Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 16: Get the house with 4 bronze mirrors!

Chapter 16: Four bronze mirrors and the house is in hand!

On the way back, Lin Heng felt excited.

In just two days, my savings amounted to [-] copper coins!

The road to buying a house is getting closer!
Ruoyun, on the other hand, was holding the bronze medal that represented Lin Heng's deposit at Lu's Bank tightly in his hand, his eyes gleaming.

"Lang Jun is so awesome, he made more than 700 dollars so quickly!"

"Doesn't that mean that after a while, Lang Jun can directly buy the Lin family's house? Then the Lin family's house belongs to Lang Jun!"

Lin Heng rubbed Ruoyun's head and chuckled: "You girl, you actually think exactly the same as me!"

Ruoyun smiled innocently, and then rubbed his head in Lin Heng's hand. Feeling the great changes in Lin Langjun, he felt that he was getting more and more powerful, and he liked him even more than before!

"Then young man, where are we going now?"

"Ask how much it costs to buy a house."

The two came to Wang Hong's house and expressed their intention to come. In the house, Wang Hong was overjoyed when he learned that Lin Heng had come.

The Lin family's rent required ten guan per month. That day, Lin Heng took out a top-quality mirror and pledged the ten guan. Wang Hong then sold the mirror to the family, making a direct profit of [-] guan!

The Lin family's house only cost one thousand yuan, but they made a lot of money this time. Wang Hong couldn't help but feel sarcastic.

Lin Heng is just a nerd and doesn't understand the market conditions at all. Once this kind of rare treasure is sold to someone who needs it and has money, such as a noble family, the profit will be too much!
Wang Hong was also very fast. After seeing Lin Heng, he smiled so much that the fat on his face turned into a pile.

"My dear nephew, why did you come to my house today?"

The title was changed to "nephew", which shows Wang Hong's inner joy and excitement.

Lin Heng looked at Wang Hong and felt strange. Why was this old boy so different from the first time when he saw him? It was as if he was looking at someone who had been taken advantage of?
Yes, that’s right!It’s like looking at those people who took advantage of them and spent ten thousand dollars to buy their own small commodities!
However, Lin Heng did not pay too much attention to this strange feeling. Instead, he asked straight to the point: "Old man Wang, may I ask how much it will cost if I want to buy the house in my Lin Mansion?"

Hearing this, Wang Hong was suddenly shocked.

Is it possible that this person wants to buy the Lin Mansion directly?
That house is worth at least a thousand guan. Isn’t the only one in the Lin family, Lin Tangqing, who has some salary?How could they possibly afford it?
Wang Hong was originally engaged in this kind of business, and there was no shortage of houses. If the other party wanted to buy it, of course he would be happy to see it happen.

But he was a little confused about where Lin Heng got his money.

Wang Hong hesitated and said: "My dear nephew, if you want to buy it, for the sake of our friendship for so many years, I will sell it to you for a thousand dollars."

One thousand guans, the market conditions are like this, there is no such thing as friendship or lack of friendship.

"A thousand strings?" Lin Heng thought for a moment.

Ruoyun on the side widened his eyes, "One thousand guan, that will take several cartloads of money, right?"
But it should be no problem for my husband!
Lin Henian's current plan is to buy a shop on Zhuque Street, but the shops there are only for sale and not for rent. Buying a shop in a good location will cost a thousand yuan.

But where is Zhuque Street?That is the main road of Chang'an City, and in front of the gate is the official road leading directly to Zhuque Gate!

Dignitaries, foreign envoys, and foreign businessmen often pass by. If you open a shop here and decorate it taller, you will have more opportunities to meet big people for consumption, and your products will naturally be sold more. Simple.

The faster you make money, the faster you will make money. When the time comes, you can buy a house for only a thousand yuan. Isn’t that easy?

Lin Heng then said calmly: "At this price, we may need to wait for a while. After my store is opened, I can make money before buying it."

Upon hearing this, Wang Hong was immediately stunned.

