Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 119 I’ll give you a stool first.

Chapter 119 I’ll give you a stool first.
Li Chengqian's face suddenly changed.

When he first came here, he kept comforting himself on the way, comforting himself that Lin Heng and Li Lizhi had nothing to do with each other.

But in this situation, there is nothing he can do.

After all, that's what I thought at the beginning. Then you know my father, Li Shimin, after all.

You also know that Li Lizhi has a fiancé, but why do you still think about it?
Li Chengqian had this mentality at the beginning.

After all, Lin Heng is not a fool.

Since he knew about this kind of thing, he would definitely not mess with it.

After all, if you were a moral person and a person with some dignity, you would not do this.

After all, I am your friend, and my father is also your friend, so is it right for you to do such a thing?

Then how can I bear it?

Then Li Chengqian was about to hit someone.

He knew that his judgment last time was not wrong. There must be some relationship between Lin Heng and Li Lizhi. How could this be just a matter of royal dignity?

No wonder his father let Li Chengqian watch Li Lizhi during this period.

Anyone who comes to Lin Heng has to report it, and Li Chengqian is required to follow him. So Li Chengqian understands everything now, so he should have fun like this, right?
Lin Heng was also immediately confused.

It's not that you can't say that. If you say that, I will be finished.

You may be fine, but I will definitely suffer.

Well, if you don’t think about it, if you have the brains to think about it, it’s impossible for him to be like this.

I have nothing to do with you at all.

The most I did was apply medicine on your legs. Last time I picked you up and rubbed your legs.

There are really no other people left.

No, you can't think like that. You still have a fiancé, and your eldest brother also has your father. He will chop me to death.

Lin Heng immediately looked at Li Lizhi.

"You can't say that, girl, if you do this, I will be doomed. Can you explain it clearly?"

Li Lizhi looked innocent and said, "Explain what you want? I really miss you during this time."

Without saying a word, Li Chengxian picked up the stool and was about to hit someone.

"Lin Heng, it's useless for me to consider you a friend. You actually have such thoughts about my sister."

"Today you will pay the price for your actions."

After all, they came over with a stool, and Lin Heng ran away immediately if he dared to stand.

Li Chengxian shouted, "Since you have nothing wrong with you, what are you afraid of?"

Lin Heng was speechless, then if you copy this stool and I don't run away, won't you just hit me on the head?
Then if you hit me on the head, I won't be able to say a word.

After all, if this kind of thing is true, then you can indeed have this position.

But he’s not targeting this kind of thing, so what if I’m wronged and don’t run away?
If I don’t run away, and then I get hit by you, and then you get angry, and then you apologize to me after you find the truth later, then I’m not mentally ill.

Then if something like this is done, who would Lin Heng be?

Is he mentally ill?He is not considered a relatively wise person.

The current situation is not what Lin Heng wants to see at all.

And Li Lizhi, why don’t you explain it?

When Li Lizhi saw this scene, she was also confused. Didn't I just say that I missed Lin Heng?

She was really thinking during this period. She was just expressing her inner situation. She had no other thoughts.There must be many kinds of longing for a person.

For example, I want to chat with Lin Heng during this period.

After all, I have been locked up in the palace during this period, so how can I have time to do other things?

So after accompanying Li Chengqian out that day, the first thing she found was to talk to Lin Heng about what he was doing and what he was researching recently.

So she was indeed expressing her feelings at the moment, but maybe she didn't find a suitable language.

But the eldest brother may have really misunderstood, and he is about to take action now.

Li Lizhi quickly stepped forward to stop him: "Brother, you misunderstood. I didn't mean it that way. I really didn't mean it that way. Please listen to my explanation."

Li Chengqian snorted coldly, and then looked at Li Lizhi.

There are some things that women don’t need to talk about. If you stand up for him and protect him, you must have something wrong in your heart.

Then I definitely can't do anything to you.

After all, you are my biological sister, but I can take action against Lin Heng.

After all, if Lin Heng attacks someone who has a fiancé and your friend's sister, can you really do such a thing?
Don’t you think it goes against human relations and heaven for you to do such a thing?

Don't you feel like it's a betrayal of my trust in you?
Are you crazy now?

When Li Lizhi saw that her blocking was ineffective, Li Chengqian pulled her away and ran towards Lin Heng. Lin Heng didn't dare to stop, so he just ran out.

Li Lizhi was also annoyed and immediately roared: "Stop making such a fuss!"

Several people were stunned immediately, and then looked at Li Lizhi with a confused look on her face.

"Brother, I told you, this is a misunderstanding!"

"How can you still not believe me!"

Li Chengqian also had a puzzled expression on his face immediately. After all, I believe you. Who will believe me if I believe you?

Then who will guarantee this future?

Then if you really had that kind of relationship with Lin Heng, if you were really intimate, you were really seen by Chang Sun Chong. After you were seen by Chang Sun Chong, how would the royal family retain their dignity?
If once the news reaches the ears of Changsun Wuji, will Changsun Wuji find his father?

If he doesn't ask his father, Li Shimin, to solve this problem, then he might solve it himself.

That was almost a disaster for both the royal family and Lin Heng.

For the royal family, it was a loss of face for the royal family.

If Changsun Wuji spreads this kind of thing, the dignity that the royal family has finally built up over the years will disappear.

If Changsun Wuji didn't go to Li Shimin to solve the matter, he would solve it himself.

Then it might be the end for Lin Heng.

Even if Lin Heng is now an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs, and even if Lin Heng's father is now an official in the Ministry of Rites, they still can't resist Changsun Wuji's anger.

Then who wants to see his daughter-in-law taken away by others?

Then he must be able to take action.

Once Changsun Wuji takes action, it will be a disaster for Lin Heng.

If you can't think clearly about this matter, then it's really over.

However, Li Chengqian was stunned.

Because Li Lizhi's eyes were already red and she was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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