Chapter 229 Not coming?keep going!

"My grass?"

"Who dares to break into my Turkic territory?"

"No, is there really someone coming?"

Li Fei suddenly fell from the sky and landed firmly in the central open space, confusing everyone on both sides!
As soon as Yuchi Baolin finished speaking, he was suddenly surprised when someone appeared in front of him.

Just looking at their backs, Cheng Chumo and the others' eyes flashed with disbelief!

Brother Fei is here?


This is Turkic territory, and no news has been conveyed back. How could Brother Fei come here?
Is it a prophet?
Looking at the bearded man in front of him, Li Fei made a gesture of grabbing something with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, the keris and the three-edged military thorn appeared in the hand at the same time!

Crisply and neatly, without any sloppiness, Li Fei's figure instantly stepped forward and chopped off the bearded man's head with a sword!
Then, like acrobatic tricks with his arms, he started a one-sided massacre just like he did with the three hundred elite Turkic soldiers before!

"Pfft puff..."

"Ahhhhhh! Kill him, kill him quickly!"

"Who is this guy? Why did he start killing us as soon as he arrived?"

"Stop him quickly! Surround him!"

In an instant, when the Turks reacted, the area was covered in gushing blood, and the corpses of more than 30 Turks fell in a pool of blood!
And the time has only passed less than ten breaths!

At this moment, the surrounding Turkic soldiers and horses came after hearing the news, but they were all more than ten meters in front of Li Fei, looking at this uninvited guest in horror!
"You...what the hell are you...human?"

"The leader is dead... he hacked him to death... I don't know what kind of weird weapon he was holding in his hand..."

"Too fast... too scary, he... he is a devil..."

Those Turks who were lucky enough to save their lives now retreated into the distance, daring not to approach Li Fei at all.

Just in the blink of an eye, the people around him fell down like wheat. This efficiency is really terrifying!

"What are you doing standing still?"

"Kill! He killed the leader and avenged the leader!"

"and many more……"

"There are so many of us, but we're still afraid that he can't do it alone? Go ahead!"


In the rear, there are more and more unidentified Turkic troops.

Soon, the Turkic soldiers and horses, including those who were hiding in secret to protect the food and grass, were also dispatched.

Not long after, the only opening in the valley was blocked by a sea of ​​people, and all the Turks turned their attention to the opposite side.

One person, Li Fei.

There were a total of three thousand soldiers and horses, and they were all elite cavalry. The scimitars in their hands flashed with cold light, and they rushed towards Li Fei waving them!

After Li Fei's death, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao were all Muggles!
Looking at the more than 30 Turkic corpses with their heads missing on the ground, Cheng Chumo swallowed hard: "Huaidao, did you see clearly just now?"

"How did these people...die so quickly?"

Qin Huaidao's eyes were also dull, and he said blankly: "How can I see clearly...these people die faster than committing suicide, I...I..."

Unlike the two of them, Yuchi Baolin's focus is obviously more direct and rough.

If he hadn't been tied up now, he would have wanted to wave the flag and cheer for Brother Fei!

But, even so, Yuchi Baolin's mouth was not idle!

"How handsome! My Caote grandma's mouth is really open!"

"The Turkic ancestors have really come to save us!" "Turkic ancestors, kill them! Don't let any of them go! Cut them! Cut them into pieces!"

Each and every Turkic cavalry had no idea how defiant the existence of Guabi was, and they still rushed forward one after another.

Kill this guy!
This important land of food and grass must not be lost!

Otherwise, this plan to attack Datang will go bankrupt!

A Turkic soldier, including his men and horses, was blown into bloody foam, and he didn't even have time to react.

Four or five Turkic cavalry rushed over, staring at Li Fei with ferocious smiles on their faces, and charged forward brazenly!
"Boom bang bang..."

The huge force acted on them. In the blink of an eye, they were turned upside down and trampled by the people behind them. They died with their eyes open!
"Stop rushing!"

"Don't be a coward, he's only one person, do it!"

"Fuck you, this guy is not a human being at all, we..."

"Charge, charge! Kill!"

"I support your mother..."

People were overturned, and from time to time war horses and Turks flew out of the field. This is not an adjective, but they really flew out!
After a while, the scene finally became quiet.

The blood on the ground became thicker again, and the broken limbs and the whining horses that fell to the ground told the story of the tragedy of this battle!

Li Fei stood motionless, just waiting for these Turkic soldiers and horses to rush towards him, like a god!
"keep going!"

"Why didn't you come?"


The sudden cessation of fighting made Li Fei feel refreshed, as if he suddenly softened and lost his mood.

The Turkic soldiers and horses opposite had earth-colored faces, and their eyes were no longer frightened, but filled with fear from deep in their hearts!
not human!
He stood and let the horses collide with him, but he was not hurt at all, and even the horses were bounced away!
Moreover, Li Fei had already retracted his weapons, and now he was using his bare hands, one punch at a time!
Is that human being?
Frowning slightly, Li Fei took a step forward.


A thousand elite Turkic soldiers and horses had been killed in the battle, and the remaining people all retreated, they were already frightened out of their wits!

"It's boring."

After murmuring, Li Fei no longer wasted time and turned around to walk to everyone.

One by one, he untied the ropes on everyone's bodies: "Let's go, no one should stop us now."



"Brother Fei, I think we can set a fire..."

"As you wish, I'll leave first."

"My very fast Brother Fei..."

Not long after, Li Fei came out of the valley leisurely.

The valley behind them was blazing with flames. The Turkic soldiers and horses had no intention of caring about Li Fei and others anymore, they were all busy saving food and grass!

After leaving the valley, Li Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw the three people with bruises and swollen faces.

Yuchi Baolin chuckled and said, "Brother Fei, you came in too time. If it had been any later, we might have been beaten by them!"

The three of them have inherited their personalities from their parents. They have always been soft-spoken rather than tough-minded, so this time they said harsh words with the intention of never going back.

Li Fei glanced at him and said, "You were the loudest shouter just now. Didn't you see that you were ready to accept death?"

Yuchi Baolin felt a little embarrassed immediately, and then he remembered something important and said hurriedly: "Brother Fei, I didn't see it before. Are you so cruel?"

"If we continue to train like this, can we be like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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