Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 204 Aristocratic Family Action!Break through the blockade mission!

Chapter 204 Aristocratic Family Action!Break through the blockade mission!
the next day.

Early in the morning, Song Jiang had already packed his things, told his mother, and waited outside.

Not long after, Li Fei came out yawning, took Xiao Shizi and Du Mingyue with him, and had a busy breakfast.

Then, in the dew of morning light, they headed towards Chang'an City.

Yesterday, Lao Sun came personally and told Li Fei to go to Chang'an City today to settle the account for the stone materials.

At the same time, he fortunately warned Li Fei not to be in a hurry. Lao Li would send someone to greet him when the time came. Don't go there rashly alone.

Because of the extensive mining of rough stones in the past, the Five Surnames and Qiwang Family had a lot of goods in their hands. Yesterday, His Majesty openly revealed this matter.

These aristocratic families are on pins and needles at the moment. They cannot sell the rough stones they have in their hands, but they still buy them back at eighteen times the price.

It’s a shame that my mother doesn’t even recognize her anymore.

In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall and resorting to any means, Lao Sun warned him again and again. When Li Fei agreed, he left.

However, this early in the morning, Li Fei set off.

"Ding! Mission released."

"Mission: Break through the blockade of the Five Surnames and the Qiwang Family without relying on external forces and reach Chang'an City."

"Task reward: 1000 reputation points, 10 resourcefulness points."

Li Fei, who originally believed that doing more is worse than doing less, couldn't sit still as soon as he heard this voice and saw this mission.

Reputation is a trivial matter, but attributes are not easy to come across.

Moreover, this time it is 10 points of resourcefulness attribute all at once, which is equivalent to 10 reputation points when converted into reputation points!
Converted into silver, it is 100 million taels of silver!
Ordinary people may not be able to earn so much money in ten lifetimes, so do they want to give it up in vain?

That is absolutely impossible.

Li Fei is not a lavish person, and diligence and frugality have always been the traditional virtues he adheres to.

After a brief tidying up, the group of people rode on the road.

At the same time, the old men of several aristocratic families who had already sent people to spy on Xiao Qin Village also got the news immediately.

"Each of our families sent 10 experts. I heard that this madman only brought three people to Chang'an City, and one of them was a little girl!"

"A total of seventy masters, it should be more than enough to deal with only that madman, right?"

"Have the documents been drawn up?"

"Well, as long as this guy is willing to pay twenty times the price for these stones, he will be a friend of our Five Surnames and Qiwang Family in the future, and we will not embarrass him again!"

"It depends on whether he will give me this face."

"Hmph, no matter how strong he is alone, can he be stronger than several of our great families joining forces? If he really falls out with us, is there still room for him in the Tang Dynasty?"

"What I'm saying is, let's go quickly, that lunatic has already set off..."

As soon as several old men heard that Li Fei had left Xiaoqin Village and was heading towards Chang'an City, they quickly started making arrangements.

Not long after, tribesmen dressed in ordinary people's clothes, whose identities seemed to be hidden, filed out and headed out of the city.

They had only one purpose, to intercept Li Fei and put his fingerprints on the paperwork!
At the same time, the morning dynasty was in progress.

There was nothing going on in today's morning court, and soon Li Er announced his resignation, and then called Changsun Wuji to the imperial study room.

Not long after, while the two were talking, the guard outside the door suddenly came to report: "Your Majesty, Duke Zhao, something is not right!"

"There was news just now that the aristocratic families in the city have been dispatched and sent their own personnel outside the city!"

Li Er and Changsun Wuji were startled at the same time.

"It doesn't matter, let them go. I have already sent people there, so there is no need to worry."

The guard resigned.

Changsun Wuji frowned and felt something bad in his heart: "Your Majesty, it stands to reason that they got the news yesterday, so there is no reason to dispatch at this time..." "Unless... the young doctor has already set off!" "

Although the arrangements had been made repeatedly yesterday, Changsun Wuji did not dare to guarantee Li Fei.

Will you really be obedient?

Pure nonsense!

As expected, Li Er also frowned and said, "Didn't I ask you to tell him to pick him up when the people arrive and then come back?"

Changsun Wuji was speechless and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, if this young thief was so obedient, would he have escaped so quickly after committing the crime?"

"He would hardly trust anyone but himself, would he?"

Makes sense.

Thinking of all the previous events, Li Er suddenly understood and hurriedly said: "Then we are still talking about a hammer?"

"Send people out of the city quickly. This guy must have brought Si Zi with him. If there is anything wrong with Si Zi, I want their heads!"

This was clearly an angry statement, but Li Er's tone was already unkind.

Changsun Wuji hurriedly resigned and went out to arrange his troops.


Wangshan ran the dead horse.

The outline of Chang'an City could already be seen in the distance. Li Fei raised his eyes and saw that the journey would take at least more than an hour.

Knowing that people from the aristocratic family were already on their way, Li Fei was not in a hurry.

Since he had offended Qiwang of the fifth surname, Li Fei had no intention of reconciliation.

If you are offended, then you will go to death to offend, the kind that will not stop until death.

Anyway, the aristocratic family is not a good thing. There are still many things that will collide with each other in the future.

Not long after, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from not far away.

Soon, the figure came from far away to the place where several people were resting. It was Wang Yue, an acquaintance.

As soon as he got off his horse, Wang Yue hurried over and said, "Young Master, the family has sent people to intercept the Young Master!"

Sure enough, as expected.

Li Fei nodded indifferently and asked: "How many soldiers and horses have come, how powerful are they?"

"There are ten people from each of the seven families. They are all experts in secretly protecting the family. The heads of the seven families are also secretly accompanying them."

"This time they unite to surround the young master. They want him to sign the documents they drafted and accept the stones they have accumulated."

Wang Yue lowered his head and spoke quickly.

At this moment, he was also very anxious, especially when he saw that Li Fei only brought a few people with him, which made him even more anxious.

They all have no fighting capacity, what should we do?
Could it be that Young Master is planning to... blow up all these people to death like before?

"Seven families... 70 people... Is there someone from your Wang family?" Li Fei suddenly smiled and looked at Wang Yue.

The news that Wang Yue passed to Mr. Wang before was also approved by Li Fei.

But now it seems that Mr. Wang is also an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Facing Li Fei's gaze, Wang Yue did not dare to hide anything and said, "Yes, the head of the family has also sent people, but I don't know the specific plan yet..."

Specific plans?

Li Fei sneered: "I originally planned to use gentle methods, but it seems it's not strong enough. Sometimes I have to rely on force."

(End of this chapter)

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