Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 4: Hand over cigarettes before asking for help

Chapter 4: Hand over cigarettes before asking for help
Just after time travel, my father is about to be chopped down by someone else.
Not to mention anything else, he just said that his cheap father, whom he had never met, built such a big mansion for him to live in, so he should take action.

If my father was gone, wouldn't my family fall apart?

Although Lin Heng is not afraid of this, if he can avoid the trouble, he will still give it a try. If this father survives, isn't this a stable meal ticket?

On the way to Dali Temple with Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang also told Lin Heng what happened.

The reason is that today in the court, my father criticized Li Shimin, saying that Li Shimin was too tolerant of the Japanese country, which led to his extravagant style and loose language. If this was the case, it would inevitably lead to catastrophe.

He also spoke righteously against Li Shimin's plan to recruit another group of envoys to the Tang Dynasty this year. His words were so sharp that all the officials were stunned.

Li Shimin was embarrassed in front of so many people. How could he have a good face? He directly ordered his father to be imprisoned in Dali Temple and waited for questioning.

For Lin Heng, his father is a loyal minister. If you say this in front of the country's supreme ruler, the people will build a monument for you!
But what dynasty is it now?Tang Dynasty!
Li Shimin's attitude towards the Japanese country was very friendly.

Whether it is culture or science and technology, everything is taught to each other, and there are even generous rewards every time the Japanese leave.

So what is Dad’s behavior?
His political attitude was unclear, and he blatantly violated the country's existing policies. He even criticized it and slapped Li Shimin hard in the face!

If you don't cut who you cut?
However, Li Shimin was not a foolish king, and he would not directly order his execution if someone objected. He probably gave the order out of anger.

If this is the case, there is still a chance for mediation!

At the same time, Dali Temple was in prison.

A middle-aged man was stripped of his official uniform and was locked in a dark cell wearing a shabby prison uniform.

Opposite him, a middle-aged heroic man in casual clothes was Li Shimin, the supreme ruler of the Tang Dynasty.

He sighed deeply and said: "Lin Tangqing, if you admit your mistake to me here and retract your remarks, I may forgive you."

He was not a coward, and would not commit murder at every turn. Moreover, Lin Tangqing was originally an admonishing officer, so it was his duty to correct the emperor's words and deeds, and it should not be the case.

But today this person went too far. If the eunuch hadn't stopped him, he would have gone to the dragon chair and cursed himself!
Who dares to call himself a fool in front of all the officials?
However, when Lin Tangqing heard these words, he put his hands behind his hands and choked on his neck.

"If your Majesty wants to kill, just kill him, no need to say more!"

"Associating with the Japanese country is a waste of people and money, so I still say the same thing when I am lowered!"

"You don't even care about your own people, but you give great rewards to foreigners. How can this not be the act of a foolish king?"

Li Shimin said with a cold face: "Why can't I even care about the people? Now that the world is at peace and the people live and work in peace and contentment, haven't I done enough!"

"not enough!"

Lin Tangqing roared, then glared at Li Shimin and said, "If this is true, then why are there still 10,000+ people who freeze to death and starve to death every year!"

"Every time the people of the Japanese country are rewarded with hundreds of thousands of wealth, if these money were used to help the people, this situation would not happen!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth. At this moment, he really wanted to free Lin Tang, but this attitude made it really difficult for him.

Doesn’t this person know what fear is?

Then he might as well put more emphasis on it to see if you are afraid.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill all nine of your tribes?"

Lin Tangqing snorted and said, "I'm not afraid that your majesty will punish my ten tribes!"

Can't take it anymore, can't take it anymore!
Li Shimin gasped, almost losing his mind with anger. He turned around angrily: "Okay, I will help you!"

After leaving Dali Temple Prison, Li Shimin was completely stunned.

I have seen bold people, but I have never seen such bold people!
He tried his best to suppress his anger and reminded himself to be calm. This is an admonishment officer. I need admonition officers who dare to speak like this. After killing him, no one will dare to speak. It will have a great impact on the purity of the government.All in all, to be calm, you have to let people admit their mistakes, and admit their mistakes in front of all the officials, so as to regain their face.

The minister of Dali Temple who came out with him bowed and asked: "Your Majesty, how should we deal with this person?"

Li Shimin waved his hand and said with a straight face: "Find a way to make him admit his mistake without imposing excessive punishment. As long as he is willing to sign a confession of wrongdoing, we will let him go."

The latter said with some confusion: "But this person insulted Your Majesty in front of the emperor. If he doesn't kill him, I'm afraid."

Li Shimin's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Should I make the decision or you?"

The minister of Dali Temple immediately felt frightened and said quickly: "I don't dare to overstep my bounds. Your Majesty is the one who makes the decision."

While the two were talking, there was a movement at the entrance of Dali Temple.

"My father is an honest and good official. You can't kill my father..."

Li Shimin frowned, a little confused: "What's going on?"

"I think someone is causing trouble, so I'll send someone to evict them."

"That's all, I'll go and take a look. If there is an unjust, false or wrongful conviction, that is also a problem under my governance."

In front of the gate of Dali Temple, several guards stopped Lin Heng who was coming and warned: "No matter who your father is, Dali Temple is not a place where anyone can come in. Leave quickly!"

Lin Heng stepped forward, looking like he had been greatly wronged: "But my father is really an upright and good official. If I kill my father, it will be a loss for the Tang Dynasty and a loss for His Majesty!"

"The rules are the rules. If there is an unjust case, write a complaint and submit it to Dali Temple for trial!"

Lin Heng was stunned, where is this rule?Has the legal system of the Tang Dynasty developed to this level?
But his father offended Long Yan and might be beheaded today. What should he do?

Lin Heng was about to speak when he saw two people walking out of Dali Temple.

The guard was shocked when he saw this and wanted to kneel down to salute. Li Shimin said lightly: "That's all, no need to be more polite."

After speaking, Li Shimin looked at Lin Heng and said expressionlessly: "Who are you and what unjust case do you want to deal with?"

Lin Heng looked at the demeanor and speech style of the person in front of him, and guessed that this person must be in a high position, and the person behind him in official robes did not dare to speak, so maybe this person was still an official.

Lin Heng saw hope and immediately said: "I am Lin Heng. My father is a collector of relics in the imperial court. His name is Lin Tangqing."

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows. There was an old man in prison, and the young one came to plead for mercy?
Such moral character is remarkable.

"You said your father was wronged. You might as well tell me. Maybe I can help you handle the matter."

Lin Heng was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Sir, take a shot first!"

When asking someone to do something, you must be polite. This is Lin Heng's habit. No matter whether he is a stranger or not, he must hand over a cigarette to anyone who may have some connection with him.

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "I am not your master, your master is still in prison."

Lin Heng was also stunned for a moment. He had watched too many TV dramas on weekdays and forgot that in the Tang Dynasty, adults used to address their fathers. He immediately changed his words and said, "Well, sir, how about a Chinese son?"

Li Shimin couldn't help but find it interesting that this person's title was quite strange, and then he took the cigarette from Lin Heng and looked at it for a moment with doubts.

"What is this Huazi?"

(End of this chapter)

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