Chapter 211 The thief, Li Xueyan is sneaking in!

Chang'an City, a small and quiet house somewhere.

Du Mingyue coaxed Little Persimmon to sleep, then filled up the hot water and walked to Li Fei: "Master, it's time to rest and wash up."

Li Fei was studying something at his desk. When he heard this, he stretched out his hand and took Du Mingyue into his arms.

"You know if I call you Young Master to have more children, you will call me husband in the future?"

Du Mingyue's face suddenly turned red, she gently lay on Li Fei's shoulder, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Old... husband... it's time to rest..."

"Well, that's right."

Li Fei gently brushed her hair and said with a smile: "You go to sleep with Persimmon first, I will go to bed later."

With a slight hum, Du Mingyue went back to the house and went to bed.

On the table, Li Fei was looking at something like a roll of bamboo slips and frowned.

This thing is none other than the reward for the attack on Ping'an County that was just completed not long ago.

Mohist mechanism!
The Mohist School advocates universal love without attacking. This existence is similar to a sect but is free from the secular world. It has developed an epoch-making item - a mechanism!
At this moment, the bamboo slips in Li Fei's hands were the blueprints of the Mohist organ technique.

On the drawings, Li Fei was amazed by the precise parts and components, and couldn't help but sigh at the infinite wisdom of the ancient people.

There are complex mechanisms and simple ones, and the specific production methods have been imprinted in my mind.

But if you want to make something like a real machine beast, you need to process it part by part.

"This mechanical tiger is good, but it's a bit too complicated. Otherwise, I could have found something similar to an inflatable doll for Xiaobai..."

Li Fei flipped through the bamboo slips and saw the method of making a mechanical tiger, which was three or four pages long, and he immediately shook his head.

After much deliberation, let’s try the simplest machine dog!

The machine dog doesn't have many parts, only about a dozen.

After thinking about it roughly, Li Fei had an idea in his mind and planned to try it tomorrow.

Close the bamboo slip and put it back into the storage space.

Li Fei was about to undress and fall asleep when his ears suddenly twitched.

Immediately, he got dressed, turned off the light, and quietly walked out of the door.

There seemed to be movement near the courtyard wall. It sounded like someone was approaching. Is there a thief?

Or those guys with the fifth surname and Qi Wang?
Thinking of this, Li Fei's face suddenly turned cold.

There were Du Mingyue and Xiao Persimmon in the room. If these guys really dared to do something so extraordinary, Li Fei wouldn't mind another explosion in Chang'an City!

At this time, the movement on the wall stopped for a moment.

Then, under Li Fei's strange eyes, a slender black figure climbed up the wall with difficulty.

z looked around a few times, and the figure fell down with a thud, followed by a suppressed "ouch" sound.

Li Fei was stunned for a moment, and his mind couldn't turn around: Whose thief is this?

Are you so stupid to imitate other people's methods of circumventing the firewall?
The coldness in his eyes was much less, and the voice sounded familiar. Li Fei didn't remember who it was for a while.

But, it’s actually a woman?
With a strange look on his face, Li Fei leaned against the corner without making a sound and watched the figure get up.

Then, he quietly sneaked to the door of the house and hid under the window.

Li Xueyan looked at the room with a troubled expression while covering her butt, and whispered in her mouth: "Why does this guy go to bed so early?"

"What kind of master is this? He takes in a disciple and doesn't care at all. Does he not react when his disciple runs away?"

"It's broken. Maybe there are Mingyue and Persimmon in the house. What should I do?"

Afraid of waking up Du Mingyue and Xiao Shizi, Li Xueyan thought for a while and simply squatted on the doorstep and waited quietly.

"Well..." Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the side and directly covered Li Xueyan's mouth, dragging her aside.

After a while, Li Fei looked at this uninvited guest, with black lines on his forehead: "What are you doing over the wall in the middle of the night?"

This thief is none other than the female disciple he took under his wing, Li Xueyan!
The daughter of Jiangxia King Li Daozong!
Originally it was just to complete the task, Li Fei didn't take it to heart, so Li Xueyan left as soon as he left, it didn't matter.

But now, this girl is here again?

"Wow! Master, are you squatting on me?"

"That's awesome, how did you know I was coming?"

"Master is here, please accept the disciples!"

Li Xueyan was surprised at first, but then quickly realized that he was here to learn from Li Fei, so he must not lose his etiquette!

Li Fei was startled, and then looked at Li Xueyan suspiciously: "Is there nothing wrong?"

"Not to mention what is the purpose of coming to pay homage to my master? Just because it's so late at night, why can't you come here during the day?"

Li Xueyan's face suddenly turned bitter: "Master, just be okay, I ran out secretly and am homeless!"

"Li Wan's sword skills have become even more powerful. I also want to learn marksmanship. Master, you must be good at marksmanship, right?"

That day in the woods, Li Fei caught his own trick easily, and Li Xueyan took it for granted.

Li Fei must be a master of spear skills!
"have to……"

"Even if I want to study, now is not the time. I have to go back and forth from where I came. Rest is the most important thing!"

Li Fei finally understood that this woman was really crazy!
I came here late at night and actually sneaked out!

Li Fei couldn't help but feel speechless when he thought of the appearance of Jiangxia King Li Daozong. He seemed to have a lot of grudges with this person, right?

What if Li Daozong knew that his daughter came to him at night and exploded in anger?


"I do not go!"

"How could you do this? Once I am a teacher, I will always be a father. You can't ignore me!"

Li Xueyan suddenly became unhappy and sat directly on the threshold, with the big gun in his hand stuck on the ground, as if he was a door god.

don't go!
"...Then you stay alone, I'll go to sleep first."

Unable to drive him away, Li Fei looked helpless.

Patting Li Xueyan's shoulder, Li Fei walked into the house and said as he walked: "There is a room next to it. If you are sleepy, find a place to sleep."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow."


Meanwhile, late at night.

The lights in the household are still bright.

Wei Zheng hasn't left yet, and he stays in the Ministry of Revenue with Dai Zhou, looking at the account books from the first year of Zhenguan to this year.

At this moment, the expressions of the two of them had changed again and again. In the end, they were numb and livid with anger!

"This group of rip-offs spent so much of our Datang's money. It's an unforgivable crime!"

"Come here, ask everyone from the household department to come over, why don't you let me sleep?"

"Old Wei, there is no need for you to join me tomorrow. I will go and apologize to your majesty in person!"

(End of this chapter)

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