Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 3: Your Majesty wants to behead my father?

Chapter 3: Your Majesty wants to behead my father?

Lin Heng took Ruoyun back to the room. Ruoyun was probably frightened when he conjured a frozen fish out of thin air just now.

After all, this function can scare people into fainting in modern times, let alone the Tang Dynasty, which had relatively feudal and backward thinking?
In the sixth year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty flourished.

The person in power, Li Shimin, was hailed as the emperor of the ages by later generations.

After thinking about it all night, he accepted the situation.

Some things happen that are beyond human control, but since they happen, you must get familiar with the environment as soon as possible, and then find the most beneficial countermeasures for you.

As for some memories, I gradually came to mind during this night's thinking.

The frightened girl next to her is called Ruoyun. She is Lin Heng's personal maid. She has been serving Lin Heng since she was a child.

In the evil feudal era, this kind of personal maid was also called a maidservant. She not only slept with her master, but also slept with him.

Looking at the little girl, I remembered that she was only 14 years old. Looking at the Tang Dynasty, she was not young, and she was old enough to handle human affairs.

The key is the appearance and figure, which do not match the 13-year-old.

But after all, Lin Heng is a later generation who has accepted new ideas. He still can't accept this kind of behavior. He is too young. If he attacks a lolita, he will be reported by the TV station.
As for Lin Heng's own body, his predecessor had the same name as himself. He was a scholar, but he had not been able to obtain any honors after studying for so many years.

His father, the founder of this huge Lin Mansion, was named Lin Tangqing, and he was an official.

But being an official is a bit dangerous, and what I do is serve as an admonishment officer.

What does this kind of official do?

If there are any mistakes in the emperor's words, deeds, or strategies, you point them out directly, and then give correct suggestions to correct the emperor's words and deeds.

But when the emperor is speaking in the court, and you suddenly say something like "Your Majesty, you are wrong and shouldn't be like this", that is a slap in the emperor's face!

Then he might be chopped down accidentally. After all, many people died because of this in ancient times.

He thought that he should go and persuade this father that we should not serve as an admonishment officer. It is important to save his life.

All in all, this started quite smoothly.

In such a big Lin family, there is a beautiful little girl by his side, and he also carries a New York port with him.

God has made a start!
He has roughly figured out this warehouse. The key to activation is the seal on this hand. He can switch reality and warehouse with one touch, and everything in the warehouse can be taken out.

He also roughly surveyed the items in the warehouse. Clothes, food, medicines, weapons and other common things in daily life can all be found!

In other words, even if he doesn't rely on this god to start, Lin Heng can still rely on his own warehouse to live a life of leisurely life!

There was nothing to worry about in the previous life, and the few things I had were only the positions I had worked hard for for a long time. Although I had some regrets, I quickly put them behind me.

There may not be anything bad here.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ruoyun who was sleeping next to him. His beautiful brows were furrowed and he muttered words like "Lang Jun" from time to time. He was obviously dreaming about him.

After touching Ruoyun's forehead, her brows relaxed slightly, and then she hugged herself subconsciously.

Tsk, it’s growing well.

Be calm and don't commit crimes.
Without further interruption, Lin Heng lay down next to Ruoyun and fell asleep in a daze.

At dawn the next day, Lin Heng was woken up by Ruoyun.

"Mr. Lang, the ladies want you to have breakfast."

After finishing speaking, Ruoyun did not do anything else, but stared at Lin Heng hard.

Lin Heng was also stared at with some indifference, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Ruoyun immediately said with a serious face: "Yun'er dreamed of a ghost last night. Something suddenly appeared in Lang Jun's hand, and then he saw an evil ghost trying to eat Lang Jun..."

Lin Heng chuckled: "Isn't this because I haven't eaten yet? Stop thinking about it."

Maybe what happened last night was regarded as a nightmare by Ruoyun, so there was no need to explain it, which saved some trouble.

"My husband felt weird last night." Lin Heng smiled again and said, "Why is it weird?"

Ruoyun thought for a moment, and then described: "It just feels like Lang Jun suddenly doesn't know anything. He asks questions here and there, as if he is possessed by something..."

There is really no one else who has this kind of intuition...

In this regard, Lin Heng just explained: "I was joking with you yesterday. I have been a little tired from studying recently..."

Ruoyun nodded vigorously and said happily: "Yun'er thinks so too. Even if Lang Jun wants to study, he should pay attention to his health. This is right."

Lin Heng rubbed the girl's head: "Okay, I understand, let's go eat first."

"I'll wipe Mr. Lang's face!"

Ruoyun immediately prepared a basin and towel, and after getting them wet, he helped Lin Heng scrub them, looking extremely serious.


The evil feudal society and the evil ancients could actually enjoy it so much.
If this happens, wouldn't I become a useless person?
I just love being such a loser!
With such a mood, Lin Heng accepted Ruoyun's service with peace of mind, and his mood immediately improved.

It seems that after traveling to the Tang Dynasty, it is not so unbearable. Even if I stay in the later generations, I will not experience this kind of treatment.

I can’t find any electronic equipment in the warehouse, and my cell phone and computer are no longer relevant to me, but I think I’m still making a lot of money!

Following Ruoyun all the way out, the layout of the Lin Mansion was constantly unfolding in his memory, making him a half-familiar stranger.

In the main hall, a group of women were eating breakfast around the table. When they saw Lin Heng coming, they immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Heng'er, why did you get up so late today?"

Another woman said: "What do you know? Heng'er also wants to become a person like her husband. Naturally, she has to study hard. Eat more breakfast and don't exhaust your body."

"Eat breakfast first."

Among the four people in front of them, one of them was the head wife, Lin Heng's mother, and the remaining ones were all concubines.

What a beast!Why does my father know how to enjoy it so much?

In the era of three wives and four concubines, let him figure it out!

I have to live such a life in the future!

At the dinner table, Mrs. Cheng slowly said, "Heng'er, your father didn't come home all night long. Do you know where he went?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "I don't know, I was at home yesterday."

Cheng Yi sighed slightly: "I think it's time to go to Chunlou again. Really, you can go out and ask later."

Lin Heng nodded and continued eating.

The food tastes good, and Lin Heng eats particularly deliciously.

The aunts who look at me from time to time are quite different in age, but they are all beautiful women. They are not as skinny as my father, so he still wants to go to a brothel?
Whenever he has a mobile phone, he must upload it to the Internet and let the female boxer severely criticize him!

The family was chatting and laughing.

Uncle Wang, the steward of the house, suddenly rushed over like crazy, his expression was extremely frightened, and before he could stand still, the words were already spoken out of his mouth.

"Something happened, something happened!"

Mrs. Cheng frowned and said, "Why are you so panicked? How can you act appropriately?!"

Uncle Wang panicked and said, "This morning, my boss angered Long Yan in the court hall. Your Majesty is furious and wants to kill my boss!"

For a moment, everyone panicked.

Lin Heng was also suddenly stunned.

I just traveled through time and my father is going to be killed?
This is not okay, even though I have no feelings for my father, but my father was chopped off, what good can he lose!
Lin Heng stood up immediately, no, he had to find a way to save his father!
(End of this chapter)

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