Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 54 We are a noble family, don’t panic

Chapter 54 We are a noble family, don’t panic

Lin Heng couldn't help but cursed.

The other party had already passed out.

At this moment, Lin Heng was confused and confused.

Changsun Chong's woman
I don’t even know who Changsun Chong is!

Cheng Huailiang laughed.

"I've seen Princess Changle, she's so beautiful!"

"I have long heard that Princess Changle and Changsun Chong are at odds with each other. She is not even willing to talk to Changsun Chong. Unexpectedly, she was poached by Brother Lin."

"Brother Lin, you are a role model for us, I admire you!"

The brothers behind him also looked impressed.

Lin Heng helplessly raised his forehead.

"I don't know Changsun Chong, nor do I know Princess Changle..."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"But why did he say that you touched Changsun Chong's woman?"

"I know Changsun Chong. As long as there is no conclusive evidence, I will never take action against you. And for such a big battle, it must be you!"

"Brother Lin, you can't be lying to your brother, right? It's not necessary?"

Lin Heng sighed and waved his hand.

"Would it be good for me to lie to you?"

"I've been busy with business during this period, and I haven't had time to meet anyone. I have to say that I met a young lady recently, but I don't have that kind of interest in her at all!"

Cheng Huailiang's eyes lit up: "Is that Princess Changle?"

Lin Heng shook his head with certainty.

"Absolutely not."

"If she were Princess Changle, I would eat all the paper I made today!"

Seeing Lin Heng's serious face, Cheng Hualiang almost believed it.

"It doesn't seem to be true. Changsun Chong must have made a mistake."

Lin Heng sighed.

"I'm just saying, there must be a mistake. Someone may have framed me."

"Who dares to frame Brother Lin?"

Lin Heng then told what happened to the Lu family, and then stated his thoughts on recruiting Cheng Hualiang and others.

Some things, if explained clearly, will reduce many problems, especially in business.

Cheng Huailiang thought for a moment after hearing this.

"If it is said that it was framed by the Lu family, it may be possible. Don't look at those children of aristocratic families who look like dogs. In fact, there are a lot of dirty things done behind the scenes!"

"Even His Majesty is very unhappy with the family, let alone others."

After saying this, Cheng Hualiang patted his chest.

"But don't worry, brother Lin, if you give us a way, give us a buddy, I guarantee that you will never be touched by people from the aristocratic family!"

"As for Chang Sun Chong, he is suspicious and jealous. It's best to keep a distance from him. After all, his father is Chang Sun Wuji."

Lin Heng nodded, naturally knowing this.

Changsun Wuji, the first among the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, and the most powerful official in the court!
His high status is unimaginable, but because of his kinship with Li Shimin, he voluntarily gave up his real power to avoid being criticized.

But the influence is not comparable to that of Lin Heng or his father Lin Tangqing.

"Forget it, don't talk about it!"

"We can start preparing to make paper. Let's go public as soon as possible and make a lot of money!"

Everyone was excited: "Okay!"

"Then what to do with these people?"

Lin Heng twitched his lips.

Damn it, you are actually blocking the door of your own house. Even if I beat you, it will be easy!
"Tear off all your clothes and throw the stripped clothes into the toilet. Keep away from others and ignore them."

Cheng Huailiang and others raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

They are the best at doing this!

"Do you want to add the font of Changsun Chong's slave on the back?"

"good idea"


a few days later.

In Chang'an City, the Cui family.

The Cui family of Qinghe deserves to be the first among the five surnames and Qiwang, but due to the existence of the royal surname Li, it ranks second.

But its influence even goes far beyond the royal family.

In the lobby, people are seated in neat rows, and the people present are clearly divided into seats according to their status.

The old man in the middle is none other than Cui Hong, the representative of the Cui family in Qinghe.

An old man in his seventies has a status and reputation among the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes that no one can match.

Secondly, Fan Yang Lu's family, followed by Lu Siqi.

