Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 56: Killing the traitor Cheng Yaojin with a knife

Chapter 56: Killing the traitor Cheng Yaojin with a knife

"Today, I will kill this traitor!"

The horses came quickly and headed straight for the crowd.

Seeing this, pedestrians on the road gave way.

"Tsk, Duke Lu is here. Fortunately I bought the paper, otherwise I would have no chance."

"Today I bought a hundred of them, and if I resold them, they would have doubled thirty times, and I would have made a lot of money."

The youth left.

Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji were stunned on the spot.

A piece of paper worth ten cents is still of the same texture and quality.

No wonder half of the people in Chang'an flock to it.

Changsun Wuji couldn't help but frown.

"Is this kid trying to win people's hearts?"

"Your Majesty, I have told your Majesty a long time ago that Cheng Yaojin seems to be a simple and honest person, but in fact he is very scheming. This move must be under Cheng Yaojin's instruction."

Li Shimin pointed at the angry Cheng Yaojin who was stopped in front of the crowd not far away, and said with a smile:

"If Cheng Yaojin ordered it, how could he do this?"

"How could he know that I would leave Chang'an today? Is it just a show?"

Changsun Wuji looked at Cheng Yaojin.

"Everyone, get out of the way. This is Mr. Lu!"

"I'm going to kill this traitor today, please get out of the way."

But the crowd remained unmoved.

No one could hear Cheng Yaojin's speech, and Cheng Yaojin paced around anxiously for a while.

"What a traitor, what a traitor."

Changsun Wuji had nothing to say.

"It seems that the minister is worrying too much."

Li Shimin chuckled and stepped forward.

"You idiot, why are you so angry?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin turned around suddenly.

Li Shimin is the only one who dares to call him that these days.

"Brother Li!"

Cheng Yaojin quickly changed his mind and then lamented.

"A certain traitor, I don't know where he got the paper."

"These days, paper is bought from aristocratic families. Who knows where that traitor got the money to buy the paper and sell it here at a low price!"

"You just took away his sword and didn't let him follow those gangsters. I didn't expect him to cause such a big trouble. How big is his family to withstand such harm from this traitor!"

When Li Shimin heard this, he suppressed the rising corners of his mouth.

The father and son are like living treasures of the Tang Dynasty, and there is always joy in them.

Could it be that in order to retaliate against Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Huailiang sold the paper at a low price in the name of Cheng Yaojin, Duke Lu, so that Cheng Yaojin could empty out his family fortune?

Changsun Wuji on the side said calmly:
"If that's the case, it's because you failed to teach your son well. It's too late to regret it now that something happened."

Cheng Yaojin looked at Changsun Wuji with an unkind expression.

"Is so-and-so talking to you? Do you need to interrupt?"

Changsun Wuji snorted coldly.

Cheng Yaojin didn't even bother to talk to Changsun Wuji.

This man was too ambitious and suspicious by nature. Relying on his status as a relative of the emperor, he often went to Li Shimin to report him.

Almost all the ministers in the court, except for those from his own faction, had a copy of him, and Cheng Yaojin was naturally among them.

So I didn't bother to pay attention at all.

Li Shimin intervened.

"Don't get angry as soon as you meet. Why don't you ask Huai Liang later?"

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth.

"This time, I will definitely break his legs and make him unable to move at home!"

Li Shimin couldn't help it this time and burst into laughter.

After an unknown amount of time, the crowd gradually dispersed.

The paper seems to be sold out.

Every one of them felt like a treasure, and everyone thought they were trying to steal their paper, so they hid it tightly.

Those who didn't buy it beat their chests and lamented.

"I really don't know if that idiot will sell paper tomorrow. If it does, it will be a big bargain again."

Cheng Yaojin clenched his fists and wanted to go up and hit someone!
Li Shimin smiled. "I'll let you go and have a look."


"Brother Lin!"

Lin Heng was startled by Cheng Huailiang's sudden movement.

"what happened?"

Cheng Huailiang fell to the ground from exhaustion, and the brothers who came to help today were almost exhausted.

He suddenly jumped up, then walked over to the boxes containing money and hugged them.

"This is the first time in my life that I have made money so happily!"

"Fifty thousand pieces of paper, all sold out in two hours, fifty thousand pieces!"

Lin Heng rolled his eyes.

"Fifty thousand tickets, only 500 coins, what does this mean?"

It's not as much as my own Baibao Pavilion can earn in one day.

But it's not bad, after all, I only made [-] pieces of paper after a few days of hard work, and most of the customers didn't buy it.

"If the amount of paper is enough, with so many guests, we can charge at least three thousand guan per day!"

"So don't get excited, there are many good days ahead."

Cheng Huailiang giggled while holding the money box.

"I finally discovered it. Brother Lin is really extraordinary!"

"I said I would help someone find a job, and it turned out to be paper making. To be honest, I couldn't even think of that, but now, someone can also make paper!"

"Brothers, follow Brother Lin from now on. Let's enjoy the hot and spicy food!"

Several people also responded one after another, and Lin Heng was a little helpless.

Why did you mess around and become the leader of the gang?
"I've collected five hundred guan today, and everyone is working hard."

"Let's set a rule for sharing. I will get [-]% of the future income and you will get [-]%. As for how you divide it, it is your own business."

"When the business of the paper bank stabilizes, how about we name the paper bank after you and leave it all to you?"

Hearing this, Cheng Hualiang was stunned for a moment.


[-]%? !
"Brother Lin, this is true!"

Cheng Huailiang's goal from the beginning was to find a job so that the veteran would not feel that he was not doing his job properly.

But after finding Lin Heng, he created a business with huge benefits for himself, and even gave himself and his brothers [-]% of the profits.

He really doesn't care whether he has more money or less. After all, Lu Guogong's son has been enjoying glory and wealth all his life, and his family fortune will never be lost in his life.

But Lin Heng's generosity, this friendship that offered help in times of need, moved Cheng Huailiang deeply.

The brotherhood that only existed in imagination actually appeared at this moment!
Cheng Huailiang's eyes turned red and he stepped forward to hug Lin Heng.

"Brother Lin, I recognize you as a brother!"

Lin Heng suddenly panicked.

"I'll wipe it, don't get the snot on me, I bought new clothes."

Cheng Huailiang laughed and wiped his nose.

"Look at that old guy in the future. Do you dare to say that a certain person is not doing his job properly? Do you dare to say that a certain person's brothers are all ruffians?"

"We are also people with careers!"


Just when Cheng Huailiang was feeling numb, imagining that he was about to reach the peak of his life.

A strong man rushed towards him, holding a knife in his hand.

The fear deep in his bones was immediately revealed.

He didn't know why he was running, but his legs were moving unconsciously.

The visitor was none other than Cheng Yaojin.

"Sir, stop, I will chop you up today!"

Lin Heng was a little stunned.

Why, this son has done great things and made a lot of money, and you want to kill him?

The tutors in Lu Guogong’s family are really excellent!

He was watching the two of them.

He runs away, he chases, he has no wings to fly
Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

"What a coincidence, are you here?"

"Is it possible that you came up with the idea for Cheng Huailiang to sell paper?"

(End of this chapter)

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