Chapter 220 Mr. Li and Li Chengqian!
Mr. Li naturally did not come alone.

Behind him, the gray-haired butler with a bruised nose and swollen face hurriedly followed him and stood behind Mr. Li.

In the yard, Li Chengqian didn't look surprised when he saw the person coming.

This time, it was Hou Jun who had invited him over and said he would have some good tea with him.

But now, things don't seem that simple.

"Master Li, why are you free to come here today?"

Li Chengqian asked with a smile.

Li Yuan's branch, in terms of origin, also comes from the Li family in Longxi.

Mr. Li is of the same generation as Li Yuan, and can be regarded as Li Chengqian's elder, so these words are quite polite.

Hou Junji saw the person coming, his eyes fell on Mr. Li's face, and he snorted.

"Master Li, I have never changed my name in business or surname. What do you want to ask me about?"

Seeing the housekeeper behind Mr. Li, Hou Junji sneered.

Previously, before Li Chengqian came over, the housekeeper came over with the bill and asked for money, but was kicked out by Hou Junji.

As a result, the housekeeper felt unwilling to give up. He was from the Li family in Longxi, so how could he give up?
So he argued with the people in Hou Junji's house, but was beaten out!
Mr. Li's face also darkened, he came to the yard and looked at Hou Junji, and said coldly: "Duke Lu, I respect you, please don't be ungrateful!"

"It is natural to pay back debts. Everything is written clearly on the bill. Why don't you pay the money you owe?"

"Not only that, but you also beat me, a member of the Li family, what's the point?"

One is the Duke of the current dynasty, and the other is the head of the aristocratic family. In terms of status, the two are equally matched.

But Hou Junji's attitude at this moment made Mr. Li furious and his eyes were evil!
People from aristocratic families are said to be arrogant, but I never thought that Hou Junji was more arrogant than me!

"Is there any reason?"

"Haha, take out the bill. The prince happens to be here too. Let the prince see what your bill looks like."

Hou Junji sneered and looked at Mr. Li with contempt in his eyes.

Next to him, the housekeeper of Hou Junji's house had already presented the bill and spread it out in front of Li Chengqian.

At first glance, Li Chengqian was also stunned: "These stones... actually cost thousands of dollars?"

This is too outrageous, right?
You know, these are ordinary stones, just slightly processed, and there are no other processes.

Real concrete technology is naturally not included here, but these stones actually cost [-] pieces!

As the old saying goes, a wealthy family can already be considered a powerful person, but what about now?

Just selling stones can earn you [-] guan. If you look at it this way, wouldn’t everyone be able to become well-off?
"Master Li, isn't your price too outrageous?"

"No wonder Duke Lu is so angry. Even if this happened to me, I can't agree to it!"

Li Chengqian's face also turned cold, he looked at Mr. Li with sharp eyes, and said with an unhappy expression.

Hou Junji was originally from Li Chengqian's side.

At this time, Li Chengqian showed an obviously unhappy look and took Hou Junji's side.

When the prince spoke, even if Mr. Li had more qualifications, he couldn't just let it go.

However, he also has confidence.

Calmly, Mr. Li looked at Li Chengqian and said, "The prince doesn't know something. Due to the reconstruction of Dali Temple recently, the price of stone has increased a lot."

"The price I gave Lu Guogong is not high compared with the prices on the market."

The price of stone on the market has been increased to eighteen times. As a participant, Mr. Li naturally knows this.Li Chengqian was startled for a moment, and then looked at Mr. Li with an angry look on his face: "Master Li, do you think this prince is a fool?"

"No matter how scarce the stone is, it's not something hard to find. How could it be so outrageous?"

In the past few days, Li Chengqian did not pay attention to this matter.

It's not the prince's turn to worry about the price of a stone.

Mr. Li laughed and said, "That's true. The prince only needs to ask someone to know the situation."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian glanced at Hou Junji, then turned around and said, "Go to the city and find some stone merchants. I want to ask them!"

"We don't want merchants from aristocratic families, just find a few ordinary stone merchants!"

Not long after, seven or eight businessmen came in from outside and hurried to pay their respects.

"We will pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince and Duke Lu!"

Looking at several small and large businessmen, Li Chengqian said: "No need to be polite, I have called you here to find out whether the price of stone in the city has changed recently?"

Several businessmen also saw Mr. Li and recognized him. They hesitated for a moment and didn't know how to speak.

"Let's talk, with this prince protecting you, no one dares to make mistakes."

Li Chengqian said lightly.

At this time, a businessman hesitated for a moment and said: "Your Highness, the price of stone has indeed increased a lot in the past few days."

"But in the past two days, I heard that His Majesty has decided on a stone supplier, and the price of stone has dropped again."

"The prices a few days ago were scary..."

A few businessmen said a few words.

Not long after, Li Chengqian waved them away.

Mr. Li looked calm.

"Master Li, I already know about this matter, but this price is exaggeratedly high. If you do this..."

Li Chengqian said lightly, intending to excuse Hou Junji.

However, Mr. Li calmly took out a piece of paper and said, "If it were normal, I wouldn't say anything."

"But your name, Hou Junji, is written in black and white on this document. Now you want to deny it?"

own name?
Hou Junji's eyes fell on the document, and he was startled when he saw the three big characters "dragon flying and phoenix dancing".

"Who wrote this?"

"What would my handwriting look like?"

Li Chengqian noticed the handwriting of those three characters, and his eyes lit up: "Gong Lu, this handwriting is simply amazing!"

The Thin Gold Body, Song Huizong's unique skill, appeared in this era ahead of schedule, and Li Chengqian was immediately shocked!

Mr. Li didn't care so much and sneered: "Hou Junji, are you still pretending?"

"This is your servant. The man named Li Fei wrote the book on his behalf, and now he doesn't admit it?"

"Don't tell me that you don't know this person. Who else in Chang'an City needs so many stones besides your family?"

Hearing this, Hou Junji exploded: "Who do you think you are? Li Fei?"

"When did he become a member of my palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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