The Zheng family of Xingyang.

The Li family of Zhaojun.Taiyuan Wang family.

Cui Hong's expression was indifferent, and his voice was also slightly cold.

"Nephew Lu Shi, I heard that you are investigating the Baibao Pavilion that appeared in Chang'an recently. Have you found the owner behind it?"

Lu Siqi smiled and said, "It has been found out."

"This person is Lin Heng, the son of Lin Tangqing, the official who was responsible for collecting relics in Taiwan."

"It happens that this person saves money at my Lu's Bank."

When the people present heard this, they all looked at each other.

Lin Tangqing, probably everyone knows about it.

Although this guy has a low status, he is very stubborn.

The one who dared to denounce the emperor's moral failings in front of all the officials and was almost beheaded.

It is said that this person also asked Your Majesty to kill ten of his clans.

It's hard not to leave an impression on such a person.

As for his son, everyone is even more impressed.

Lin Heng, a water melody singer!
Chunming Tower is a property of aristocratic family, and several people saw him that day.

"It turned out to be him?"

"Can you find any specific information?"

Lu Siqi nodded.

"I found it."

"This man is the son of Lin Tangqing and his wife Cheng. He has been studying at home since he was a child, and was taught by Lin Tangqing himself."

"However, his talents and knowledge are not very high. He has not even passed the imperial examination three times, and has not even obtained the title of examiner."

Everyone was even more puzzled.

This person wrote the Qingping tune and the Shui tune song. How can he be a person without talent and learning?

There is even a quatrain about the great Peng rising with the wind and soaring up to ninety thousand miles in one day.

He actually failed to pass the imperial examination three times?

Cui Hong was also doubtful: "Is this serious?"

"My nephew sent people from the Ministry of Rites to investigate. It is indeed true."

Everyone fell silent again.

This person's literary aura means little to them.

The key point is that this person has never been out of Chang'an since he was a child. This is the key point!
Since you have never left Chang'an, where did you get these treasured objects?
They attach great importance to these items. If each item is taken out individually for the family to manage, they can gain huge profits, and they will be excited!
Cui Hong confirmed again:
"Nephew Lu Shi, is this person really like what you said before? He can get so many goods without leaving Chang'an?"

"Don't dare to lie."

That would be strange!
For such a large natural residence, thousands of streams of water flow every day, and the amount of goods required is also huge.

You can get it without leaving Chang'an?

Could it be that this person also brought a huge warehouse?

This is too ridiculous!
The purpose of the family is to get the source of Lin Heng's goods, snatch them away, and run the business themselves.

But after investigating for so long, I still have no clue.

"This person is very close to His Highness the Crown Prince."

Then we can't use strong methods, as it will easily be noticed by His Majesty.

What a troublesome thing...

Finally, Cui Hong sighed.

"Don't worry, this person must be very scheming and careful. Let's observe him for a while."

"Not only do we need to investigate Lin Heng, but I also need to keep an eye on the outside of the Lin family. Everyone who comes in and out must be investigated clearly."

After all, everyone may be the source of the goods, their cash cow!

The order was given and no one had any objections.

"Then don't alert the snake for now, lest he becomes suspicious."

At this moment, someone suddenly came to report outside the door.

"Grandpa, something serious happened!"

The person who came was Cui Hong's eldest grandson, who was cultivated by Cui Hong as his heir.

The representatives of the aristocratic family are all here. If you lose your temper like this, you will definitely be looked down upon.

Besides, for aristocratic families, if something is a big deal, nothing will be a big deal in the world, right?

Cui Hong frowned and his voice was gloomy.

"Come in!"

"Why are you so flustered? It's so inappropriate!"

The visitor no longer cares about what is appropriate or not.

He held a stack of papers in his hand and quickly distributed them to everyone.

"Something big has happened. Someone is selling paper in Chang'an!"

"Ten cents a piece, only ten cents!"

(End of this chapter)

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