Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 5: After drawing one stick, another one will be continued!

Chapter 5: After smoking one stick, keep another one!
Chapter 5 Come on, get another one!
Upon hearing Li Shimin's question, Lin Heng immediately explained proudly.

"This is a magical thing. It can relieve fatigue and relax the spirit. Officials, please take a look!"

He took out the lighter with his backhand, and with a click, a small flame ignited. Lin Heng immediately lit it and demonstrated.

"Enjoy this world!"

Li Shimin, on the other hand, was so shocked by the scene in front of him that his eyes widened. Just now, the man in front of him took out a box, and it jumped out of the flames with just a slight press?
Is there such a convenient fire discount?

Li Shimin couldn't help but asked curiously: "Can you show me the thing in your hand?"

Lin Heng immediately handed it over. Since the person in front of him could help him, what was a lighter?
Although this thing was not seen at all in the Tang Dynasty, there were Huozhezi in the Tang Dynasty, and they would not be regarded as monsters and troublesome things. They just said that they were new types of Huozhezi that they had developed by themselves!

After Li Shimin took it, he looked at it carefully for a moment. The thing in front of him was made of iron. It was extremely delicate and ingenious, which was breathtaking.

Then he imitated Lin Heng's action and pressed it, and a bunch of flames suddenly ignited.

Li Shimin suddenly became happy: "There is such a strange thing, so did the so-called Hua Zi ignite it with this thing?"

Lin Heng nodded immediately: "It's best to put this section into your mouth and inhale, that is, the yellow section, which will make it easier to ignite."

"Then let me try to see what this Huazi is."

After all, Lin Heng had just taken a sip himself. Li Shimin believed that in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, no one wanted to harm him, and he didn't have any intentions, so he imitated Lin Heng and put it in his mouth.

Light up and breathe deeply.

Smoke suddenly poured into the trachea, and Li Shimin couldn't hold it back and choked several times.

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers on the side drew their swords at this moment: "You are so bold, you actually dare to murder."

Before His Majesty could say those two words, Li Shimin immediately stopped him.

He then looked at Lin Heng: "Why don't you have any symptoms after eating this?"

He just felt choked, but didn't feel anything else, so he concluded that the substance was not poisonous or anything like that.

What he was thinking about was not being murdered, but that he had used the wrong method!

Lin Heng immediately gave some guidance. Li Shimin mastered the relevant techniques and methods after trying it twice.

After all, this thing is not difficult.

Take a deep breath, hold for a moment and then exhale.

My brain felt a little groggy for a while, but after a while, I felt a sense of relief.

So my mind was moved and my mind was frightened, and suddenly my thoughts were scattered.
Strange, why did I think of Luo Shen Fu?

But these two sentences are very appropriate to describe the feeling at the moment.

"This thing... is wonderful!"

Seeing this, Lin Heng laughed.

Demo, aren’t you worried about this?The cheapest enjoyment in modern times, and also recognized as one of the most relaxing ways. You can have one after working, after studying, or after finishing work. It is of great use!

Li Shimin felt it for a while, and then his mood became a little better, and he smiled and said: "By the way, Mr. Lang, just now you said you wanted to redress your father's grievances, now you can say it."

Lin Heng slapped his forehead. He was so upset that he almost forgot about the business. His cheap dad could still be saved!

He immediately said: "I think my father has a grievance!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin narrowed his eyes: "Do you know what crime your father committed? To rush into Long Yan and contradict His Majesty is a capital crime!"

Lin Heng immediately denied it and said: "My father is an admonisher, and this is an act of due diligence. If His Majesty is really so stingy, then no one in the world will dare to point out His Majesty's mistakes again!"

Li Shimin laughed angrily on the spot: "Did you know that Lin Tangqing was above the main hall and said something about me... about His Majesty?"

They are almost calling me someone like King You of the Western Zhou Dynasty or the deposed emperor of the Han Dynasty!
Lin Heng still shook his head and said: "The General Tiance I know, the Tianhan Khan I know, and the founder of the prosperous Tang Dynasty should not be like this."

