Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 60 Is there really any medicine that can cure stridor?

Chapter 60 Is there really any medicine that can cure stridor?

When he heard about the antidote for wheezing, Changsun Wuji suddenly became excited.

Stridor is a disease inherited from the eldest grandson's family.

Changsun Wuji, Changsun Wugao, and Changsun Chong all have wheezing.

Among them, Changsun Wuji and Changsun Chong were discovered by Sun Simiao in their early years, so they were nursed back to health prematurely, which did not cause any serious harm to their health.

But Changsun Wugu, Li Shimin's empress and his biological sister, is deeply troubled by wheezing, and even leaves the palace less often now.

He also visited several times and found that his sister's illness was getting worse and he was heartbroken.

But now the eldest grandson Wugu has been integrated into his muscles, making it difficult to remove it with ordinary methods. Even the Medicine King Sun Simiao is at a loss.

Suddenly seeing Changsun Wuji so excited, Li Shimin also explained.

"Lao Sun is my wife's brother."

Lin Heng understood immediately, no wonder it was like this.

As for the family, no wonder.

Speaking of which, during this period, I met Lao Li's wife, son, daughter, fiancé, and his uncle.

Why is this family composition so familiar?
Lin Heng did not delve into the matter and replied:

"The medicine has been obtained from my friend."

"But the medicines used to treat asthma and wheezing in their country may not be suitable for our Tang Dynasty people's constitution. I am worried that problems will occur after taking the medicine. I have been trying to adjust it during this period."

Li Shimin was astonished: "You still know how to prepare medicines?"

Lin Heng nodded: "I know a little bit."

Isn’t there a pharmacological guide book? Just study it slowly.

After all, he has his own bronchodilator, which is already being used by Lao Li's wife, so there won't be any major problems for a while.

There is still plenty of time for research.

He was afraid that if he directly used the medicine for future generations on Lao Li's wife, there would be a big problem, which would be troublesome.

"I don't want to take risks with Mrs. Li's safety, so I can't take it out until the medicine is fully effective and safe."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's heart dropped slightly.

There was hope of curing Guanyin, so he could afford to wait.

"Do you need anyone to cooperate with you? As long as you ask, I can provide you with any help you want!"

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

"Ordinary people can't get involved in this matter. I'll just experiment on my own, but I'm afraid it will take some time."

Changsun Wuji said anxiously: "How long will it take to cure stridor in front of me?"

Lin Heng glanced at Changsun Wuji and said calmly: "About half a year."

After all, this thing is really no joke. He still has to spend time to master pharmacology and change the configuration of the drug.

You still have to catch mice for experiments, and wait until the experiments reach the ideal level before they can be used clinically.

Finally, it can be handed over to Lao Li.

Of course he wouldn't do anything just because of the existence of old Sun. He must be upright and aboveboard, and he didn't care about this little problem.

Li Shimin took a long breath.

"If you can really solve my wife's condition, as long as you speak, you can do anything I can do, just say it!"

Lin Heng chuckled and said, "Can you transfer my father to another department when the time comes? It doesn't matter what he does, as long as he doesn't act as a remonstrator."

Li Shimin was a little puzzled.

Is Lin Tangqing clear?

Although this man's words were a little impulsive, Li Shimin still admired him very much.

He, Li Shimin, needs people who dare to speak to correct him.

Wei Zheng, the leader of Taiwan's remonstrances, once said that people can be used as a mirror to understand gains and losses.

Lin Heng said helplessly: "I'm afraid that if my father says the wrong thing, he will be executed by your majesty and our family will be implicated."

Li Shimin couldn't laugh or cry.

"You are very considerate of your father."

No, no, no, I am simply thinking about my future!

Changsun Wuji looked at Lin Heng, feeling a little weird in his heart.

This person is familiar with His Majesty and seems to have been dating for a long time.

But can such a person really develop a drug to treat stridor?

If this is true, not only will my worries be dispelled, but my sister will also not have any health problems!

If that's the case, that's a good thing.

But he still didn't believe it.

In front of the Lin Mansion, Li Lizhi came to visit again.

Uncle Wang came out to receive him.

