Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 14 Little Persimmon’s troubles!Li 2 is here again?

Chapter 14 Little Persimmon’s troubles!Li Er is here again?

In the back hill of Xiaoqin Village, Li Fei was waving a hoe and was reclaiming wasteland.

Not long after, Li Fei, who was tired and sweating profusely, sat down on the ridge of the field and drank a few sips of water.

"too tired!"

"I want a cow!"

"The system will give me a cow!"

Li Fei shouted several times, but the system did not respond at all, so he could only hang his head helplessly.

Not only did he have no cattle, but the villagers in Xiaoqin Village also had no cattle.

Cows were still a relatively precious thing in the Tang Dynasty, and their status was similar to that of humans.

If you kill the cow, you will be gone too.

Li Fei lamented the misery of his status for a moment. How could he be left penniless when someone in time traveled through time and was either a prince or a young master, or his father left a tavern for his retirement?

Heaven is unfair!
Before time travel, although Li Fei was just a migrant worker, his family conditions were good and he was not under much pressure.

Now that I have traveled through time, I don’t know what happened to my parents, but I am still a farmer here.

At the beginning of the period, Li Fei was still full of energy.

But after a year, I have experienced everything that needs to be experienced, and there is not so much fun in the days of repeating the same mistakes.

Looking down the mountain, the villagers are busy in the farmland.

Large tracts of rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, and there are also thriving corn plants, which are so green and beautiful.

Corn seeds have been promoted to the villagers of Xiaoqin Village. According to the current era, Xiaoqin Village can really be regarded as a paradise.

At least, in this era when having enough food and clothing is enough for happiness, corn is indeed something of epoch-making significance.

"Hey...ah! Hey...ah!"

Just as Li Fei was looking at the foot of the mountain in a trance, Little Persimmon behind him picked up the hoe he had dropped and waved it around.

"Persimmon, come here!" Li Fei shouted quickly.

The little girl is quirky, but she knows how to care for people.

Seeing that Li Fei was very tired now, he thought of helping Li Fei to lighten his burden by hoeing.

Little Persimmon put down the hoe and ran to Li Fei covered in dirt, feeling a little distressed: "Brother, Persimmon is very strong and can help you hoe the ground!"

As she spoke, she clenched her red little fists and vowed.

"Silly girl, my brother didn't want to finish plowing this place. It's already enough. Tell me what you want to eat for lunch?" Li Fei smiled and scratched her nose.


"Hmm...what should we eat?"

"It seems like I want to eat the rice cooked by my brother..."

Little Persimmon suddenly fell into distress.

The food cooked by my brother is delicious. I was asked rashly and I really don’t know which one I want to eat.

"Oh, by the way, Da Zhuang's house in the village slaughtered a pig today. Did he send a piece of pork over?" Li Fei suddenly asked.Earlier, Li Fei went over to help.

Afterwards, Da Zhuang sent a piece of pork over to express his gratitude. Secondly, Li Fei had a very good character in the village and was the benefactor of the entire Xiaoqin Village.

Because of Li Fei's arrival, every household in Xiaoqin Village has planted corn, and they no longer have to worry about food.

"Yes yes yes!"

Little Persimmon clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother, do you want to have barbecue for lunch?"

Speaking of barbecue, little Persimmon's mouth is almost drooling.

"Hey, you can eat barbecue and other things as you like from now on. Today, my brother will show you his skills and let you try new tricks. Let's go!" Li Fei smiled, stood up and patted the dirt on his body.

Pulling Persimmon along, he walked towards his house.


Outside Xiaoqin Village, a carriage was parked in the distance.

The three people got off the carriage. It was Li Er and Changsun Wuji who had quickly changed their clothes after the morning court and traveled incognito.

Of course, there is also the eldest grandson Wugou who is eager to see everything and wants to run up the back mountain immediately.

"This Xiaoqin Village has beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is a paradise."

Changsun Wuji looked around and said with a smile.

They turned off the official road and bumped along the way for two hours before arriving at Xiaoqin Village.

If Changsun Wuji were to come here by himself, he might not know the way.

"Second brother, let's go!" Changsun Wugou urged beside him.

They hadn't seen each other for just a day, and Changsun Wugou was already very anxious.

The three walked towards the village.

All the way up, this time not as anxious as last time, Li Er also noticed the living pattern in the village.

The smoke is curling up from the kitchen, the rapeseed flowers are blooming in large tracts, and the corn plants are growing vigorously, which has a unique agricultural interest.

"Well, it smells so good. Is it the Chinese New Year in the village?"

"The smell of meat, I wonder what kind of meat this is?"

The pigs were slaughtered in the village, and there were not many people. Several families were cooking at the moment, and it seemed that they all got pork from the man named "Dazhuang".

Li Fei taught the villagers the skill of castrating pigs when he first came here. Now, there are many pig raisers in the village.

In addition, the straw left after planting corn can improve the soil on the one hand and can be used as feed on the other hand.

Of course, Li Fei suggested that they mix corn into it as feed, but the villagers unanimously rejected it.

Corn is so delicious that everyone is greedy for it, so how can it be given to pigs?
Li Fei didn't say anything about this.

When the villagers truly have enough food and clothing in the future, let’s educate them about the issue of quality.

At this moment, Li Fei, who had no idea that Li Er and Chang Sun Wugou were coming again, was busy in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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