Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 84: If you have no money, just borrow money

Chapter 84 If you don’t have money, borrow money

this smile.
Why do you suddenly feel like nothing good is happening?

Lin Heng sneered twice and bowed his hands.

"Meet the two."

Li Shimin chuckled and said: "This is Ma Zhou. I have mentioned to you before that this person's talents are appreciated by His Majesty!"

Ma Zhou returned the gift with his hands raised, his expression a little strange.

Aren't you your Majesty?
Suddenly he remembered what Li Shimin told him.

Your Majesty is playing a mystery game and cannot be disturbed.

“During dismounting week.”

He then smiled and said, "I have also heard Mr. Li talk about you. You have a good talent for learning. Your water tune song has attracted countless women to praise you. It is considered a masterpiece."

Lin Heng waved his hand: "Mr. Ma is serious, it's just a poem. Please go upstairs and I'll make tea for you two."

Ma Zhou, in my impression, seems to have some understanding of history.

He is from a humble background and has great abilities. He entered the court on his own ability and is not an ordinary person.

Not to mention Lao Li, His Majesty's closest ministers.

Upstairs, in the study.

Lin Heng gave them a cup of tea.

Seeing this, Ma Zhou had a look of curiosity on his face.

"Is this tea?"

Li Shimin's face immediately showed a proud look: "That's right!"

Lin Heng and Li Shimin said in unison. Seeing this, Lin Heng was slightly embarrassed: "Mr. Li, please speak, I will listen."

Li Shimin chuckled: "This tea tastes better than the best brewed tea in the Tang Dynasty. It is also refreshing and refreshing. You will never forget it after drinking it!"

Hearing this, Ma Zhou also nodded, then picked up a cup and took a sip.

In his mouth, a scent of tea suddenly filled the air, and Ma Zhou felt refreshed.

"nice one!"

Lin Heng smiled and said, "If Mr. Ma likes it, you can take some with you when you leave."

Ma Zhou waved his hand quickly: "How can this be so embarrassing? I'm just here to visit, so why should I take the owner's things?"

Lin Heng chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a worthless thing."

Ma Zhou had some emotion on his face. The man in front of him was quite generous. If he sold this thing, the price would definitely not be too low.

He was not stupid and could tell at a glance whether this thing was valuable or not.

Li Shimin chuckled: "Has the business of the paper shop improved recently?"

Lin Heng nodded: "That's right. At least the aristocratic family that wants to interfere behind the scenes won't do anything to me for the time being. The paper business has also been handed over to Cheng Hualiang. Generally speaking, there shouldn't be any problems."

Li Shimin was full of praise and said: "The Shijia's five-cent piece of paper is actually just a gimmick."

"What you have here is really ten cents a piece, and the cost is even lower than that!"

"With you here, it is estimated that within a few years, your business will reach all parts of the Tang Dynasty. I think the price of paper will also come down."

Lin Heng smiled and was noncommittal.

If he wants to continue doing this paper business, where will it take a few years for it to become popular?
In less than half a year, it is guaranteed that not a single piece of the family’s paper will be sold!

The quality is better than yours and the price is lower than yours. How can you be competitive?
Hearing this, Ma Zhou couldn't help but be curious.

"I heard Mr. Li say that you have low-priced paper, but have you really reduced the cost of paper so low?"

Li Shimin chuckled: "I've seen it myself. The overall process is not only simple, but the quality of the paper produced is also good. It's not simple!"

Ma Zhou nodded upon hearing this.

He did notice something.

This Lin Heng seems to have a good chat with His Majesty.

His Majesty was originally worried about the victims today, but when he arrived at Lin Heng's side, he was in a particularly good mood.

This young man is not an ordinary person. Except Changsun Wuji, who would dare to talk to His Majesty like this?

Li Shimin looked at Lin Heng with appreciation in his eyes.

After all, the person in front of me gave me a lot of surprises. "The paper business is settled, right?"

Lin Heng nodded and then talked about his next plan.

"Baibao Pavilion is not planning to expand for the time being. The current scale is already quite large."

"Leave the paper bank to Cheng Huailiang. If he does well, he can continue to expand and slowly radiate to the edge areas with Chang'an as the center, but I'm worried that Cheng Huailiang can't do it alone."

"As for myself, I recently harvested a piece of land outside Chang'an City and plan to grow crops and so on."

He admitted that there were frequent regional cultural exchanges in Datang, and he also admitted that many vegetables can be bought in the market.

But in total, it is actually just a little bit. Compared with the dazzling vegetable markets of later generations, it is still a bit worse.

So Lin Heng plans to grow his own vegetables or something.

Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

There are seeds in the warehouse and can be cultivated slowly, but there is no need to rush.

If you grow it, you will have more options for eating it yourself.

And maybe if you turn it over to the country, it will be another honor.

A piece of land to grow crops?

Li Shimin didn't quite understand, but he didn't care.

It is probably Lin Heng's unique hobby.

However, this kind of crops made Li Shimin immediately think of the victims.

"Oh, I don't know if you are clear about it."

"In Shandong Province, there was a severe drought for thousands of miles, and the people had no harvest."

"Hundreds of thousands of disaster victims are now flocking to Chang'an. Even if the local government intercepts some of them, many of them will come to Chang'an after all."

Lin Heng also remembered something.

"I've heard about this."


The two looked at Lin Heng: "Where did you hear this? Has the news not spread among the people yet?"

Lin Heng smiled, obviously not intending to confess to Chu Liang: "I also heard that Mr. Ma made a suggestion, which is to let businessmen contribute money and food for disaster relief, right?"

Ma Zhou nodded, then looked a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty and I have already considered this matter, but now that there is too much resistance and the family is collecting food, I'm afraid it won't be easy to proceed."

Lin Heng smiled: "It's not that simple. I'm a businessman. All considerations are based on interests. As for morality and justice, everything has to be photographed behind."

"Not to mention, among these businessmen, there are wealthy businessmen who have donated tens of thousands of their property to provide disaster relief. Whether it can have an effect when food prices are on the verge of collapse, just how to reward them is a question."

"You can't just say that if someone has ten thousand yuan, you can just give them a place in the imperial examination, right?"

"And you must set up different levels of donation. For example, if you donate a few hundred guan, you will give it to something, if you donate a few thousand guan, you will give it to someone, or if you donate tens of thousands of guan, you will give it to something."

"The first level must be the right to take the imperial examination. Otherwise, why would people donate? Then what should we give in the future? Should we directly give them meritorious services or directly let them become officials?"

"Wouldn't that mean selling one's position? If this continues, the immediate problem will indeed be solved, but who will be able to deal with the subsequent problems?"

After hearing this, the two fell silent.

They also thought of some of these things.

Unexpectedly, Lin Heng could see it so clearly.

This person's vision is still very broad.

The problem is that the country has no money now, and if it had money, it would not have food.

When the victims arrived in Chang'an, could it be possible to watch them starve to death like this? Where could it be like this?
Li Shimin hesitated slightly and looked at Lin Heng's calm expression.

"Hearing what you say, is there anything you can do?"

Lin Heng chuckled.

"The country has no money, so we need to borrow money!"

"Can't you just ask someone to borrow money?"

The two were taken aback.

Who can I borrow money from?
(End of this chapter)

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