Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 221: Turks are not women, so they just do what they say?

Chapter 221: Turks are not women, so they just do what they say?

At that time, Chang'an Imperial City.

In the imperial study, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Fang Du had just left, and Li Erfu squinted on the case for a while.

I've been mentally and physically exhausted lately and really feel a little tired.

One reason was because of the game between the aristocratic family and the imperial power. Li Er thought of many ways to do this, but in the end it didn't work.

Fortunately, I went out to find the doctor once and told him the truth about what he had done. Otherwise, if he really got to that point, he wouldn't be able to hold it back.

Another thing is about Turks.

Jie Li gathered his troops and planned to attack the Tang Dynasty. This rather passive environment made Li Er feel very unhappy, but he had no choice but to do so.

Because before that, there was another Weishui Treaty.

The foundation of the Tang Dynasty was unstable, so Jieli took the opportunity to send troops to attack Chang'an. If he hadn't led his men to bluff on the banks of the Weishui River, making Jieli suspicious and afraid to advance, the Tang Dynasty would have been lost.

But this incident will always be a shame for Li Er to those who know it.

This time, as if history was reappearing, Jieli once again wanted to attack the Tang Dynasty. Even if he mobilized troops and horses at this moment, he only had a [-]% chance of winning.

The Turks can escape if they can't defeat them, but what about the Tang Dynasty?

Escape would mean losing the territory. Jie Li could care less about the barren grasslands, but Li Er could not care less about the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

What's more, as the emperor of the Central Plains, if you give up your territory because you can't defeat barbarian foreigners like the Turks, the entire Tang Dynasty will probably be in chaos.

what can we do about it?

Li Er frowned.

If there were another 50 elite soldiers, Li Er really wanted to fight Jie Li and beat Jie Li to the point of defeat, even his mother didn't recognize him.

But now, except for the elite soldiers guarding Chang'an City, all that can be sent out have been sent out, and there are no extra soldiers and horses at all.

What a pity!

Li Er sighed, and suddenly there was a voice outside the door, and then the guard came to report: "Your Majesty, the Duke of Wei, Li Jing, wants to see you."

"Huh? Let him in."

Li Jing suddenly came over, and Li Er raised his eyebrows. He was really surprised: Could it be that this guy knew that he was considering using troops, so he just happened to come over?

Soon, Li Jing entered and saluted first: "Your Majesty, Li Jing, is here to see you!"

Li Er waved his hand and said with concern: "You don't have to be polite, pharmacist. He can already walk around. It seems that he is much better?"

Still lying there yesterday, Li Jing felt warm in his heart and said quickly: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I am in good health."

"I am requesting to see Your Majesty this time. I have important matters to discuss with Your Majesty."

Going to the Three Treasures Hall without anything to do, Li Er nodded naturally: "Tell me, I happen to have something to discuss with you."

Li Jing nodded quickly and said seriously: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the person I mentioned before, the Li Fei who made good plans to appease Tu Li and secretly instigated rebellion?"

"After thinking about it these past few days, I feel more and more that this person has talents in the world, and his strategy is also excellent. He is not something that can be found in a pond."

"I sincerely request your Majesty to recruit this person. If this person can be managed, I am willing to give up the post of Minister of the Ministry of War to this person!"

Li Jing's face was solemn, and everyone could hear the sincerity in his words clearly. He was completely abdicating his position and giving way to others.

Regardless of anything else, this Li Fei is really important.

This clever plan alone solved Datang's urgent need!
Without this move, no matter how Jieli's troops attack, Datang will definitely lose more and win less if they go to war with it.

"Pharmacist, why don't I want to do this?"

Li Er showed a wry smile and said: "I have already appreciated this person's talent, but this Li Fei is simply incompetent and is unwilling to become an official in the court at all."

"I made an excuse before to ask him to be the magistrate of Chang'an County. You don't know the expression on this kid's face. It's like I asked him to eat shit!"

"Not only that, this guy also told me that if anyone asks him to be an official, he will just rub oil on his feet and run away. What can you do?" Thinking of telling Li Fei that he should be an official, this guy looked constipated. Li Er's expression was unnatural.

That's being an official. Damn it, people who don't know would think that they would go to jail?
How many people are struggling to find an official position, but it is delivered to their doorstep, and they have to lick their faces to beg, but in the end they are rejected.

Li Jing's face twitched when he heard this, and he was speechless.

Are you really a freak, and there are still people who don’t want to be an official?

"Oh, what should we do? It would be a pity to let such a talent go..."

Li Jing felt heartache.

It is really difficult to find a successor.

However, there is also Hou Junji beside him who is eyeing the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. He has only recently stopped a little.

"No move!"

"I have also looked away. There is no way to force this matter. I can only follow this kid."

"Fortunately, this kid plans to stay in Chang'an City. If anything happens in the future, it will be easier to find him."

"If it were Xiao Qin Village, I really wouldn't be able to run away."

Li Er pinched his chin, looking helpless, and said to Li Jing.

Li Jing also nodded.

"By the way, is there any news from Yunzhou about Su Dingfang and Li Ji?"

Suddenly thinking of business, Li Er also became concerned and asked quickly.

"No news yet, it seems like nothing will happen."

"I have secretly sent Xue Wanche to Tuli's territory. If this can be done, Jieli's troops will be destroyed without attack."

"At that time, we can make plans based on the situation."

Li Er nodded and said in a deep voice: "If this plan is carried out, is it possible to pursue Jie Li?"

Thinking of the shame of the Weishui Alliance, the gloom in Li Er's eyes flashed.

"I'm afraid not. It would be too risky to pursue Jie Li, and our army is not familiar with the terrain in the grassland area. I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses if we attack rashly."

"Furthermore, even if we can win over Tu Li, we still have to be on guard. If Tu Li secretly communicates with Jie Li and instead prepares to lure the enemy deeper, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for our army."

Li Jing's eyes flashed with wisdom, he frowned and analyzed the situation, while telling Li Er to listen.

As a minister, it is natural to make the most correct choice at the critical moment.

Your Majesty is so angry that he wants to do something to Turks as soon as he hears about it. This is not a good thing.

Turks are not women, they must not be like this.

"Oh... So, let's wait for now!"

"Refund Jieli first, and then make plans."

"There hasn't been much movement in Tubo recently, but yesterday a spy reported that a small group of Tubo people had sneaked into various cities and were heading towards Chang'an."

After talking about Turks, Li Er began to have another headache.

Tubo, this weak and restless guy, came out to cause trouble again.

"There will be a grand event in the imperial capital soon, right?"

Li Jing was also startled. With his quick mind, he suddenly thought of the key point and asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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