Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 17 Don’t tell others about my house purchase!

Chapter 17 Don’t tell others about my house purchase!
After getting the land deed, both the master and the servant were overjoyed.

Lin Heng said that the bronze mirror will be delivered later and it will definitely be exactly the same as before. There will be no mistakes. After all, we are doing business and we will not lie.

Wang Hong thought to himself, who in Chang'an would dare to lie to Wang Laoliu?

Four bronze mirrors, one with five hundred guan, that's [-] guan, a direct profit of [-] guan!
Ruoyun on the side was simply dumbfounded.

The house...the house already belongs to the young man?
This is incredible!

The little girl was simply stunned by this sudden incident.

After successfully reaching an agreement, the Lin Mansion now indeed belongs to Lin Heng. After all, the land deed is now in his hands.

Of course, these things could also be told to Lin Tangqing and his mother and aunts, but Lin Heng did not choose to do so.

After all, these people separated their families, but they didn’t even take them with them!And there is an irresponsible father!

He was not willing to tell them the great news, he could just enjoy it himself, oh, and of course Ruoyun.

Lin Heng then looked at Wang Hong and said: "Now the house is mine, but I don't want this matter to spread, let alone tell my father and mother."

Wang Hong was a little surprised and said: "My dear nephew, why do you do this?"

"Old man Wang doesn't need to worry about this matter. As for the rent, you can charge it as much as you should. Just like before, if they don't pay the rent, force them. Then the rent will be handed over to me." "

Wang Hong nodded and said there was no problem.

The two immediately left the Wang family and came to the market.

Ruoyun just recovered from the shock just now.

She pulled Lin Heng's clothes and kept mumbling.

"Lang Jun is so amazing, Lang Jun is so amazing"

Although Lin Heng was very helpful to listen to it at first, but after talking about this sentence, Lin Heng was a little helpless.

"Okay, don't say anything, just look at what you want and just pick it."

The little girl looked around and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Lang, what are we here for?"

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Didn't you realize that our house lacks a lot of things? For example, some of the rouge and gouache you used and some of the clothes are too simple."

"After all, you are also my personal maid. Now that I have money, if you are still as shabby as before, you are not worthy of me."

Upon hearing this, Ruoyun suddenly became anxious. He took Lin Heng's arm and said, "Langjun, don't sell me. Ruoyun can do anything and is willing to do anything for Langjun. She only wants Langjun." Don’t sell Yun’er, Yun’er wants to stay with Lang Jun forever!”


Lin Heng lamented and rubbed Ruoyun's head: "When did I say I was going to sell you? I'm just asking you to buy some things for dressing up. Anyway, you will be working in the industry in the future. It's definitely better for a girl to dress up." of."

Hearing this, Ruoyun couldn't help but blush a little. Lin Heng stretched out his hand and pinched his hot cheek.

"Okay! Stop standing around and finish shopping quickly. After shopping, I'm going home to sleep."

Ruoyun nodded vigorously, and then took Lin Heng to do some shopping. Almost everything including rouge, gouache, lip painting and eyebrow drawing was ready.

Lin Heng saw some things that Ruoyun wanted to buy, but the price was too expensive and he didn't dare to ask, so he bought them directly, and of course there were some.Pretty nice clothes.

Ruoyun is 13 years old this year, and she still looks cute. She wears white clothes all day, which always makes people feel a little out of place.

Such a cute girl should dress more cheerfully, so I picked out a pink outfit for her and took it home.

On the way back, Ruoyun's face was full of joy.

In the room, Ruoyun also put aside all his things.

She had her own small table, but the Lin family was financially strapped, so she used whatever was left over from her aunts.However, the aunts were also very nervous during this period and almost didn't give anything to the little maids beside them, so Ruoyun's table was empty at the moment.

But today, her little table was suddenly full!
The little girl was also very happy.

Lin Heng chuckled: "Have everything been put away?"

Ruoyun nodded vigorously: "Thank you, Langjun, Langjun is the best!"

"Then do you want to put on the clothes I picked out for you?"

Lin Heng said seriously: "I have to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, we will leave it and order another set. If it fits, we will keep it."

There is no problem at all in saying this!

The little girl was stunned for a moment, but she noticed that Lin Heng showed no sign of leaving at all, and her face immediately turned red to the roots of her ears.

Lang Jun means to watch her change.
But there are bellybands and undergarments in that suit!

Doesn’t that mean you have to take it off and put it on again?
Although she was Lin Heng's personal maid and the two slept together on weekdays, she couldn't help but blush a little when she changed into such private clothes in front of Lin Heng.

She held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands and lowered her head in silence.

It's not that I hate Lin Heng, it's just because I'm shy at this moment.

"Lang Jun... Yun'er is a little embarrassed, ah!"

Suddenly the little girl exclaimed because she realized that Lin Heng had walked up to her and kissed her hard on the cheek.

Lin Heng was particularly satisfied and said: "This face is really sweet!"

Ruoyun's face turned redder, looking at Lin Heng with a look of grievance.

Why don't you tell yourself anything and just kiss her!

"Mr. Lang is too bad!"

However, Lin Heng finally turned around and went out. After all, watching a little girl change clothes was a bit too obscene.

Although I am not a serious person, it is better to do less illegal things.

After a while, Ruoyun opened the door and came out, wearing a light pink skirt and a bun tied at the back of her head. She had a pretty face, her face was slightly red, and she looked like she was shying away when she lowered her head. .

Lin Heng was greatly surprised when he saw this. It is said that a man relies on his clothes to dress his horse and his saddle. Unexpectedly, if a woman changes her clothes to suit her, she can instantly rise to several levels!
If Ruoyun was eighty percent before, then Ruoyun now is at least ninety percent in Lin Heng's mind!

After all, Ruoyun himself is very good-looking, but now that he is young, his style tends to be cute.

She will become more beautiful when she grows up.

At this time, Ruoyun also lowered his head, his eyelashes trembled and said hesitantly: "Lang Jun, does it look good?"

Lin Hengshen nodded in agreement.

"I'm thinking about something."

Ruoyun was a little confused and asked, "What's going on?"

"You said I'm already married. It's almost time for people of my age to get married. Why haven't I gotten married yet?"

"When I get married and bring you into my house, you will never be able to escape my grasp again!"

Upon hearing these words, Ruoyun's eyes suddenly widened and he ran away without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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