Chapter 107 The Origin of Rebellion

After Li Shimin and Li Lizhi, Lin Heng came outside the city and saw that the victims outside Chang'an City were still very strict and obeyed the officers and soldiers and local control. They still did not cause any riots.

After all, now that they have food to eat, why do they need to riot?
They were rioting and getting emotional when there was no food to eat, but now that they have food to eat, they will definitely eat in peace and contentment, maybe sometimes they will have a meal to eat, and they also have a house to live in, and they are not afraid of wind or rain.

The current life is very good for them, and in the future, there will be many such days for them, so now there is no need for them to stay here to cause turmoil or anything. That is simply not necessary. .

Unless there's something wrong with their brains.

Then Lin Heng came to the vicinity of Hualin Township on the eastern outskirts of Chang'an City.

We have our own land here. We have our own land in the lobby. If you have a few hundred acres of land, you are considered a small landlord. If you have thousands of acres of land, you are a medium-sized landlord. If you have thousands of acres of land, you are a medium-sized landlord. acres of land, then you are considered a big landowner.

The map of the feudal era actually reflects your class nature.

After all, the landlord class is the feudal class. The landlord class can appoint officials, but the merchant class cannot appoint officials because merchants are not allowed to take the imperial examination.

Of course, there may be one or two exceptions, but under the general environment, businessmen have no way to compete for the imperial examination. As long as you do business for one generation, you will not be allowed to take the imperial examination for generations to come.


Because in ancient times it was a very magical society, because its material means of production were not sufficient.

For example, it doesn't have much food at all, and the role of merchants in ancient feudal thinking was considered to be a kind of transportation.

Earning commissions by buying low and selling high, they do not produce, although this method seems to be very biased in the future.

But for the social environment at that time, this was indeed the case, because its material means of production were not rich enough, it had no food, and it had nothing else.

If you sell your things at a low price, he may not be able to survive as a farmer.

And there are some businessmen who bully others and buy and sell by force after they get rich. Therefore, the country vigorously resists this behavior and does not allow businessmen to develop on a large scale.

Therefore, it was not until the Song Dynasty that merchants obtained certain rights. Of course, they only obtained some rights to do business, not status.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty was a very prosperous dynasty in history. Although its national power was weak, you cannot deny that it was indeed a very powerful dynasty.

His annual tax revenue and expenditure can reach tens of millions.

Looking at the entire history, this is explosive. Looking at the entire history, this is irreplaceable and incomparable. Therefore, the Song Dynasty was a very magical country.

In fact, the status of merchants has not been very respected in all dynasties. After all, the means of production are limited. This situation did not develop until later generations.

For example, later generations will open ports and economic development zones, but today the lobby cannot be linked to this situation.

After analyzing these, Lin Heng immediately came to his own land.These are the lands given to them by the aristocratic family, totaling tens of thousands of acres. These lands can be divided into several parts, but several maps can be created.

So now I am a very big landowner. For example, some vassal kings with fiefdoms have one billion kings. They may not have as much land as themselves.

After all, it's ten thousand acres. Although the aristocratic family wanted to disgust themselves before and gave themselves wasteland, it was still land after all.

It's all in my own hands. I believe there are people in the center to develop it. After it is developed, these lands can be planted.

After planting, it can rent it, and based on the rental price for one month, it can earn one hundred cents on average.

He can get 10 yuan for these 10 acres, just lying around and doing nothing. That's [-] yuan a month for a year, which is [-] yuan, so it is a very magical thing.

When I came to my own land, I saw houses built one after another.

This was built with Lin Heng's money to give these tenant farmers who now plan to stay here a shelter and a living space.

They are absolutely satisfied with three meals a day, and there is also a meal of meat every now and then, which is actually a great enjoyment for them.

After all, they may not have been so wealthy when they were growing their own land in Shandong. It was simply impossible to eat meat. As long as he could have enough to eat, he was actually fine.

After all, it is the social environment, the limitations of the social environment, and the limitations of the means of production. He has no way to do other things, so now they are very grateful to Lin Heng, and look at Lin Heng like a benefactor.

Lin Heng immediately inspected his land, which was about [-] acres, and had been sown one after another. About [-]% of the land was sown with potatoes and corn.

After all, these magical objects produced in North and South America do not exist in this dynasty, and it cannot be said that they do not exist.

If you want it, you must cross Pingyang. Wanli Pingyang, you can cross over and get it from wherever you go.

These things, but at the current level of the lobby, he has no way to do them, and even if he could do them, he wouldn't do them.

After all, you need a compass. The compass may have appeared in the Tang Dynasty, and you also need shipbuilding technology.

After all, you have such a big ocean. If you want to cross it, there will definitely be some warm currents and cold currents. If your ship is not strong enough, it will definitely collapse and die.

This is a very dangerous behavior, but Lin Heng skipped these actions and took out his own seeds from his warehouse.

After all, I carry a New York port with me. If I have the opportunity, I must use it. So why keep the golden finger?

The purpose of keeping Goldfinger was to give him some convenience. After all, this warehouse was now something he could no longer indispensable to him.

He immediately took out these seeds and planted them. After planting, these things can grow after a while. When they grow, it is a convenience for him. So Lin Heng still has a lot of expectations now. He not only plants I bought potatoes and corn, and also planted some vegetables, which are not common in this era anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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