Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 76 What, what, Lin Heng is frivolous towards Princess Changle?

Chapter 76 What, what, Lin Heng is frivolous towards Princess Changle?

Inside the Lin Mansion.

After returning home, Lin Tangqing still couldn't relax.

Why did so many officials suddenly recommend me? What's going on?
Seeing this, Mrs. Cheng stepped forward to ask.

"Husband, what's going on? Why do you look so sad when you come back from the meeting?"

Lin Tangqing glanced at Cheng and sighed.

"I might be getting a promotion."

Although His Majesty did not agree directly, he said that he would consider it.

But that tone did mean promotion.

Why was he suddenly promoted, or why was he recommended for promotion by so many people from aristocratic families?
This made him very puzzled.

When Mrs. Cheng heard this, she immediately became happy: "Husband, isn't it a good thing to be promoted? Why is it like this?"

Lin Tangqing said helplessly: "The crux of the problem is that I don't know why I was promoted, but I was recommended by many people."

"I have no interaction with these people. Their recommendation caught me off guard."

Mrs. Cheng smiled and said, "Now that you've arrived, you'll be at ease. If you get promoted, won't your salary increase?"

"The situation at home is getting better and better!"

This is true.

I recently fell in love with a woman from Chunming Tower. She was young but pretty.

But having no money in my pocket is very annoying.

Mrs. Cheng suddenly thought of something and said with a surprised look on her face: "Isn't it possible that Heng'er's reputation has become more and more popular recently, and those officials who recommended you are because of Heng'er?"

Lin Tangqing pondered slightly.

It seems that I really can’t think of any other reason!
But just because of his reputation as a talented scholar or because of his son's reputation as a talented scholar, he got a fat job?

People from aristocratic families don’t do it themselves, but instead give it to themselves?

Although it is indeed a busy job, there is no need for people from aristocratic families to recommend themselves, right?

The old father was confused for a moment.

I can’t figure out why I want to be promoted!

Otherwise, ask Lin Heng if he knows?

But if it is true, then his promotion in the officialdom is due to his son's reputation. This is a denial of his ability!

The son he had looked down upon for so long actually helped him get promoted?
Such a psychological gap is huge!

We must investigate carefully and see what the situation is!

The paper shop was overflowing with customers today!
Because the paper shop of the family can no longer support itself.
And after talking to Lin Heng, he directly asked all paper banks to cancel low-priced paper and sell as much paper as they should.

On Lin Heng and Cheng Huailiang's side, a piece of paper worth ten cents was once again pushed to the climax.

Sales are hot!
In the early morning, Li Lizhi blocked the door of Lin Heng's house as expected. Although Lin Heng thought it was strange, after thinking about it, he felt that this girl must not have any other thoughts about him.

If there is, then she won’t be able to make friends, and she will have to stay away from her!

Simply speaking, what Li Lizhi showed to him was more curiosity about literature and the things he brought out.

Then she followed Lin Heng to the paper mill.

I originally thought that there would be no problem today, so I followed Lin Heng to ask about poetry.

Moreover, half an hour before the store opened, there were indeed few customers.

But later, more and more people gathered.

Li Lizhi couldn't leave even if she wanted to, so she could only hide upstairs.

She looked puzzled: "Why are there so many people from this paper shop today? Doesn't the family stop selling paper?"

Lin Heng smiled and said nothing.

I think Lai Shijia also feels that there is no point in buying it anymore.

Li Lizhi suddenly looked surprised.

"Did you do something to ask the family to solve your paper problem?"

Lin Heng just pretended to be stupid.

"How do I know? What does it have to do with me?"

"Maybe they feel it's too much of a loss and won't sell it, right?"

Li Lizhi stared at Lin Heng suspiciously.

"Chu Suiliang said that day that the Shijia's paper was sold to his own family, and there was no such thing as a loss."

"If you hadn't done anything, how could there be so many people here, and you couldn't even move?"

Lin Heng waved his hand.

"Do you blame me?"

Li Lizhi pouted, with an angry look on her face.

"Did you do something during this period and didn't tell me on purpose?"

"I still think we are friends. Is this how you treat your friends?"

"Tell me, how did you do it? I just want to hear it. If you don't tell me, I won't leave today." She looked like she would not give up until she got the answer.

Lin Heng smiled: "I'm afraid you won't believe what I said."

Li Lizhi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Just say it, I will believe it if you say it!"

"I said that the aristocratic family has bowed its head and no longer dares to run this business. Do you believe it?"

Li Lizhi rolled her eyes.

"Will a noble family bow their heads? Those people have seen Father. But those who have never bowed their heads to His Majesty have high self-esteem. How can they bow to you?"

Lin Heng sighed and said calmly: "I told you that you don't believe me, so it's useless if I tell you."


He suddenly took a breath of cold air and rubbed his legs quickly.

"Why are you kicking me?"

Li Lizhi looked unhappy: "If you don't tell the truth, why did I kick you? I was injured by you last time I went to your house. The wound is healed now!"

"This is tit for tat, I haven't even given you a wound yet!"

Lin Heng rolled his eyes.

"Sister, I'm not talking about you."

"You can't say that, your elder brother will kill me if he hears it."

Li Lizhi's eyes suddenly lit up again, with a smile on her lips, she began to threaten.

"Believe it or not."

"If you don't tell me today, I will tell Aye and my elder brother."

Lin Heng looked puzzled.


At this time, Cheng Huailiang was about to go upstairs and ask if he had taken out all the extra paper and sold it.

We have prepared [-] copies, and almost all of them have been sold!

Princess Changle's voice suddenly came from the room.

"I'll tell them that you are scornful of me!"

Cheng Huailiang immediately became excited.

He just said, how could these two people have a simple relationship?

It’s all so frivolous!
He had long been dissatisfied with Changsun Chong and felt that this person was extremely hypocritical as he was not worthy of Princess Changle.

Now, Brother Lin wants to poach Changsun Chong.

Wouldn't it be nice?

Then I won’t disturb you, I’m leaving.
Lin Heng almost lost his seat and spat out the tea he just drank.

"Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Li and I have a very good relationship. Don't let this kind of thing ruin our relationship!"

Li Lizhi smiled and seemed not to care about threatening Lin Heng with such things.

After all, in her eyes, Lin Heng was not like a very purposeful person like Chang Sun Chong, who just wanted to win her favor. Instead, he was very random and simply treated her as a friend.

Although this guy was suspected of admiring her, she was still quite relieved.

In short, he has a big heart and is not afraid of trouble.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go find them now!"

Lin Heng was quite helpless: "You are trying to ruin my reputation. Anyway, it's fine now. It doesn't hurt to talk to you."

"But you are not allowed to go out and talk nonsense, and you are not allowed to say any weird things!"

Li Lizhi nodded vigorously.

Lin Heng also recounted the general story, and Li Lizhi listened very carefully.


After a moment, Li Lizhi looked excited.

"So powerful, you actually took control of the noble family!"

"Then they will really come to you to apologize and visit you for this?"

While he was talking, someone knocked on the door.

Cheng Huailiang said outside the door with some embarrassment: "Brother Lin, have I disturbed you two?"

Lin Heng: "???"

"What do you mean by talking about something?"

Cheng Huailiang coughed lightly.

"It seems like someone from the Cui family is here. Do you want to meet?"

Li Lizhi's originally excited face turned into one of shock and admiration.

"It's really here!"

(End of this chapter)

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