I took a picture of a horse...

Li Shimin coughed lightly: "That's well said."

He also likes to be flattered, as long as you are not flattering for the sake of flattery, and what Lin Heng said is true.Lin Heng was serious and said generously: "Your Majesty wants to be clean and honest, so he allows the admonishers to accuse His Majesty of his faults at any time. This can only be done by a benevolent monarch through the ages. In this case, why will the admonishers be beheaded if they point out His Majesty's mistakes?" Where is the head?"

"As far as I know, my father ended up like this because he pointed out what happened to Japan."

Lin Heng lamented: "If your Majesty really kills my father, I'm afraid it will be a huge loss."

Li Shimin was a little curious: "How to say it?"

Lin Heng slowly spoke: "The Japanese people are located outside the East China Sea of ​​the Tang Dynasty, far away from the Tang Dynasty, on an isolated island. Before the Tang Dynasty, they were small barbarian countries and were not yet civilized."

Li Shimin nodded: "In that case, Your Majesty is very generous in spreading culture and technology, changing the local status quo, and promoting the culture of the Tang Dynasty. What's wrong with that?"

Lin Heng then explained: "There is nothing wrong with this, but the problem is that His Majesty's rewards for the Japanese people are too generous."

"Every time envoys from the Tang Dynasty were sent to the Tang Dynasty, they were given special privileges, rewards, and grace. Before leaving, they were also given large-scale gold, silver, and jewelry."

"If it were a poor person, and His Majesty rewarded him like this, and he rose higher and higher, and finally became stronger and stronger, would he become arrogant, arrogant and unbridled because of His Majesty's curtain?"

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment after hearing this. There was some truth in what he said.

"The people of Japan have His Majesty's great kindness. Even if they break the law in Chang'an, they will be ignored, let alone such things as free food and free use. This is not the attitude that a vassal country should have towards the Tang Dynasty."

"Since they are my vassal state of the Tang Dynasty and receive His Majesty's attention, they should abide by their own rules and not ignore the laws and etiquette like this. Since they want to learn, they should have a learning attitude, otherwise it will not be a gift from Your Majesty. It’s not, but it’s pampering.”

"My father must have thought the same way."

After hearing this, Li Shimin raised his hand and took a puff of cigarette.

Lin Heng also raised his head and took a puff of cigarette.

The two looked at each other for a while.

"What you said makes sense."

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's just to speak out for my father. If the officials can pass this message to Your Majesty, I will be satisfied."

Li Shimin took a deep breath and then thought of Lin Tangqing's attitude in prison. This was probably what he meant, but he was too impulsive and ignored his words, which made him so angry.

On the contrary, his son explained it from a different angle at this moment, and Li Shimin finally listened.

Looking back on the memorials in various places over the years, these phenomena have also been mentioned.

In this case, this matter must be seen in person.

Li Shimin immediately looked at Lin Heng and took a look.

"How old are you now?"


Li Shimin nodded with some admiration in his eyes: "Don't worry, I will talk to His Majesty about this matter. However, this is Dali Temple. It is useless for you to make trouble. Just go home and wait for the news."

Lin Heng held up his hands and imitated the ancient way of bowing: "Then I'll thank you!"

Li Shimin smiled helplessly and said: "In the Tang Dynasty, people were not addressed like this. If they are officials, you can just call them by official title. I have never heard of officials. Of course, don't call people "sir" when you meet them. .”

Lin Heng smiled awkwardly: "Then may I ask how you call me?"

Li Shimin thought for a while: "Just call me Mr. Li."

Teachers are all called famous teachers. Li Shimin's idea is that he has been fighting all his life and has never been a scholar.

It's quite interesting to hide your identity in front of this kid.

Lin Heng nodded immediately. This seemed to be no different from later generations, and then took out his cigarette again.

"Mr. Li, please give me another one."

Li Shimin coughed lightly, took the cigarette and lit it skillfully.

"This Hua Zi is really wonderful."

(End of this chapter)

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