Chapter 120 Changes in Attitude

In fact, both Lin Heng and Li Chengqian were in a state of confusion.

One was angry because of Li Lizhi's words. After all, seeing his own girl being said to have a close relationship, he felt particularly angry.

The other one is just plain confused.

I have nothing to do with you. At most I have some physical contact with you, but why do you say that?

If you say that, wouldn't it be a slander against me?

If you slander me, forget it. What matters to you is that your eldest brother wants to chop me down, and your eldest brother wants to give me a stool. What if he kills me?
So Lin Heng will definitely run away, but Li Chengqian will definitely pay attention.

But at that moment, Li Lizhi suddenly became jealous and pretended to cry. Li Chengqian quickly threw down his stool and stepped forward.

After all, compared to other things, my girl was angry and cried, which must be the biggest.

Then she must be more concerned about her own girl, and she was a little confused at the moment.

Is it possible that there really isn't that kind of relationship between the two of them?

After all, I cried, so there is no need to be like this.

Then if you are really like this and you are so generous, if you admit it to him, I will beat him up.

Then think about the solution to this matter.

But when you cry, it's obviously a feeling of being slandered.

For Li Chengqian, he would feel that there was a mistake in his judgment.

If a mistake does occur, it is definitely not a good thing.

And if this is really the case, then his father will not be able to see it, and his father will not let him follow Li Lizhi to see Lin Heng. Li Chengqian was also a little confused for a moment.

"Changle, don't be angry, it's brother's fault."

"It's true that what you just said was too easy for people to misunderstand. You might as well tell me what the whole story is.

The eldest brother is at least your eldest brother, and the eldest brother can understand you. Even if there is a relationship, the eldest brother will work with you to find a solution, right?Don't hide it from big brother. "

Li Lizhi became even more unhappy when she heard this. Why should I hide it from you?

What do you mean when there is a problem, let's solve it together. Lin Heng and I have nothing to do with each other.

Lin Heng and I are simply friends, there is nothing between us.

Even if others think so, there really is nothing between us, so why do you think so?

If you think so, then do I think there is something wrong with my style or my behavior? After all, I am a princess of the royal family.

And I am your sister. If you miss me so much, she must be very unhappy.

Then Li Lizhi said that her relationship with Lin Heng was really just that kind of relationship.

What she said just now was just to express her true inner thoughts. After all, she was the kind of person who had never been exposed to the kind of relationship between a man and a woman.

What she said was simply to express her true inner thoughts.

He won't worry too much because there won't be any big generation gap between him and Lin Heng.

Or even if I think so, Lin Heng won't think so either.

Maybe it was just that Lin Heng felt that his relationship with him was relatively good, so he didn't care about this matter at all.

But if Li Chengqian is here at the moment, then Lin Hengheng is concerned about it, so he must explain it, and he must run away.

It's normal for Li Chengqian to misunderstand, but you can't misunderstand that there is something wrong with my style.If you think so, then there is something wrong with my style, do I have to explain it to you, and do I really have no face at all?

That is really something that cannot be explained or explained.

Then Li Lizhi also told Li Chengqian these thoughts. Li Chengqian was silent for a while after listening. Could it be that nothing happened?

Did you really think too much?Could it be that there was really a certain degree of deviation in what I did today?
If this is really the case, then the crime is very serious. It is slandering the innocence of his sister.

If this is really the case, then it is really understandable for Li Lizhi to cry.

Because after all, it is because of my own behavior, after all, it is because of the deviation in my thinking.

Therefore, it is understandable that Li Lizhi would behave like this.

But what he said just now really doesn’t work. Think about what he said.

No one listens, but in order to appease you at the moment, Li Chengqian still chose to believe it on the surface.

Looking at Lin Heng, he looked unhappy.

"I believe there is no relationship between you and my sister, just give it a try."

Forget it, forget it, what do you think of me with that look in your eyes? It seems like you want to find an opportunity to stab me to death afterwards.

Lin Heng was also confused, and then immediately changed the topic.

"I've been making asthma medicine recently, so I haven't had much time during this period. Moreover, what I said before was indeed a misunderstanding. Brother Li, don't worry about it. If this is really the case, then I will definitely It won’t be accepted.”

After hearing these words, Li Chengqian nodded slightly, as long as you are self-aware.

That's good if you know you shouldn't do such a thing. If you know you shouldn't do such a thing, then I'll have less to worry about.

As long as you have less of a relationship with Li Lizhi, then I won't think about it, and I won't pick up a stool and hit you. After all, I am the eldest brother.

But when I heard about the asthma medicine Lin Heng was researching, my eyes immediately brightened.


It was because his mother's eldest grandson, Wugu, was constantly troubled by asthma.

Asthma is the ancient wheezing disease. During this time, I learned from Lin Heng that wheezing is asthma, but it’s called by a different name.

And Lin Heng seems to be studying this asthma drug under his father's instructions.

If it could really be researched, wouldn't the queen mother's condition be alleviated?

What I said before was because Lin Heng came up with the medicine to alleviate Changsun Wugou's condition, so that Changsun Wugou could feel comfortable during this period.

And according to what his father said, Lin Heng did have a way to solve this matter.

Lin Heng does have a way to come up with a medicine to treat asthma.

If this is really the case, then it is a very good thing for the queen mother, for the father, for the entire Tang Dynasty, and for Li Lizhi and Li Chengqian.

He immediately grabbed Lin Heng's hand.

"Is this true?"

The difference in attitudes before and after was so big that Lin Heng couldn't accept it for a while. It must be really big.

So what am I doing during this period of time if I’m not studying this?Isn't there something on the table that you can't see?

(End of this chapter)

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