Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 59 Lu Guogong’s excellent tutoring

Chapter 59 Lu Guogong’s excellent tutoring

When Li Shimin and others saw the finished paper, they were all in disbelief.

Cheng Yaojin looked stunned, picked up a piece of paper and looked at it.

"He actually knows how to make paper."

"This kind of paper is far better than the paper from the famous family!"

Li Shimin commented excitedly.

At this moment, even Changsun Wuji felt agitated in his heart.

Papermaking was invented as far back as Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

However, due to the complicated procedures and high cost of making paper, paper has always been exclusive to the upper class.

Therefore, if you don't have some financial resources, you really can't think of studying. After all, one book may be a year's living expenses for ordinary people.

Moreover, the subjects tested in the imperial examination are complex and cannot be passed by just reading a few books. Therefore, the imperial examination is also monopolized by the upper class.

There are very few civilian children who come from the imperial examination.

Li Shimin took a deep breath and looked at Lin Heng.

After all, just now Cheng Huailiang and others were talking about this papermaking technology, which was developed by Lin Heng.

"Is it really you?"

Lin Heng waved his hand, as if who else could make sense if it wasn't me.

After all, this paper-making machine was transported by myself, and it is 1000 years ahead of technological development!
For a moment, Li Shimin was also in a state of excitement.

The person in front of me, from the first time they met, made some pertinent remarks about the Japanese country, then later gave so many rare treasures, and later gave Li Shimin hope to treat his eldest grandson Wugao.

Every day, Li Shimin's knowledge was refreshed, and he even wrote such poems later, which proved that he was talented and knowledgeable.

Now it’s papermaking again?
This is God giving Li Shimin another Ma Zhou. No, this person may be even more talented than Ma Zhou!

"If you make paper like this, how much does a piece of paper cost?"

"Four or five cents, this still takes into account the cost of labor, otherwise it would be even lower."

Li Shimin looked emotional.

"The Tang Dynasty was born with talents!"

Lin Heng waved his hand: "I don't dare to take it seriously. Mr. Li has already said it. We just want to make some money, and we happened to think of this paper-making business."

just right?

You thought of it and you took it out?

Li Shimin looked at Lin Heng with excitement: "Does this mean you will have more?"

"Well, it is."

Lin Heng nodded.

After all, there are indeed a lot of things in his warehouse, and they can all be taken out and operated.

But working together, he has to be busy, and the family business is slowly building up step by step.

Let’s stabilize the business of the paper shop first.

"Great talent, great talent!"

Li Shimin was very excited.

"Lin Heng, do you know how important this papermaking technology is to the Tang Dynasty?"

"Once the price of paper comes down, the price of books will also decrease. In this way, more people will be able to read. This is a feat that will benefit the people and make you famous forever!"

"If paper is sold like this, the price of books in Chang'an will drop by [-]% in less than half a year, at least [-]%!"

Hearing this, Lin Heng seemed a little calm.

In fact, he didn't even think about it in that direction.

But after listening to what Lao Li said, it seems to be true!

Am I pretty cool?
"Cough cough."

Lin Heng coughed lightly and then looked at Changsun Wuji.

"Mr. Sun, you have seen the papermaking process, and the cost is indeed this amount."

"What do you think, Mr. Sun?"

Lin Heng's words were specially told to Changsun Wuji.

Old boy, didn’t you just say that I couldn’t do it?

Interrupt, continue to interrupt?
I can't stand someone with such a bad mind like you!

Changsun Wuji also came to his senses at this moment.

He could naturally hear the meaning of Lin Heng's words, and his face turned green at this moment.

Li Shimin laughed from the side.

This kid is still trying to make up for himself. "It's not easy for you to figure out how to make paper. This is a move that will benefit the Tang Dynasty!"

"How about I submit a petition to His Majesty and commend you?"

For a moment, Changsun Wuji, Cheng Yaojin, and Cheng Hualiang all looked at Li Shimin.

