Chapter 108 Potatoes
Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the other vegetables and fruits he grows. After all, he plans to keep the food for himself, and he only plans to sell the excess.

After all, you can't make much money from this thing. You definitely don't have your current industry or your current business to make money.

After all, if he sells something in Baibao Pavilion, he may earn thousands of dollars a day, and he may make over ten thousand dollars in revenue, so he doesn't need to consider making money through planting at all.

When he grows these things, most of his thoughts are to satisfy his own development desires and satisfy his own consumption desires.

After all, he also wanted to eat some good food. After all, these things were not available in the lobby.

No matter how much food you have in the lobby, no matter how good it is, he will still get tired of it after you eat it for a while. After you get tired of it, you will definitely have to eat snacks in different ways.

For example, if you want to eat tomatoes, you will definitely not be able to find them now. If you want to eat cucumbers or eggplants, don’t even look for them. Don’t even think about it. It’s impossible.

But if there is value in the warehouse, he can take out some seeds from the warehouse, and with these seeds it can solve many things.

He will find these things very convenient, and if they are very convenient, he can make himself happy. After all, he is here to enjoy it.

He himself is a mess, and he doesn't want to work hard. After all, he is now rich and has an official. Why is he still obsessed with these official positions, money and other things? If the money is enough, he can spend it. That's it.

You don’t need to have too much money, you just need to live your life so that your soul can be sublimated and enjoyed. In fact, you have completely achieved the desire and pursuit of a rich person.

Needless to say about corn, in future generations, corn can be grown in most northern areas. A corn plant has two cobs, and each cob can produce about one or two hundred carats per acre of corn. That yield There is absolutely no problem if you pay a few thousand kilograms.

Needless to say, potatoes are a very common thing in later generations. Do you just want to talk about potatoes?

He can farm on any land, such as barren land or fertile land, especially the land in the north that seems barren, but that kind of land is very suitable for growing potatoes, and one acre of land is conservative. Estimated production of 23.

What is this concept?One acre of land in the Tang Dynasty, if you take rice, rice, and wheat as an example, one acre of land may only produce about one quintal, one bag is 120 kilograms.

The output of one acre of land may be only [-] to [-] kilograms, so the average farmer needs dozens of acres of land to survive.

But when it comes to potatoes, what is the concept that one acre of land can grow thirty dan?
One bag weighs 120 kilograms, and thirty bags weighs three to four thousand kilograms. One acre of land weighs three to four thousand kilograms, and ten acres of land weighs thirty to forty thousand kilograms.That can definitely provide him with a living for about a few years, and it's only for one season. He can work two sentences a year. You can imagine how much he will return from this income.He was so huge that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

And he can not only eat this food himself, but if he gets tired of eating it, he can contribute it to Li Shimin. So who is Li Shimin now?He is the princess of the people. If you contribute all these things to him, you will definitely get a reward.

What benefit does receiving a reward bring to you?Give yourself a reputation, and the reputation that remains unchanged can be hereditary. If he gets it again, he can pass his citizenship to his son and grandson, and he will enjoy the record for life after life, and directly enter the aristocracy. class.

This is actually a very good thing.

When he contributed this thing to Li Shimin, it was not only an improvement for himself, it could bring him fame, he could bring him a title, he could bring him citizenship, he could bring him a property in return, he could Let your family transcend the aristocratic class in one step.

On the other hand, it can bring benefits to the Tang Dynasty. Just think about what it lacks most in the feudal era. What it lacks in the feudal era is material production means. It has no material production means, that is, no food. Food, it will cause riots.

In every era, it has riots because the people don't have enough to eat. If it doesn't have enough to eat, why does it have riots?Why should it follow others to fight to the death?Then I am well fed and warmly clothed, why should I go to war with you?Isn't there something wrong with my brain?

Therefore, as long as this problem is solved, the most essential position problem in feudal society can be solved.

Just like the four sentences of Hengqu proposed by the two brothers Zhang Yuzhenzai in the Song Dynasty, they established the heart for the world and the people, the destiny for the saints, and continued the unique learning to open a river of peace and peace for all generations, because it is necessary to create peace for all ages. Certain conditions require your material means of production to reach a certain level.

For example, if you take the level of material production means in later generations, they must be in the tens of thousands.

If you have more than 100 kilograms of rice per acre, and several hundred kilograms of wheat per acre, everyone will not be short of food to eat. Only when everyone is not short of food to eat will they consider development, and they will be stable, and they will not I will think about riots and so on.

If there is not enough food to eat in an era, then this era must be imperfect. Even though the Tang Dynasty was a very developed dynasty in history and a very eye-catching era in history, this era has a The disadvantage is that it is still not cut off, it just cannot solve the food problem.

If the food problem is solved, it can be said that it will bring enlightenment to all generations. This is a good thing for Li Shimin, for the people of the entire Tang Dynasty, for the entire world, and for the entire China. If there is a chance in the future, maybe.He can also follow Li Shimin to unify foreign countries.

Go and drive your war horses to the borders of foreign countries and unify those so-called four ancient countries into one motherland.

That's just the Tang nation, which is the ancient cultural country of the Chinese nation.

So the role of potatoes is very important. When Lin Heng inspected his potatoes and saw that they had sprouted.

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face. This is not only for him to be full, not only for his fame, not only for his own appetite, but also for the hope of the entire Tang nation and the entire China. This is a very good thing. thing.

(End of this chapter)

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