Chapter 15 Mission: Oil splashing on noodles!

"Sizi, go out and play!"

"No, I want to help my brother."

"I really don't need you, just go out and wait for the food, okay?"

"No, brother is so tired. Persimmon wants to help brother...ah!"



"Persimmon... would you like to go out and play?"

"Um... well."

Fortunately, the bowls and ladles were made of wood, so even if they fell, it wouldn't matter. Li Fei quickly sent the young aunt out.

Then, continue with your cooking duties.

Just now, the system gave a task.

"Ding! Mission released: use pork to make fried noodles!"

"Task reward: In addition to the reputation value, if the reputation value gained this time exceeds 500, an additional skill will be awarded: Chef Mastery!"

That's right, Li Fei is not proficient in cooking.

And the world of the Tang Dynasty is far from as exaggerated and beautiful as imagined. It is really the kind of modern soy sauce potato shreds that can make Li Er's eyes glow green.

Therefore, Li Fei was able to open a restaurant in Datang just by relying on his skills before time travel.

"Is oil splashing on your noodles?"

Li Fei had already made the noodles and put them aside, awake.

Then, he looked at the pork on the chopping board.

It just so happened that this was a fat piece of pork. I don’t know what Da Zhuang thought, but he actually made such a big fat and small piece of pork.

What Li Fei didn't know was that the lives of the villagers who had little access to good meat had improved a lot since they started raising pigs according to his method.

In the Tang Dynasty, when stewing and boiling were the main dishes, the fat meat in a pot of stewed pork was more fragrant than the lean meat.

Of course, they don’t know the term pork belly yet.

But now, it was exactly what Li Fei needed.

Lin picked up the piece of pork, and Li Fei cut off all the fat on it and put the lean meat aside.

Before the Tang Dynasty, the ancients had already begun to use oil.

But in the Tang Dynasty, pork was regarded as meat eaten by the lower classes, so lard was naturally not much better.

Rich people use vegetable oil, which is the popular soybean oil.

But in the Tang Dynasty, which did not have any high-tech equipment, making soybean oil was easy, but preserving it was difficult.

As time goes by, soybean oil will have an aftertaste and discoloration, and it is very likely to go bad.Therefore, the oil noodles that Li Fei is going to make today will break the convention of using oil in the Tang Dynasty, and a new way of using animal fat and lard will be introduced!
Chop off the fat and cut into small cubes.

Li Fei set up a big pot and threw all the little cubes in.

As the temperature in the pot rises, the fat in the pot makes a "sizzling" sound, and then a layer of transparent fat appears on the bottom of the pot.

The unique fragrance of animal fat made Li Fei's nose twitch and he praised: "It still smells like this!"

My mother often did this when I was a kid, especially the leftovers after cooking the grease...

"What's the smell? It's so fragrant!"

"It smells so delicious! What delicious food is the young man making?"

"Hmm... this..."

At this time, two familiar voices suddenly came from the outer room, which immediately stunned Li Fei.

When he went out to take a look, Li Fei's face turned dark immediately.

"You are this?"

As soon as he saw Li Er and Changsun Wugou, Li Fei remembered the last time he had dinner. These two people really ate a lot.

Especially Li Er, he burped so much after eating!
Seeing that Li Fei's eyes were wrong, Li Er quickly laughed and said: "Little doctor, I am going out to discuss a business this time, and I happened to pass by you, so I will tell you some good news!"

good news?
Li Fei scratched his head in confusion and said, "What's the good news?"

Seeing Chang Sun Wugu playing with Persimmon on the side, and Persimmon smiling happily, Li Fei became less disgusted with Li Er's seeming to be cheating on him, and asked.

"Haha, it turns out, young doctor, didn't you say that transportation here is inconvenient?"

"A good thing is coming. I heard that there is a plan from above to build a road from here and connect it to the nearest official road. Then it will be more convenient for you, young doctor, to travel. Do you think this is a good thing?"

Li Er said with a smile, with a proud look on his face, as if he was saying "praise me now. Praise me now."

Li Fei had no doubt that he was there.

This person looked like he was either an official or a wealthy businessman. Since he was going out to discuss business, he must be a wealthy businessman.

But the road construction is all handled by the government. What do you, a wealthy businessman, feel proud of?
"Did you contribute to this matter?" Li Fei glanced at Li Er and asked.

This person is really dishonest, he thought in his heart.

As soon as Li Er saw Li Fei's expression, he knew something was wrong, and he quickly smiled and said: "No, young man, you may not know that in a few days, a delegation from the Western Regions will pass through here, so the road needs to be built."

"I also have some business friends in Chang'an. This is Lao Sun, who has a good relationship with me. As soon as I mentioned the inconvenient transportation here, Lao Sun did a favor and helped me."

Changsun Wuji was shocked in his heart, but with a smile on his face: "I heard that Xiao Lang has superb medical skills, and building roads is also a good thing for the benefit of the people, and he will accumulate virtue..."

The two sang together, and Li Fei really believed what these two people said.

"Okay, then you guys sit down first. My rice is almost ready, so you came at the right time."

Rolling his eyes, Li Fei hurried into the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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