Chapter 205 Is it okay to sign my master’s name?
"Let's go and see what tricks these aristocratic families can play."

After resting for a while, Li Fei smiled lightly and continued on his way with a few people down.

System tasks, free money, if you don't make money, you are really a bastard.

And outside Chang'an City, more than 20 miles away, people from the Qiwang family with five surnames had already arrived.

The forest trail is the only way to Chang'an.

Seventy masters sent by the family were hiding on both sides of the trail, hiding in the bushes, waiting for the arrival of Li Fei and his party.

Not far away, several old men were also looking here quietly, with nervous expressions.

"Would that kid not dare to come?"

"Why don't you dare to come? It's a huge sum of money, and Li Er agreed to it. If you don't come, wouldn't it be a crime of deceiving the emperor?"

"It would be fine if he doesn't come, then he can sell the stones in our hands and save us this trouble..."

"That won't work. Li Er doesn't have that much money. After all, at this price of eighteen times, even if Li Er doesn't build Dali Temple, he won't be so extravagant..."

"Shh! Here we come!"

When several old men were whispering, Mr. Li suddenly looked forward and whispered quickly.

Looking ahead, Li Fei was riding a horse, with Du Mingyue and Song Jiang behind him, heading this way.

"That's right, it's them!"

"The one in front is Li Fei. I have seen this person's face on the wanted notice before. There is no mistake!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Stepping into the woods, Li Fei revealed a wicked smile.

Further ahead is the flat road leading to Chang'an City. This is an excellent ambush place and the last chance.

As soon as he entered the woods, he already felt something was wrong.

After riding less than 50 meters, Li Fei reined in his horse and slowly stopped.

He glanced around and smiled lightly: "Stop hiding, come out!"

"Come out and talk about something. Do you really think that I don't know who you are?"

After Li Fei finished speaking, he suddenly——

"Cum clap clap!"

Dozens of figures suddenly emerged from the bushes on both sides. They were masters from those aristocratic families, and they all stared at him with unkind eyes.

At this moment, a guy who looked like a leader walked up to Li Fei in a few steps.

Just as he was about to speak, he realized that Li Fei was still riding on the horse, but he was standing on the ground, looking up at others.

Frowning, the man suddenly felt his aura weakening and said, "You, come down!"

"You all come down!"

Are there a lot of problems?
Li Fei got off his horse, not because the man shouted, but because it was difficult to do anything right away.

Seeing Li Fei get off the horse obediently, the little leader suddenly looked satisfied and thought to himself, this wanted criminal known as Crazy Li is not that good either!

Pretty easy to talk to!

"What's the matter?"

Li Fei asked.

The little leader took out a piece of paper from his arms, which was a document drawn up by several old men. He spread it out in front of Li Fei and said, "You, write your name on it!"

Is it so direct?

Li Fei looked around and saw various clauses on it, such as not being allowed to compete with the family for sales, and being willing to purchase rough stones at twenty times the price, etc.

No matter how good-tempered Li Fei is, he can't help but be amused by the overlord clause above.

"Who wrote this document?" Li Fei asked with a smile.The leader was stunned for a moment, and then said fiercely: "Our family leader personally drafted it, do you have any objections?"

If the family heads hadn't told him that the most important thing was to get this kid to sign the paperwork, he would have wanted to punch him.

Damn, this face is so handsome that you can’t help but punch it!

"Quick sign!"

"Are you looking for a fight?"

This leader is from the Li family in Longxi. He usually does menial jobs. Where has he ever encountered negotiation with others?

At this moment, seeing that Li Fei hesitated for a long time and refused to sign, he couldn't help himself.

Gritting and chirping, like a girl!
"This... I'm not qualified enough, what should I do?"

Li Fei's sudden words made the man stunned, and he quickly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Smirking in his heart, Li Fei patiently explained: "The so-called qualification refers to the qualifications and height of pretending to be compared. To be precise, it means that my status is low and my identity is not enough. How can I write my name on it?"

"Why don't you ask your master if I can sign my master's name?"

With an idea, Li Fei suddenly remembered someone he hadn't seen for a long time, and suddenly changed his tone.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. At that time, he was humiliated in Liangzhou, and Li Fei still hasn't forgotten it!

"You...wait, I'll ask."

"Keep an eye on them, don't let them escape!"

The leader of the men gave an order, took the documents and ran all the way to the place where a group of old men were hiding.

"Master, he said..."

Several old men frowned at the same time, and then slowly relaxed.

"Sure enough, this person does not do things alone. There are definitely others helping behind the scenes, and they are also members of the court!"

"Let me tell you, he is a young guy with no background, how can he make such a big splash?"

"Then let him sign their master's name. This guy is just an errand boy and is of no use at all!"

"That's right!"

This time, several old men reached an agreement at the same time and nodded.

Not long after, the male leader returned with the document and said, "Our head has agreed, please write your master's name on it!"

"Who is your master?"

Li Fei smiled slightly, with a proud look on his expression, and said, "My master is Junji, the Duke of Lu State. Haven't you heard of it?"

Lord Lu?
Hou Junji?
Not far away, the heads of several aristocratic families were startled at the same time, and then their faces relaxed, and most of the doubts in their hearts were eliminated at the same time.

No wonder the stones were obtained secretly this time, because Duke Lu’s mansion was also burned down!
Moreover, I heard that His Majesty wanted to punish him, but no news came out. It turns out that Duke Lu went to get stones!

"Although Hou Junji is also a thorn in the side, Li Er is quite critical of him now. He doesn't dare to fall out with us."

"That's right, Hou Junji likes to collect property. Even if his mansion is burned down, there must be some inventory elsewhere. He can eat our stones!"

"You have to eat it even if you can't. It's signed by his men in black and white on the paper. Are you afraid that he won't admit it?"

"That's the truth!"

On the other side, Li Fei dipped his pen in ink and wrote the three characters "Hou Junji" on the paper.

"Okay, you can take it."

"Gong Lu has been busy these past two days and needs stones to build his house. You can transport the stones over in the next few days and place them at the original site of Duke Lu's mansion."

"When the time comes, just take this and find the housekeeper!"

Li Fei clapped his hands and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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