Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 210 Li Xueyan: “Dad, you should use the sword!”

Chapter 210 Li Xueyan: “Dad, you should use the sword!”

Jiangxia Palace.

After a busy day, Li Daozong came home and saw his daughter Li Xueyan sitting alone in the yard in a daze.

With a suspicious look on his face, Li Daozong came to Li Xueyan's side with his hands behind his back.

He coughed dryly and said, "Yan'er, what are you thinking about alone?"

Normally, this girl would be either practicing her marksmanship alone or competing with her servants on martial arts. It was rare for her to be so quiet.


"Daddy is back."

Li Xueyan suddenly woke up, quickly stood up and bowed, then sat back down without saying a word.

Li Daozong was suddenly surprised.

This girl is usually very fickle. Did she change her temper after staying in the imperial city with Chang Le for one night?
After thinking about it for a moment, Li Daozong's face suddenly darkened: "Yan'er, is it possible that someone bullied you?"

With this look, he looked like he was being bullied.

After all, Li Daozong was also a minister of the Ministry of Punishment. The famous King of Jiangxia, how could someone dare to bully his own daughter?

"No... nowhere..."

"Daddy said it, my daughter will be lucky if she doesn't bully others. How can anyone bully others..."

"It's just that my daughter's skills are not as good as others, already...already..."

That's right, Li Xueyan is worried about competing with Li Wan.

Although she had a strong temper and refused to admit defeat, after the fight with Li Wan that day, Li Xueyan also knew that the gap between herself and Li Wan was getting wider and wider.

With her competitive character, although she refused to admit defeat, she was already discouraged in her heart.

I always feel like I'm wasting my time and doing some useless work.

"Skills are not as good as people?"

"Who did you go out to fight with again?"

"That's not right. You are in the Imperial City. Who else's daughter is practicing martial arts... Wait, Li Wan is back?"

A few days ago, I heard this unfortunate girl talking about Li Wan every day. Now seeing this lost look, could it be that she made Li Wan cry?
Seeing his daughter nodding, Li Daozong secretly said that it was true.

Smiling, Li Daozong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's all trivial, why do you care so much?"

"In addition to being proficient in the art of war, Li Jing is also a swordsman himself. A few pointers to Li Wan are more than enough."

"Your father and I are good at knives, but the weapon you girl uses is a gun. Even if father wants to teach you, there is nothing he can do!"

While talking, Li Daozong looked at the big gun behind Li Xueyan and couldn't help but be speechless.

There are many second-generation martial arts practitioners in Chang'an City, but except for Cheng Yaojin's son Cheng Chumo, who inherited his father's axe, most of the others are swordsmen.

There are only a few people who play with guns, and even if they are guns, they are not as big as Li Xueyan!
Li Xueyan's big spear is not only powerful and heavy, but also weighs twice as much as an ordinary spear!
Even though this girl was born with supernatural powers, if she used an ordinary weapon, she would not be at a disadvantage against Li Wan.

"Humph, daddy will talk useless nonsense."

Li Xueyan curled her lips and suddenly thought of something: "Let someone teach me?"

In an instant, a figure appeared in Li Xueyan's mind, and her eyes suddenly lit up!
Yes, I now have a cheap master!

From the few moves that Li Fei was familiar with that day, Li Xueyan knew that this person was no small matter. How could he forget this?


"If the spear master can give you some advice and change your weapon, it won't be a problem to defeat Li Wan."

Li Daozong nodded affirmatively, wondering what was going on when his daughter suddenly became happy. "Yes, Daddy, I want to go out!"

"I promise not to fight, I'm going to find the master!"

Li Xueyan jumped up immediately. Just when he was about to talk about Li Fei, he suddenly remembered that the relationship between his father and Li Fei was not happy, so he quickly changed his words.

"Looking for Master?"

"Where did the master come from?"

Li Daozong suddenly looked suspicious, stared at Li Xueyan several times, and then said uncertainly: "Look for a better excuse next time. Are you trying to deceive your father and me with this little trick?"

Subconsciously, Li Daozong thought that this girl was going out to find someone to fight with again.

"Dad, I swear, I will never fight!"

"I really want to find Master!"

"Sister Li Zhi also knows about this matter, you can ask sister Li Zhi!"

Li Xueyan's face suddenly fell, and she looked aggrieved: "My daughter finally found a master, dad, just promise me!"

"At most a month, oh no, half a month, my daughter can easily defeat Li Wan!"

"Otherwise, my daughter will lose to Li Wan every time. Wouldn't daddy blush when he sees Duke Wei?"

Who is this master?
Li Daozong touched his chin seriously, as if he was moved, and nodded: "Well, daddy never blushes, go to bed early."

After speaking, Li Daozong walked away.

In the yard, Li Xueyan was dumbfounded and suddenly said angrily: "Dad, you are not a swordsman at all, you should be a swordsman!"

Li Daozong, who was walking towards the house, had just stepped up the steps when Leng Buding was so excited by these words that he staggered and almost fell down.

He was angry at this unlucky girl, but he hurried back to the house without stopping.

If I was rubbed by this girl for a while longer, my attitude might not be so firm!

Not long after, the moon reached the zenith.

A door in the side room opened, and Li Xueyan, dressed in black and wearing a mask and a smart outfit, sneaked out.

After looking around a few times and finding no one in the yard, he chuckled.

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

"Since I can't go out openly, I have no choice but to sneak away!"

"Wait for me for a month and I will definitely defeat Li Wan!"

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Li Xueyan quickly climbed over the courtyard wall and ran outside.

The timing was also coincidental. I heard that that guy had arrived in Chang'an City, and I was so disappointed that I ran as far away as Xiaoqin Village!
Li Xueyan climbed over the wall and left, and the lights in the main room turned on.

Li Daozong looked helpless. Two guards stood in front of him and said, "Sir, the lady slipped over the wall and left a letter."

Opening the letter, the content inside is roughly the same as what I just said.

Sighing helplessly, Li Daozong shook his head: "This girl has lost her mother since she was a child and has a wild temper. It may not be a good thing for me to restrain her like this..."

"When you grow up, you should go out and see things by yourself..."

"You two follow her. Unless your life is in danger, you don't need to interfere in any matter. When Yan'er grows up, it's time for her to have her own ideas."

The two guards nodded and said in unison: "Yes!"

After saying that, the two quickly left the house.

If Li Fei saw this skill, he would probably praise him a few times!
(End of this chapter)

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