Chapter 109 The Lin Family Now

The Ministry of Civil Affairs was also the Ministry of Household Affairs of the Tang Dynasty.

It was after Li Shimin's death that he avoided Li Shimin's taboo, so he changed the name to Hubu.
The functions here are very simple.

That is to be in charge of the lobby's finances, but because the lobby has been financially strapped for so many years, he doesn't have much money.

The money is used to fight the war, and all the annual revenue and expenditure are used to subsidize genes. The military expenditures last year or the year before were vacant, so the Ministry of Civil Affairs in the lobby has no money at all.

But now, with the influence of the national debt, this matter can be considered resolved to a certain extent.

This is also a relatively comfortable thing for them.

And I heard that Lin Heng is going to join.

It had to be said that although Lin Heng was young, only 18 years old, and they heard that he had failed the imperial examinations in consecutive years, they also learned about it from the Ministry of Rites.

Let’s just say that Lin Henglian failed the imperial examination. He had no literary talent in his early years, but suddenly he became a very powerful person, whether in poetry, literature, business, or these national strategies. , he all has very high opinions.

With these high insights, he even had some very close connections with the current His Majesty, Li Shimin, so this was what shocked everyone.

With the blessing of so many halos, this person has no problem at all. After all, he has solved such a big trouble for Datang.

This is a problem that these officials, who have been officials for more than ten, 20, and 30 years, cannot solve. However, Lin Heng solved it.

Therefore, Lin Heng can come to the Ministry of Household Affairs, where Datang is now in charge of finance, and can seek more benefits for the lobby. That is a very good thing for them, so everyone is very happy about it. .

However, I heard that Lin Heng has been quite busy during this period and has not yet been able to take up the post, but that will happen soon.

His Majesty actually gave him a month to take office. I don't know why. After all, after ordinary officials were blocked, he would take office immediately.

But there were indeed some mistakes on Lin Heng's side, and he didn't know what His Majesty was doing, and everyone also noticed something.

Li Shimin knew about Lin Heng's existence and some of Lin Heng's circumstances, but Lin Heng seemed to not know about Li Shimin or who His Majesty the Tang Dynasty was.

And he also called him Mr. Li. Looking at the many people in the Tang Dynasty, who would dare to call Li Shimin Mr. Li? Wouldn't that mean he would be beheaded?

Although Li Shimin has a good temper, is kind and generous, and cares for his people, but he doesn't know how to kill people, it doesn't make sense. After all, you are at odds with his rationality.

Then everyone also discovered this problem.

It seemed that Lin Heng didn't know who His Majesty was. When they heard the news, everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I have been with His Majesty for so long, but I don’t even know who His Majesty is. If one day he sees Your Majesty and he keeps calling him Mr. Li, how will he react? It must be very violent.

Everyone was looking forward to this scene, so they hid it for Li Shimin.Moreover, after the customs were closed in the early morning in the past few days, people often visited, including him, the Minister of Household Affairs, Dou Jing would also go to take a look, as well as some petty officials and officials.

After all, being able to be promoted to an official position at this age is based on one's own ability, not on the influence of the family's status.

For example, Changsun Chong relied on his father's reputation to become an official. But Lin Heng was different. He relied on his own ability and solved such a big problem for His Majesty on his own to become an official. , so he must be a relatively talented person. If you get along well with him in the future, that is not a bad thing, so many people will visit him.

When your officials visit, they will definitely come to pick up some gifts, but it’s not good for them to pick up anything too heavy.

Not to mention whether gifts that are too heavy will be rejected, on the other hand, Datang now promotes clean government and is close to the people, so these are simple gifts, but my feelings are expressed.

And being able to take the initiative to visit him can be regarded as showing respect to the new Dr. Hube who is about to take office, and it can also be regarded as giving him a certain face.

But their home has been a happy one these past two days. Before, there was no one in front of the door, but now people come to visit every day.

Sometimes Lin Heng would be there in person to entertain him. Sometimes when Lin Heng was not around, Lin Heng's mother, Mrs. Cheng, would entertain them.

Lin Heng's father, Lin Tangqing, has been at Hongdu Temple during this time.

Hongdu Temple seems to be very busy during this period, and they can't come back from the reception. As for Mrs. Cheng and several concubines at home, their faces are bright, and their status has suddenly increased.

Relying on his son, some noble ladies have come to visit recently, and they are very happy. After all, due to family reasons, their status has also increased, and it is also a good thing to be valued by others.

Although the Lin family lived in a very large house in Chang'an, few people actually visited him.

After all, Lin Tangqing's identity is quite sensitive. He is an admonisher who specializes in admonishing the emperor. Since ancient times, admonishers have been the ones who have died the most.

Although Li Shimin had never killed anyone, this matter was quite troublesome, so due to his sensitive status, no one came to visit him.

And his official position is still low, but now their son has been promoted.

Then Lin Tangqing was promoted, which was a good thing for the whole family, but Li Lizhi didn't come much in the past two days.

The day she returned, she was criticized by Li Shimin.

As a woman, as a person who already has a fiancé, you are so close to a man all day long, is he suitable?

He is obviously unsuitable, but Li Lizhi is also quite disgusted with the man. Why can they call each other brothers if they appreciate each other? Why can't women do the same?
This made Li Shimin so angry that he directly ordered Li Lizhi not to go out. If you dare to go out, lock her in the house directly.

Anyway, Li Shimin really didn't want Li Lizhi to have a deeper relationship with Lin Heng. After all, he was someone he admired.

If it really goes to that level, then Li Shimin will definitely not be able to accept it, and this is still a matter of the face of their royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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