Chapter 83 Worried Lao Li
The Imperial Palace, Wude Hall, is where Li Shimin governs.

After the Xuanwumen Incident, Li Shimin was appointed as the crown prince. Three months later, Li Yuan abdicated and Li Shimin ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Li Shimin knew that his accession to the throne was erroneous, so he had been handling government affairs in the Prince's East Palace instead of where the emperor should be.

At this time, Ma Zhou was explaining some issues to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, the matter of food prices may be suppressed by official means and guaranteed to be within a certain price, or only money instead of food may be donated."

"In short, it is obviously not easy to settle these victims with the royal family's current inventory alone."

Hearing this, Li Shimin smiled bitterly.

"Did you know that after you made that suggestion a few days ago, the aristocratic families in Chang'an have gathered grain and made large purchases?"

"Nowadays, they must not dare to directly raise food prices, but once the victims arrive, they will be in big trouble."

"The food in Chang'an City may not be enough to provide disaster relief. At that time, we will have to buy food from aristocratic families through other channels."

No matter which dynasty you were in, driving up food prices was punishable by death.

But the family did it very cleverly. We didn't bid up the food, nor did we beg you to buy it. The price of food was just there, whatever it should be.

But the price of my food is definitely different from the food prices in the world. If you buy it, you must pay it at my price.

Li Shimin couldn't grasp the situation by directly changing the concept.

Therefore, Li Shimin hated this group of people from the aristocratic family and wished to eradicate them directly!

But the influence of the aristocratic family is so great that even in some remote places, people only know the name of the local aristocratic family but not the power of the Li Tang royal family.

Ma Zhou couldn't help but frown: "Are these aristocratic families moving so fast? Every time this happens, they have to play such tricks. It's really hateful!"

Li Shimin sighed: "There is no other way. The family paid more than the market price to acquire it, but still retained part of it."

"As long as this part is there, there will be no fluctuations in Chang'an's food prices. After all, Chang'an's food prices have been stable for many years, and there is no need for people to rush to buy food."

"But once the royal family purchases grain, the market price will inevitably fluctuate violently, which will affect the whole body. These aristocratic families, alas."

Li Shimin was so ambitious that he couldn't produce any strong evidence to attack the aristocratic family.

Ma Zhou couldn't help but sigh: "Listening to what Your Majesty said, this matter will be a bit troublesome."

Li Shimin suddenly thought of someone.

"You'll be waiting for a while, but do you have anything else to do?"

Ma Zhou immediately shook his head. What Li Shimin meant was that he wanted to talk to himself about things or do other things. If something happened, he had to say it was okay.

Li Shimin smiled slightly and said: "I suddenly remembered a person. You may not have met him yet, but he is somewhat similar to you."

When Ma Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but be curious: "Who is it?"

"Lin Heng, do you know?"

"Lin Heng, the water melody singer?"

Li Shimin laughed loudly: "It is this person. In addition to the Shuidiao singer, he also opened the Baibao Pavilion. The low-price paper that has become popular in Chang'an recently is also his industry."

Hearing this, Ma Zhou couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, is it really this person who did this? I want to see you, too."

Li Shimin nodded: "I just happened to be out of the palace to relax, change my mind or something, and maybe this person can give some advice."

Hualin Township, eastern suburb of Chang'an.

Cui Hong and Lu Siqi brought Lin Heng here and pointed to the land all over the mountains and plains.

"Here is the ten thousand acres of land promised to you. From today on, the land here is yours."

"This is the title deed."

Lin Heng took the land deed with a smile, opened it, checked it, and pocketed it after confirming it was correct.

"The noble family is so generous, I admire you so much!"

Both of them snorted coldly.

"Now that we have accepted these, we should keep our word."

"If the printing technology reaches the Imperial City, no matter how much we give you, you will have to spit out as much as we give you."

"When the time comes, don't blame me for waiting and not showing mercy to you!"

Faced with the threats from the two representatives of the aristocratic families, Lin Heng laughed it off.

Now, all he can do is threaten himself verbally.

Don't panic at all.

"That Mr. Cui, Brother Lu."

"Let's take a closer look?"

The two remained silent and took Lin Heng to check.

It's okay when you're far away.But as soon as he walked in, Lin Heng's expression fell a little.


"That's not right!"

Cui Hong sneered: "Mr. Lin, what's wrong? Ten thousand acres of land. If you don't believe me, ask someone to measure it!"

"If there is anything missing, I will make it up for you!"

Hearing this, Lu Siqi couldn't help but want to laugh.

This kid actually wanted land when discussing business with them?
Then they give you land, no problem, ten thousand acres!

But when Lin Heng took a look, his expression immediately became strange.

This damn land is indeed land.

But it’s all wasteland!

If you cultivate it yourself or plan another area, it will cost money, people and effort!
No wonder he agreed so fluently.

Lin Heng sighed and turned his head to look at the two of them.

Cui Hong suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Lin Heng, don't push yourself too far!"

"Even in this wasteland, not everyone can get it!"

"As for how you handle and manage it, that's all your own business and has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing this, Lin Heng stopped talking.

All in all, we have obtained [-] acres of land.

But here, it is located in a remote area in the eastern suburbs, with Lishan Mountain in the distance. This land borders Lishan Mountain.

In a place like this, wild boars are inevitable, and they will definitely ruin the crops.

If we build a protective fence, the investment is too high and it cannot completely prevent it.

How to deal with it is a big problem.

But Lin Heng suddenly thought of an idea.

Disaster victims, hmm?
In a while, the victims of the disaster in Shandong will come, right?
In other words, is it possible to find some disaster victims yourself to help build this place?

A normal worker earns [-] cash per month, or even [-] to [-] cash per month.

This [-] acres of land is worth at least a few thousand people, right?
Plus other expenses?
Then Lin Heng must be killed!
But the victims are different.

Just take care of the food and build a shed for them to sleep in.

It can be considered a curved disaster relief.

But we still have to look at the situation. If the victims are easy to control, then it will be okay.

You have to think about yourself and take your time.

Lin Heng immediately returned to Chang'an and came to the already listed Cheng's Paper Store.

When Cheng Huailiang saw Lin Heng, his eyes immediately lit up and he went to call someone.

Lin Heng was a little strange, what was he doing?
Soon, Cheng Huailiang walked down.

"Someone was looking for you but couldn't find it, and then they came here."

"I thought you would definitely come and take a look, so I left them behind and came down right away."


"Lao Li, Changle's father, my old guy's brother, you should know him."

Lao Li?
Cheng Huailiang added: "And Ma Zhou, do you know this one?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "I don't know him."

"Are the papers sold out today?"

Cheng Huailiang patted his chest.

"Fifty thousand, easy!"

Lin Heng smiled: "That's fine. You can arrange the specific matters yourself. I won't interfere."

Cheng Hualiang nodded vigorously.

"Oh, Lin Heng is here, that's the person I'm talking to you about."

I saw Li Shimin walking down with a tall and thin man.

Both of them looked at themselves with smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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