Chapter 219 Wei Zheng!Why are you so mean?

"Yes, Fang Xuanling, what you said makes sense."

"I have thought about this move before, but now it seems that it is still a bit unreasonable."

"The influence of the aristocratic family in Yunzhou is not small. If the aristocratic family spreads the news in advance, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the stability of the royal family."

Li Er nodded slightly, then opened his mouth to admit his mistake sincerely.

Seeing this, Fang Xuanling also breathed a sigh of relief. He originally came to see His Majesty to talk about this in the afternoon, but he couldn't find anyone.

I was hurriedly summoned in the evening and saw that His Majesty personally gave up this plan. I felt relieved and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty is far-sighted and I admire you very much!"

"Come on, stop flattering."

"Although this method doesn't work, I still can't swallow this breath. I definitely can't let these guys live so comfortably."

Seeing the three people breathing a sigh of relief, Li Er was amused and at the same time, he became serious.

Du Ruhui looked at Li Er and asked, "Does your Majesty have any good ideas?"

"I am willing to listen attentively!"

With this look and tone, how could Du Ruhui, who had always been very discerning, not see that His Majesty was trying to show off?

Come over quickly and give me a step so that your majesty can come and show off.

"Well, Ruhui, you understand me very well."

After looking at Du Ruhui, Li Er nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "We can't be so rough when dealing with aristocratic families. We need to take a long-term approach."

"The capabilities of aristocratic families are nothing more than concentrated in economic and cultural aspects. We should start from these two aspects!"

"This time, Jieli gathers elite troops to attack Yunzhou. We can take the lead in building momentum with fishing boats..."

Li Er's eloquence made Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui dumbfounded.

Soon, the three people's faces gradually changed from being normal at first to expressions of shock, and their mouths couldn't help but open.

Changsun Wuji was listening and had actually begun to doze off.

Who wouldn’t get tired of hearing the same words a second time?
Not long after, Li Er looked at the three of them with a smile and said: "In this case, the family has to contribute, what about this move?"

The three of them were already stunned by this set of operations.

After reacting, even Wei Zheng had nothing to say, and they all bowed their heads respectfully: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Haha, my dear friends are exempt from the gift!"

"I have already told you exactly what to do. Next, it will be up to the three of you to do this. Make sure not to let the news leak out!"

"If this move is successful, not only will Yunzhou be safe and sound, but the influence of the family will definitely not be as good as before. Do you understand?"

The three people quickly accepted the order and said yes respectfully.

Not long after, several people came out of the imperial study room.

Changsun Wuji yawned, feeling sleepy now. Looking at the starry sky, his stomach growled with hunger.

I was so excited at that time that I didn't even have time to have dinner, and now I was hungry.

"Old fox Changsun, wait!"

Behind them, the three of them hurriedly caught up. Changsun Wuji stopped when he heard the sound and turned to look.

Fang Xuanling and three others came after him, only to see Du Ruhui looking at him suspiciously and saying, "Old fox, Changsun, please tell us all. What have you and your majesty been doing recently?"

The two of them have been out of the palace frequently recently.

It doesn't matter if it happens once or twice. If it happens more than once this time, it will be difficult not to be discovered.

At the very least, Fang Xuanling came twice this afternoon, and Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng came once each, but no sign of His Majesty was found.

"Hey, this is a secret. You can ask His Majesty yourself." Changsun Wuji chuckled and chose to keep it secret.

How can you tell others this kind of thing so easily?
Fang Xuanling suddenly became angry, looked at Changsun Wuji and cursed: "Well, you old fox, you are so tight-lipped, so you must be serious about it. Is there a strange person to help with this plan?"

"Why has Your Majesty changed so much recently?"

In the past, Li Er always asked them to make suggestions and then nodded or shook his head.

But recently, many of the decisions Li Er made frequently made them amazed.

Is this the same His Majesty who left the shop behind?
Changsun Wuji still shook his head and said: "No, no, I won't say anything about this unless Your Majesty speaks in person."

Well, a group of people are here now. What if His Majesty’s identity is exposed?
At this time, Wei Zheng looked at Changsun Wuji and said quietly: "Zhao Guogong, I still have several of your books. I will read a few of your books tomorrow morning, unless..."

"Old Wei Zheng, why are you so mean?"

Changsun Wuji's momentum suddenly froze, anger arose in his heart, and he glared at Wei Zheng.

After a moment, he could only say dejectedly: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Next time His Majesty and I leave the palace, you guys will follow us secretly..."

If someone catches your little tail, you are destined to bow your head.


Chang'an City, the residence of the Li family in Longxi.

In the morning, Mr. Li was drinking tea leisurely while waiting for news.

About half an hour later, the housekeeper ran in from outside in disgrace. When he saw Mr. Li, he knelt down and said, "Master, please punish me if you don't do things well."


When Mr. Li took a look, he saw that the housekeeper's clothes were dusty and there were several footprints on his body. He looked like he had been beaten.

Frowning, Mr. Li's face suddenly darkened: "Get up and talk. Why do you look like this?"

"What happened?"

The housekeeper burst into tears of grievance and said quickly: "Master, I was ordered to go to Duke Lu to ask for an account. I never thought that when I arrived at Duke Lu's house, I didn't even get through the door!"

"Then, several servants came out of the mansion and said that Duke Lu had never ordered stones. He argued hard and was beaten up by them."

"I got kicked out in the end!"

Mr. Li's face suddenly became furious: "This is unreasonable. How dare Hou Junji do this?"

"I don't want to embarrass you when it's written in black and white. How dare he treat you like this?"

"I'll go there in person!"

Mr. Li left the door angrily, turned back quickly, went back to the house, picked up the document, and went straight to Duke Lu's mansion.

Not long after, Mr. Li arrived at the door of the mansion.

At this moment, the door of the mansion was wide open, and Mr. Li was suddenly startled and looked over.

In the courtyard, Hou Junji was holding a cup and chatting over wine with someone opposite, feeling very uncomfortable.

And that man looked young and looked like Mr. Li knew him. He was none other than the current prince Li Chengqian!

"Why is the prince here?"

Mr. Li frowned slightly, then put the document in his arms and walked directly in.

"Meet the prince."

"Dong Lu, the prince is here. Can you explain what happened just now?"

Mr. Li first bowed as he entered, then looked at Hou Junji and asked with an unhappy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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