Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 75: Being recommended, the old father is a little confused

Chapter 75: Being recommended, the old father is a little confused

Above the court, hundreds of officials were enumerated, shouting long live, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

The person sitting on the seat was dressed in a dragon robe and looked serious.

"Flat body."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Among the officials, the one who ranked first was the old man Lin Heng had met before in Donglin Tower.

Prime Minister Fang Xuanling, Minister Zuopushe!
Since ancient times, the left has been respected in the world, and this old man is the well-deserved No. 1 powerful official.

He also participated in the Xuanwumen Revolution and won Li Shimin's trust.

The old man took a step forward, bowed and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce."

Li Shimin said calmly: "Just speak frankly."

Fang Xuanling said loudly: "Last autumn, a sudden snowstorm hit Shandong Province. Thousands of miles away, there was no harvest, people's houses were destroyed, and countless cattle, sheep and livestock were killed and injured."

"Your Majesty has been kind enough to allocate more than [-] stones, grain and grass from the national treasury to provide relief to the victims, which enabled the victims to survive."

"However, due to the impact of the snowstorm last year, the people had no harvest, so they needed help from the court. However, Shandong suffered from a severe drought this year, and the grain that was wasted in the past died of drought again."

"Today, Shandong is full of refugees. 20 victims have moved out of Shandong. Some of them have gone to Jiangnan, and some of them have come to Chang'an."

"There are government obstructions along the way, but the vast majority of the victims are still there, and they will reach Chang'an within half a month."

After hearing these words, Li Shimin frowned.

He knew something about the disaster situation. He had already withstood the first wave of snowstorms, but not long after the grain was planted, another severe drought hit him.

Victims were everywhere, and yellow sand was billowing across a thousand-mile embankment. He had already read countless excerpts.

Now, the victims of the disaster are actually moving away from Shandong in order to find a way to survive?
It is conceivable how serious the local disaster has become.

Li Shimin said displeased: "Didn't I say before that we would mobilize food from the national treasury to provide disaster relief? Why are there still so many disaster victims migrating?"

"Besides, why do local officials want to prevent the victims from relocating? Doesn't this mean to the victims who have lost their livelihood that I have given up on them? How do you want the people of this world to look at me!"

Fang Xuanling felt helpless.

"Your Majesty, there is not much food left in the treasury."

"Today, there are only 30 kilograms of grain left in the national treasury. This is to maintain the balance of domestic grain prices. Once it is disturbed, grain prices will get out of control, which will involve more harm."

Li Shimin immediately looked at Dou Jing, Minister of Civil Affairs.

"Is what the prime minister said true?"

Dou Jing looked helpless: "It is indeed true. In the past few years, the military expenditures for conquering the Turks have only made up for the deficit this year. We have to repair canals, maintain waterways, and build palaces. It is true that there is not much savings left. "

Hearing this, Li Shimin took a deep breath.

"How do you think the victims will be dealt with?"

There was really nothing he could do. After all, the 60 stone of food was specially used to balance food prices.

Because he has seen the disasters caused by out-of-control food prices.

The price of one stone of grain was as high as dozens of dollars, which was outrageous.

The entire land was starved to death, with almost no living creatures in sight.

Aristocratic families and corrupt officials are vying to make money, and they are extremely vicious.

At that time, the late emperor killed many people, and it took three years to calm down the disaster. He established the national policy of preserving grain to ensure that large-scale fluctuations in grain prices would not occur.

Because as long as there are local food price fluctuations, they can be directly mobilized to stabilize food prices.

When the officials present heard this, they all looked at each other in shock.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs has no money, what can we do?
They can't just get the money, right?
Seeing this, Li Shimin couldn't help clenching his fists.

"How many coins are left in the treasury?"

Dou Jing, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "There are still 20 coins in the treasury, which is intended to build His Majesty's palace in Luoyang."

