Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 55: Someone sold a piece of paper for a fee, and I lost my pants!

Chapter 55: Someone sold a piece of paper for ten cents, and I even lost my pants!

On the streets of Chang'an, countless guests flocked towards Chunmingmen.

"Have you heard that there is a fool selling paper in Chang'an City!"

"For ten cents a piece, I won't even have my pants left!"

"While his mind is going crazy now, let's go buy some quickly."

So many people poured into the streets of Chunminglou, as if a coup had taken place.

The last time Chang'an was in such chaos was when the Tang army attacked Chang'an.

The Jinwu Guards were stunned. The Jinwu Guards stationed in the local streets quickly collected the transfer orders and rushed to Chunmingmen!
They thought someone was making a coup, and they thought they were there to quell the chaos.

But the notification I received was that I was responsible for guarding the area to prevent a stampede.

There were so many people that the streets were blocked.

The reason is actually because someone is selling paper!

The price of paper in Chang'an City, and even in the entire Tang Dynasty, was more than [-] Wen.

Today someone suddenly spread the news that it only costs ten cents!
It's thirty times cheaper. Isn't this something done by a fool?
Moreover, the owner of the paper shop is called Cheng Hualiang, a famous devil in Chang'an City.

"This person must be confused. Let's buy more quickly and sell them when the time comes."

"If you can't sell it for three hundred, if you sell it for two hundred, or if you sell it for one hundred, you'll make a lot of money!"

"I heard from people who bought it that the paper is of excellent quality, even higher than the ones sold by the Saga Paper Store!"

"Brother Lin, where is Brother Lin!"

"We don't have enough manpower. We can't collect the money. The box containing the money is full!"

"Where's Huzi? Let him get the paper quickly. All the paper here has been robbed!"

On the first day of business, this new store attracted explosive popularity.

Lin Heng guessed that selling paper would be very profitable and there would be many people selling it.

I didn’t expect that so many people would buy it!

All these people could queue up from Chunming Gate to Zhuque Gate, and it was so crowded.

Half of the people in Chang'an came to buy paper?
Cheng Huailiang was already busy at this moment.

"One piece of paper is ten cents, ten pieces of paper are one hundred cents"

"Ten sheets have ten coins, one sheet has one hundred coins"

"Brother, that's wrong, it's not this number!"

Cheng Huailiang said desperately: "Don't you correct me if you hear something wrong? I don't know how to calculate in my head, but now I am thinking about calculations!"

At present, the paper shop has sold 50 pieces of paper, which is the result of more than [-] brothers working overtime.

There were [-] copies in total, and [-] were sold within an hour!

"I'll close the door after selling [-] copies. I can't bear it!"

"I feel like they are going to eat me!"

At this time, Lin Heng also knew that he could not watch anymore and stepped forward to help.

Cheng Huailiang was deeply moved: "Brother Lin, you are finally here. I thought I could carry it, but there are too many people, not enough to sell, not enough to sell at all."

A small paper shop was surrounded by so many people. This was the first time Lin Heng had seen this scene.

People are definitely shocked.

Probably can't stop.

Just do it, there are [-] copies left, sell them out and that’s it!
Zhuquemen, Li Shimin is in a very good mood today.

The government affairs have been taken care of again, let’s go out for a walk!
I just wanted to ask Lin Heng how the arrangements for the medicine for Guanyin Maid were going.

I heard Chang Le say a few days ago that the medicine has been obtained and is still being tested, fearing that the different physical constitutions may cause harm.

Unexpectedly, this person is quite rigorous.

But as soon as he left the protagonist's gate, he saw countless people gathered in the distance on the protagonist's avenue to the south, facing the Suzaku gate.

This movement was like a coup.

Is it possible that in the prosperous times, some people still want to rebel?

Li Shimin's expression immediately changed: "Go and see what's going on. If necessary, you can mobilize the Xuanjia Army!"

The guards around him immediately rode away.

Next to Li Shimin, stood a stern middle-aged man with thin features, giving people the impression that strangers should not approach him.

It was Changsun Wuji.

He couldn't help but frown as he looked at the scene in the distance.

"It's not like a coup d'état. It seems like there's some excitement."

I have to say, this really hits the mark.

Li Shimin took a closer look.

"There does seem to be some excitement."

"But isn't this a little too lively?"

The Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed, and there doesn’t seem to be any important festivals, right?
I haven't heard of anyone coming to Chang'an?Li Shimin gradually breathed a sigh of relief. The noise was really too loud, and the noise of people could be heard from so far away.

"Wuji, why don't you and I go take a look?"

"I will go with your Majesty."

From a distance, it looked like there was a huge crowd of people, but when I got closer, I saw it was even more crowded!
Looking around, this crowd went directly from here to Chunmingmen, a wide street that was blocked for half a mile.

Moreover, it has become so crowded that people cannot enter at all and can only walk out from inside.

Changsun Wuji couldn't help but frown.

"There are too many people here, so someone must be causing trouble to attract people to come, or there may be a plan!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to step forward. The ministers here can protect you."

Li Shimin shook his head and chuckled.

"How can anyone in this world think about assassinating me all day long? Besides, how many people know me?"

They talked a little further away from the crowd and would not be heard.

Changsun Wuji still shook his head.

"Your Majesty should be more careful."

Li Shimin was also a little helpless.

My elder brother-in-law is suspicious by nature. No matter what he sees, he will feel something is wrong.

It can be regarded as a shortcoming, but it can also be regarded as an advantage. After all, his intuition is sometimes useful.

Li Shimin was still curious about what could attract people like this.

At this moment, a thin young man finally squeezed out of the crowd.

He clutched his chest tightly, as if he was hiding something.

Finally out of the crowd, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Li Shimin stepped forward with a smile.

"Little brother, I want to ask you something."

The young man covered the paper on his chest almost instantly, with a vigilant look on his face.

But when he saw Li Shimin's face, he gradually relaxed his vigilance.

This person is kind-faced, and he probably isn't here to grab paper.

"Your Excellency, what do you want to ask me?"

Li Shimin was very curious and asked: "Why are there so many people here at Chunmingmen today? Is there something lively happening? Can you tell me?"

The young man smiled.

"There is indeed something."

"Do you know about the Demon King of Chang'an City?"

Of course he was talking about Cheng Yaojin's son. Li Shimin smiled and nodded.

The young man looked gloating and said:

"Your Excellency, you don't know this person. He has a brain problem today."

"I don't know where I got the paper and sold it at a low price. Do you know how much it cost?"

At this time, Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji both had doubts on their faces.

Cheng Huailiang, selling paper at a reduced price?

If he bought it, Cheng Yaojin would not kill him!
"How many?"

"Ten cents!"

Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment.

"How many?!"

"Ten texts!"

"Is this kid crazy?"

The young man was afraid that Li Shimin would not believe it, so he even took out a piece of paper and showed it to Li Shimin.

"Your Excellency, take a look at this paper. It has a soft texture, white and smooth texture. If you want a noble family to sell it, the price will be at least three hundred yuan!"

"This Cheng Huailiang only sells for ten cents!"

Li Shimin understood.

No wonder so many people are rushing to buy it.

This is paper worth ten cents, which is thirty times cheaper than the lowest paper on the market!
Cheng Hualiang was indeed crazy.

Just as he was in shock, a tall horse rushed towards him from afar.

The person on the horse is none other than Cheng Yaojin!

"Make way for me, I'm going to kill this traitor today!"

(End of this chapter)

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