If you want to be rewarded, just say so!
Lin Heng thought for a moment.

This is a good suggestion!
I am worried that my cheap father is still treating him as a dead giver. How about asking His Majesty to adjust his position?
Before Lin Heng could speak, Changsun Wuji on the side spoke first.

He snorted coldly and said calmly:
"Even if His Majesty wants to reward you, I should dedicate the papermaking method to Your Majesty. The order cannot be changed."

"After all, Lin Heng is just a businessman. Even if he makes paper, he only does it to make profits. Wouldn't this make Lin Heng both famous and wealthy, and the impact will only be a lower price of paper for Lin Heng?"

"In my opinion, Lin Heng should dedicate this paper-making method to His Majesty first. Only in this way can we benefit the people of the Tang Dynasty and benefit forever!"

What you say is so generous!
Be generous to others!
The smile on Lin Heng's face suddenly disappeared.

It is not impossible to offer the Dharma to His Majesty. Lin Heng was also considering it just now.

But when Changsun Wuji said this, things changed.

As if I am guilty if I don’t offer the Dharma?
Even if I don't offer the Dharma, will the price of this paper be reduced and will it benefit Datang?

Why should I accept your moral kidnapping?
Lin Heng said calmly: "Let's consider this matter later."

"After all, you can offer Dharma at any time. As Mr. Sun said, I am just a businessman who makes money, so let's make enough money first."

Hearing this, Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji with a look of complaint.

"Old Sun."

If you hadn't said what you just said, Lin Heng seemed to have really planned to dedicate this method!

If this method was operated by the royal family, it would definitely become popular faster. Then it would not be a drop in paper prices in Chang'an, but a drop in paper prices in the entire Tang Dynasty!

I'm usually a very smart person, why did I lose my temper today?
Cheng Yaojin on the side probably understood.

"Lin Heng, now that you have developed a new papermaking method, are you working with Cheng Huailiang?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded.


"I and Cheng Huailiang are now running the business together, and I plan to hand over half of the proceeds to Cheng Huailiang. After a while, I will hand over the matter to Cheng Huailiang and accept it."

Cheng Huailiang walked over with excitement on his face and laughed loudly: "Old man, have you seen it? This is a brother. What is a brother? The word "righteousness" comes first!

Cheng Yaojin frowned slightly and looked at Lin Heng.

Cheng Hualiang didn't know anything, so why did Lin Heng let Cheng Hualiang run the business and even give out half of the profits?
Soon, he understood.

Cheng Huailiang's identity is, after all, his own son. With this important identity, this business can avoid being interfered with by others, especially aristocratic families.

This kid is actually willing to give [-]% of the income to Cheng Hualiang, and is also willing to give him the opportunity to run a business and only earn half of the money?

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Cheng Hualiang.

"Just follow Lin Heng and do this for a while, and don't cause any more trouble."

Cheng Yaojin could say these words because he had already approved of Cheng Huailiang's behavior.

Finally getting down to business.

Cheng Huailiang laughed proudly when he heard this.

"Old man, look at it, I'm definitely better than you. With your little family fortune, I still look down on you!"

"When the time comes, don't beg someone to give you money to be happy!"

Cheng Yaojin twitched the corner of his mouth and picked up a stick.

"The traitor, look at the stick!"

Give you some sunshine and it will be bright, right?

The two fell into a drama of chasing each other again.

Lin Heng and others on the side were sighing.

"If you don't seek death, you won't die."

At this time, Li Shimin also thought of something and immediately walked to Lin Heng.

"I will report the papermaking technique to His Majesty. It is up to you to decide whether you offer the technique or not. Your Majesty will not interfere."

"But how are the drugs for stridor doing now?"

"When can I give my wife the medicine?"

As soon as these words came out, Changsun Wuji on the side was stunned for a moment, then immediately stepped forward and asked anxiously:

"What kind of stridor medicine is there? Do you have any medicine that can treat stridor?"

"Can you really cure stridor? Tell me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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