

After all, the water-melody song you composed some time ago is about when the moon will be bright. I ask the blue sky for my wine. I don’t know the palace in the sky. What year is it today? I want to ride the wind back, but I am afraid that it is too cold in the high place to dance. The clear shadows are like turning around the Zhu Pavilion in the human world, with low flags and no illuminating objects.There should be no hatred, why should we say goodbye? People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. It is difficult to wish people all the same in ancient times.For such a beautiful poem, we have shared the beauty of the moon for a long time and thousands of miles, it can be said that it has simply exceeded the limit of what Clinical Qingxian understands now.

And not only this, the few poems he had written before were the Qingping tune.

The clouds are like clothes, the flowers are like faces, the spring breeze is blowing the threshold, and the dew is thick.If it were not seen at the top of Qunyu Mountain, it would be leeward towards Yaotai Yue.

He has been able to achieve this level, which can be said to have shocked Lin Tangqingdu.

I have to say that my son is indeed talented in this area, but why has he withheld it for so many years?Why do you do these things without telling yourself?
Or is it because I have been alienated from him for so many years and he has already developed the ability, so I don't tell him some of his ambitions?

So the old father often thought this way during this period, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty for a while. It seemed that he had alienated his son all these years. Lin Tangqing couldn't help but sigh.

For Lin Tangqing, there were actually many good things in the past two days. For example, after he took office, the Minister of Rites who disliked him, after all, he had offended him because of the Japanese affairs. .

After all, the Ministry of Rites strongly advocated visits from people from the Tang Dynasty and Japan.

But at that time, he bluntly advised Li Shimin, thus offending the boss of the Ministry of Rites, so he would definitely not look good on him.

But later, because Lin Heng helped His Majesty solve the financial problem of the disaster victims that had been bothering him for a long time because of his deeds about the national debt, the Minister of Rites even smiled at himself and was not as nervous as before. .

So Lin Tangqing thought, wow, isn't this really good? He couldn't help but sigh when his son's achievements even radiated to himself.After all, it was really unexpected that a son that he looked down on so much before could achieve such an extent.

Everything is unpredictable, and many things are actually like this.

For a moment, Lin Tangqing couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and his ability to do things became better.

Although he said that he now has no salary and no source of income, because of the Japanese incident, all his salary was confiscated, and he had no income for at least half a year.

But now that his house belongs to him, and his son is now so rich and accomplished, he doesn't have to worry about these things at all. In fact, to put it bluntly, he can just lie down at home and take care of himself.

But he definitely doesn't want to do this, because after all, he is the head of the family, and as his old father, if he lies down and enjoys what his son brings to him, then he will have no dignity in front of his son.

After all, no matter how much he said before, he was the goal of Lin Heng's efforts, the one that Lin Heng yearned for, the one that Lin Heng pursued, and the father that Lin Heng was proud of!

Then if you tell the truth, if you do this, if you really take advantage of Lin Heng, then this is actually very bad.

To be honest, if he had money, he would definitely want to marry a few more wives. After all, he was tired of looking at his wives.

He is not a dedicated person, but since Lin Heng has already mentioned that matter last time, he must not be able to do this. What if he is looked down upon by his son?
He already had so many wives, and now he wants to marry a new one. Doesn't that make him look like a coward as an old father?
So he definitely won't do it.

But I was a little worried for a while. I already have so many wives, so what should I do if my son still doesn’t have a wife?
After all, he is old. In modern times, he would have just graduated from high school and entered college, but in ancient times, he was actually very old.

After all, it is a very common phenomenon for someone to get married and have a family at the age of thirteen or fourteen. If you don't get married, he will definitely think that there is something wrong with you, whether there is something wrong with your body, something wrong with your mind, or that there is something wrong with you at home. How much money is there, so I can't find a good wife and so on.

Since his son is now so talented, capable, and earning so much money, then he must find a good woman for him!
Women with five surnames and five surnames expect women from the family, so don't think about it. That is simply impossible, although Lin Heng has raised this issue.

But after all, it is the fifth surname. It is expected that the children of such an important clan will not be exiled to marry other surnames. After all, the status and reputation of the Lin family are not enough to support this matter, so Lin Tangqing was a little worried for a while. We have to look for Lin Heng.

(End of this chapter)

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