Li Shimin waved his hand: "I will put the matter of my palace on hold for now and consider it after the famine has passed."

"With this coin, we will first buy grain, and send part of it to Shandong to help the victims, and the other part will be distributed to the government offices in various provinces along the way, on the roads where the victims pass."

"When encountering disaster victims, provide immediate relief, and no attempts to expel or coax them away will be allowed."

"If anyone wants to reach Chang'an, there is no need to stop him!"

After everyone heard this, who dared to object?

Your Majesty doesn't even build a palace anymore. This is a signal.

In His Majesty's view, the people are always more important than anything else, and in this case, no efforts will be spared for relief.What Fang Xuanling did today was exactly like this.

He did not dare to be in charge of His Majesty. To solve the problems of the victims, His Majesty had to speak personally.

With this money, many people can be saved from death, but if the victims arrive in Chang'an, they will probably cause trouble again.

Fang Xuanling hesitated for a moment, but he still had to wait for the subsequent situation of the victims before he could give judgment and suggestions.

Let this matter be over for now.

After that, there were state affairs, big and small, which were not important, but they had to be brought up to Li Shimin, who would make suggestions.

At the end of the court meeting, all that should be discussed has been discussed.

Suddenly, several officials stood up. They were the people who had greeted Lin Tangqing before the meeting.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report."

Li Shimin waved his hand: "Say it."

One person said slowly: "Now in the Honglu Temple of the Ministry of Rites, the adjutant is old and frail and has resigned. There has been no suitable candidate for many days."

"Honglu Temple is an important place for the Ministry of Rites. It is in charge of the reception and arrangements for foreign envoys. It is extremely important. The adjutant cannot be absent for a day."

There is no problem in saying this, after all, it is true that all nations will come to court.

At the end of every year, nearly a hundred countries come to have a drink.

Li Shimin suddenly remembered something.

It's almost the First Day this year, and the gifts given to Fanbang on the First Day have not yet arrived.

Generally speaking, the foreign state pays tribute, but the host country will give gifts in return, and the gifts in return are more expensive than the gifts from the foreign state.

It’s not a small start, but there’s no way around it.

After all, face is something that a powerful country attaches great importance to.

Li Shimin sighed and then said, "That's true. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Several people nodded.

"This person has high moral character and is good at outspoken advice. He is very suitable for this position."

The Honglu Temple of the Ministry of Rites, as they said, is indeed a very important official position.

The position of adjutant is a fifth-grade official position in the court, but after all, he is in charge of receiving foreign affairs, and his status is particularly noble.

This is a fat job!
However, no one in the government or the public is willing to bite this piece of meat.

After all, there are too many things to consider from top to bottom, inside and out, and the Rites Department has been responsible for more and more things in the past two years.

Why are you so old and frail when you become an adjutant? He is only in his fifties.
That's because I'm on my own, I won't be in this position anymore.

Li Shimin nodded when he heard this.

"Who are you waiting for?"

At this time, Lin Tangqing lamented.

In fact, he really wanted this position.

However, he was not very familiar with the officials of the Ministry of Rites, especially the Minister of Rites.

Some time ago, I offended someone because of the Japanese incident. This is where the relationship lies.

"I think it would be most appropriate to remonstrate with Lin Tangqing in Taiwan!"

Lin Tangqing was stunned for a moment and suddenly looked at the people who spoke.

I'm not familiar with you, why would you recommend me?
We met just this morning. Usually you don’t even look at me!

"This person is extremely capable and upright. If he takes on this responsibility, he will definitely not disappoint His Majesty."

The next moment, something happened that made Lin Tangqing even more dumbfounded.

About [-]% of the officials from aristocratic families in the court agreed.

"Lin Shiyi is the most suitable."

"This person's character"


Lin Tangqing was confused.

What are these people so crazy about smoking today?
Why are you speaking for yourself?
Damn it, these people don’t have any plans for themselves!

I have to read one of them!

(End of this chapter)

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