Looking at the magnanimity of the young man in front of me, it really doesn't look like he is bragging, but he really has the strength to take down the Lin Mansion's house!

Where did this guy make his money? Remember, the Lin family was quite poor before?

With Tai Jian Lin Tangqing's small salary, he could barely rent this house and make a living.Then he thought of the bronze mirror again.

Could it be that he made his fortune through that bronze mirror?
Wang Hong suddenly narrowed his eyes, looking cunning and cunning.

"Xiao Langjun, do you still have the bronze mirror from before?"

Lin Heng nodded when he heard this: "Of course there is."

Wang Hong chuckled: "It doesn't matter if you don't have any cash now. You can just exchange the bronze mirror for money. Or follow your previous rules, how about a ten-guan coin?"

"Ten strings?"

"Yes, ten strings!"

Lin Heng narrowed his eyes. He was not a fool?
Judging from the expression on Wang Hong's face and his reaction to himself from when he first entered the door to now, the bronze mirror must be of great value!

He was a businessman in his previous life, and he knew that bronze mirrors were scarce in Chang'an today. He sold ten coins just to create a brand. After all, he had no shortage of these things. After he became famous, the quantity gradually increased. Yes, you will naturally earn much more.

The person in front of me must be making a lot of money from this bronze mirror!
Lin Heng said with a smile: "It's not impossible to exchange bronze mirrors for money, but these ten coins are a bit too little. I must have made a lot of money from this bronze mirror."

Wang Hong was shocked and looked at Lin Heng with some surprise. Could this person even see this?
Then Wang Hong chuckled, waved his hand and said sincerely: "Hey, I really can't hide it from Mr. Xiao Lang. In fact, I sold this bronze mirror for thirty pieces."

Lin Heng turned around and left without saying a word.

"Since Mr. Wang doesn't tell the truth, there is no need to continue the business!"

When he saw this, Wang Hong suddenly became anxious and stepped forward to grab Lin Heng: "My dear nephew, don't leave. I was joking for you just now. In fact, this bronze mirror was sold for fifty thousand dollars."

Lin Heng still didn't stop and shouted: "Ruoyun, let's go! We won't do this money-losing business!"

Ruoyun on the side was already dumbfounded. Isn't this young man with a bronze mirror selling ten strings?
But according to Wang Hong, he plans to use the bronze mirror to pay for the [-] yuan to buy a house?

Wouldn't that make a lot of money?

But after a while, the little girl also understood that the value of this bronze mirror was definitely more than ten pieces, it must be higher!
Wang Hong had already stood in front of Lin Heng and shouted: "Oh, Heng'er, we have been friends for so many years, it's okay to make a joke to lighten the atmosphere and increase our friendship!"

Wang Hong clenched his fists and said, "Actually, I begged my grandpa and grandma to sell this bronze mirror for a hundred coins!"

Lin Heng lamented again: "Old man Wang, you still don't tell me the truth!"

Hearing this, Wang Hong beat his chest and stamped his feet, and slowly stretched out three fingers.

"I really can't hide it from Mr. Young Master. The value of this bronze mirror is indeed great. I am willing to use three hundred guan per side as a mortgage to pay for your house. I really can't afford any more!"

"After all, I can't just get this bronze mirror and sell it. I also need to find someone. I found this way by myself. My dear nephew, can you understand?"

Finally, Lin Heng stopped, looked at Wang Hong and said, "Then let's do the three hundred guan you said. As for how much you can sell, I don't care. It's your way anyway."

Wang Hong felt happy and nodded vigorously.

"But for the sake of our friendship for so many years, I will give you four bronze mirrors, and you give me the title deed of this house. As for the extra two hundred coins, you don't have to look for it, but in the future , I may need you to help me with some help."

Wang Hong patted his chest and promised, "I, Wang Laoliu, am quite famous in Chang'an. If my nephew needs anything from now on, just come to me!"

The two reached an agreement directly, and Wang Hong did not hesitate at all and directly handed over the land deed to Lin Heng.

The Lin family's house now belongs to Lin Heng!
(End of this chapter)

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