"Little madam, your husband is not here today."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Where did Lin Heng go?

On this recent day, I was so busy that the prince's brother was studying to deal with government affairs and couldn't spare any time to accompany her.There is nothing interesting in the palace.

Then I thought about asking Lin Heng if he had any new poems or anything interesting.

We went to Baibao Pavilion first, and the shopkeeper Fang Siyuan informed him that his boss had not been in the store for several days.

This person is so unreliable. He runs such a big store, but he can't even see anyone.

However, Baibao Pavilion can operate normally without the presence of Lin Heng. It can be seen that Lin Heng has created a complete operating system for Baibao Pavilion.

He's pretty good at this.

So after thinking about it, he came to Lin's house to find Lin Heng.

If he is not in Baibao Pavilion, this person must be lazy at home!

I injured my leg last time, but with Lin Heng's medicine, it healed pretty quickly.

If you are generous, you won’t care about Lin Heng!
"My dear, my husband went out very early today."

"He has been leaving early and coming back late these days. He is rarely at home. He seems to be busy."

Li Lizhi asked curiously: "Are you busy with papermaking?"

Uncle Wang thought for a while.

"It seems like this. In the past few days, Langjun has had someone customize a lot of equipment, and they have all been shipped out. It seems like this."

Li Lizhi nodded with deep understanding.

Uncle Wang smiled: "When Mr. Lang comes back, I will tell him about the little lady's visit and let him come to apologize."

Li Lizhi waved her hand: "It doesn't matter. I came to find him in the first place. If I can't find him, forget it."

He left the Lin family immediately, but he was still a little depressed.

I finally wanted to chat with Lin Heng, but this guy actually disappeared.

I couldn't help but murmur in my heart that this guy asked me to take off my skirt that day.

Although this guy has no ill intentions, who in his right mind would say that to a woman?

But my father also said that this person is a little different from ordinary people and seems to be more powerful.
Just as he was thinking about it, someone suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Your Highness, where are you going?"

He raised his head and saw that the person coming was none other than Changsun Chong.

Li Lizhi's face suddenly turned bad.

"How do you know I'm here? You're following me!"

Changsun Chong chuckled and shook his head.

"Perhaps I and the princess have a common understanding."

Li Lizhi sneered and said: "I know that you hide well, but if I find out that you sent someone to follow you, just wait for your Majesty to convict you!"

Li Lizhi rarely calls herself herself in front of others.

She felt that communicating with others seemed too high-key, so she had to be more modest.

But the appearance of Chang Sun Chong made her very unhappy.

Changsun Chong shook his head.

"I see that Her Royal Highness the Princess came from the Lin family, but she went to find Lin Heng?"

"What's the matter with you!"

Changsun smiled lightly and said: "Although Lin Heng has some talent and learning, he is ultimately a slutty businessman who comes here for profit. Who knows if someone else wrote that water-melody song that day."

"I guess I just rely on those poems to gain fame and reputation."

"Why should your Royal Highness care about this person?"

Li Lizhi looked unhappy when she heard this.

"Let's just say you can write better than him."

Changsun Chong chuckled.

"Even if this person is indeed talented, it is nothing in the end. He will just be a businessman in this life, with no big achievements."

Li Lizhi said coldly:

"How do you know that someone has no achievements? To evaluate others, you have to be better than them!"

"Oh? Your Highness, Princess, do you think this person has anything else besides poetry?"

Li Lizhi hesitated for a moment.

"He has been making paper recently. Do you know how to make paper? If you have the ability, go and make paper!"

Before Chang Sun Chong could speak, Li Lizhi had already turned around and left.

Before leaving, Li Lizhi did not forget to leave a sarcastic comment to Changsun Chong.

"By the way, take good care of your house slaves from now on."

"Stop letting them run around naked on Zhuque Street, and write about Changsun Chong as a slave. Do you really think this is something worth showing off?"

Changsun Chong's face suddenly turned ugly.

Those people were sent by him to teach Lin Heng a lesson.

But this guy actually had the help of bandits like Cheng Huailiang!
However, Changsun Chong's expression gradually became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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