Chapter 110 Research on Asthma Drugs

In the palace, Li Lizhi's recent situation is probably like this. She has been locked in the palace and is not allowed to go out.

Li Lizhi was also particularly dissatisfied with this. After all, you men can do this, why can't we women do this? I don't really like Lin Heng, nor do I have that kind of feeling.

I'm just very interested in Lin Heng, why are you keeping him locked up?

But her explanation was obviously just an excuse in front of Li Shimin. You absolutely cannot be allowed to go out and mess around at will. After all, even if you really don't have such feelings, then I can't let you out casually.

Then what if Changsun Chong saw it, if Changsun Wuji saw it, how to explain it? What if it was seen by officials of the central government, then the royal family would lose face. How could this be possible? Woolen cloth?
Lin Heng also had time in the past two days.

The most he can do now is to visit a few stores to see what the current business situation is in various places, and then give some opinions.

And normal things really don't need his intervention. After all, in the operation of a store, as long as your products are good enough, there will be no problems at all, so there is no need for him to worry.

In the past two days, he also had time to make the medicine that Li Shimin asked him to make for Changsun Wujia. In fact, he did not know the identity of the two people. After all, it was Mr. Li. Mr. Li had also been kind to him before. If I could repay him, I would definitely help him solve it.

And this asthma thing is really fatal.

Every time I have an attack, I can't breathe, and I feel like I'm going to die, but every time I relieve myself, I can't do it very well, and asthma will gradually get worse with age and severity of illness.

The spray I gave you can be used to relieve symptoms, but it cannot solve the root cause of the disease at all. It is only a soothing medicine.

For example, when you feel a very painful headache and you take two painkillers, the painkillers cannot solve the fundamental problem of your headache. They cannot solve the source. The asthma spray is probably the same.

As for the more famous representative figure who died of asthma, it must be Li Shimin's queen, Changsun Wugou, Bai Yueguang, the founder of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The reason why I say Bai Yueguang is because Li Shimin and his eldest grandson Wugou got married when they were 14 years old, and they have been with Li Shimin since they got married.

Even though he participated in the Xuanwu Gate Incident and participated in so many events, such a big struggle has always been with Li Shimin. When the Tang Dynasty finally calmed down, when the Tang Dynasty did not have any outsiders or relatives to influence the Tang Dynasty. after the trajectory.

But she left Li Shimin because of her own health problems. Later, Li Shimin even built a building for her. She stood on that building every day and looked at the place where Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou had spent time together. It is conceivable that Changsun Wugou was interested in Li Shimin. Li Shimin's influence is so great, so asthma can really be fatal.

As for Lao Li, he was kind to himself. He was kind to himself, and he would definitely find ways to repay him. Moreover, he had been studying the pathology of asthma during this period.

The onset of asthma must be due to insufficient lung qi. Insufficient lung qi will cause your waste to have some impact, and then gradually develop into asthma. Once asthma develops, it will be difficult to cure.Especially in this dynasty, it was difficult to find him. Once discovered, he had an incurable disease. Even the most powerful doctor in the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao, couldn't do anything about it.

After all, even the Medicine King of the Tang Dynasty had no way to deal with it, which shows that this is the limitation of the times.

As far as the Tang Dynasty is concerned, if you catch a cold, it may be fatal, and you will have no way to cure it, and the price may be loss of life, let alone asthma, a disease that has no cure in future generations. , but that doesn’t mean there is no cure, it just means that the medicine for this treatment is very expensive and not available here.

There happen to be similar drugs in this warehouse, which are completely curable, but what is the problem? The problem is that he cannot use this thing casually. After all, the people of future generations will be covered with chemical elements. Don't worry about the effects of this disease.

But the ancients were not like this. If you ate this stuff casually, it would probably kill you immediately. Then if you really used it for her, and if something happened, wouldn't it still be because of you?

Is it just because he gave her the medicine and then said that he had no intention of harming her?

Then if she dies, won’t she be responsible?
It is definitely not like this. There is no such thing as ignorance. After all, she also knows that this drug cannot be given to others casually.

After all, it is a prescription drug, so I must study how to retain the effect of this drug, but dilute its potency, and the possibility of harming people will be greatly reduced. After it is reduced, it may be harmful to Changsun Wujia. There is no harm, so Li Linheng is also studying this task seriously.

As long as this problem is solved, it is actually possible that this medicine can be used by Changsun Wuji in the future, which is equivalent to adding another fame in front of Li Shimin.

So Lin Heng has been bored at home for the past two days, studying this drug and the pathology book. After studying it, he will dilute the drug.

Then catch some white mice for experiments, cultivate sterile white mice, let them take this medicine, and then let them get some diseases. This thing requires a process, but these equipments and the like There are always.

He can directly take it out and culture it, and then conduct experiments on him. After the experiment, he will slowly find some people with asthma and conduct preliminary clinical experiments on them.

But when it comes to medicine, you may need to start with the smallest one, and then slowly increase the amount to observe the patient's condition and situation, and finally take it out and use it as a medicine that can be used.

But this will definitely take a certain amount of time, so during this half month, he does not need to go out at all, he can just do this every day.

After Ruoyun saw this incident, he also helped Lin Heng solve some troubles in life every day, such as sleeping, eating, bathing, etc. After all, this is what she should do as a roommate. things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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